News for the Week of:

July 21, 2024

Dear Friends, 

It's been a heck of a week in our nation's life and, as I noted on Sunday, no matter your political position, I think the political violence of last Saturday has shaken us. I know I felt further destabilized by how swiftly news moved on to the RNC Convention, speculation about Joe Biden, and so on.

There is no question we live in a complex time made more disorienting by the rapidity of the news cycle and the hot takes and rabbit trails of social media.

My sermon last week was entirely inspired by the readings of the day and written well before Saturday night's events, but scripture is evergreen, reflecting on the dangers of power, of focusing on our own need and greed and power rather humbly placing ourselves before God. In that sermon, I ended by saying I saw three moves for Christians in this time: cling to the truth wherever it leads, live and work and speak from a place of compassion, and hold onto and pray and work for God's vision of Shalom.

As I was writing this letter, wondering how to say something more or better or different than that, I received an email from a parishioner sharing an article he wrote for the Religion News Service that provides a glimpse of how compassionate truth telling across the political divide at another fraught time in our history led to repentance, a change of life, and the in-breaking of God's Shalom. May it inspire us all in these difficult times.

See you in church!


Faithfully, Suzanne+ 

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Liturgical Minister Training - Summer 2024

Saturday, August 24 | 10:00am - 12:30pm

Training. Prayer. Reflection.

A late Summertime gathering for All Liturgical Ministers and All interested in becoming Liturgical Ministers. Do you assist on Sunday mornings? Reading, praying, acolyting, chalice bearing, ushering, altar guilding? Would you like to assist but want to learn more before committing?

Learn More & Sign Up

Questions? Please reach out to Suzanne, Colin, or Courtney.


Connect (online) at All Saints this summer!

We invite you to join us on the All Saints Social Distance Collective Facebook page

Summer is a great time for All Saints members to find new ways to connect and get to know one another better. If you're planning an event and want to invite All Saints folks, you can post it on the Facebook page and/or send the information to for publication in e-news. 

Recently Posted Invites include:

Lorraine Langer and Gretchen Schlabach invite all to join them for Broadway Rocks with joyful and familiar tunes on Wed, July 31st/ 6:30p at Jay Pritzker Pavilion.

Theology at the Annex:

Faith, Life, & Work

Wednesday, August 14 at 7:00pm

Come hear stories from All Saints parishioners about 

the impact of their faith on their professional and personal lives 

and have a chance to talk and connect with others about your own story.

Learn More HERE

Connecting Conversations

Saturday, August 10 from 9am - 11am

Join us for the third community conversation to get to know one another, share our hopes for our lives together at All Saints, and to dream about our future. Daycare provided.

If you missed the first two sessions and would like to participate in a shorter 3rd session, SIGN UP HERE.


All Saints volunteers at the Mobile Pantry

Saturday, August 10, 8:15-11:30am

Join us as we unload pallets of groceries from the Greater Chicago Food Depository, set up the pantry, and distribute groceries. This pantry operates rain or shine, so please come prepared for the weather. 

Volunteers of all ages are welcome (volunteers who are 17 y/o and under must be accompanied by an adult). It’s a terrific way to connect with other All Saints members and to support our neighbors in need. Contact Courtney if you want to know more.

You can sign up here. 

Please note: we can only bring 15 volunteers so please sign up early!

The Ravenswood Community Services (RCS) Board of Directors would like to thank you for your dedication to making sure our neighbors get the groceries they need.

No matter what volunteer role you play in RCS' operations, no matter which program you support or how often, you're invited!

Tuesday, July 23 between 6:00-9:00pm

O'Shaughnessy's (back room)

Do you volunteer and support Ravenswood Community Services? On Tuesdays? With the After School Pantry? Saturday Pantry? Cooking Team? With financial donations/contributions? Other behind-the-scenes way?

Stop by and let the Board say THANKS!

Ravenswood Community Services (RCS)

is looking for Tuesday Afternoon volunteers!

RCS is currently experiencing an historic increase in neighbors seeking assistance. If you've been thinking you might like to give volunteering with RCS a try, now would be a really great time. If you've tried volunteering in the past but were discouraged by full sign ups - please give us another shot! 


Check out the new RCS Volunteer Hub!

This page will feature all available upcoming Tuesday volunteer opportunities with RCS. Bookmark it for easy access to available spots without searching through your inbox for newsletters!

We're also looking for volunteers who would like to join our Tuesday Delivery Crew.

Every Tuesday between 12:30-2pm volunteers unload A LOT OF FOOD from pallets on the sidewalk to the Parish Hall for distribution. You should feel comfortable lifting 30-50 lbs and going up and down stairs. Those interested should reach out to Parker at


The Crisis Tapes Opening Reception

Friday, July 26 | 6:00-9:00pm

Filter Photo: 1821 W Hubbard St, Suite 207

Filter Photo is pleased to present, The Crisis Tapes, a solo exhibition of work by Chicago-based artist Charlie Simokaitis, curated by Allie Haeusslein. 

Learn more about this exhibit featuring parishioner/photographer Charlie Simokaitis.


The next vestry meeting will be on Tuesday, August 20 at 7:00pm in the Reading Room. Vestry meetings are open parishioners.

Serving This Sunday

Altar Guild: Steve Larson
Acolyte: Chester Kelly
Altar Guild: Tony Swain
Chalice: Michael Mattson & Skip Yates
Intercessor: Mark Sweeney
Lector: Reader 1: Skip Yates; Reader 2: José Sanchez-Perry
Ushers: Josephine Koo
Vestry Announcement: Halley Hoffman
11:00am Service
Acolytes: Jenni Masterson & Gretchen Schlabach
Altar Guild: Eric Swiecki
Chalice: Bill McHugh & Gretchen Schlabach
Intercessor: John Williams
Lector: Reader 1: Terry DeLisio; Reader 2: Bill McHugh
Ushers: Jim Hanna & Amy Jacobson
Vestry Announcement:

Facebook Livestream Team at the 11:00am Service

Audio: Jacob Farmer

Camera: June Coyne

We Pray For

Those who suffer in mind, body, or spirit: especially for John Hildebrand and Keith Fisher, Gail C., Susan, Andrew, Priscilla, Anne Gellman, godparents, Neal, and for those whose hurt, burdens, and fears go unspoken.

For those on our long-term prayer list: Stephanie, Ashton Christy, Carl Youngberg, Eugene Washington, Helen LoRusso, Peg Deppe, James Guite, Nina Chinn, Jim Crandall, Lionel Edes, Clara Maddox, Kamila, and Kathy.

For those around the world:  the people of Gaza and Israel, the people of Ukraine and all affected by war; and our siblings in Cuernavaca, Mexico; Renk, South Sudan; and throughout Latin America and East Africa.

For those who celebrate birthdays this week:

7/23 - Mark Kasten

7/24 - Margot Tucker

7/27 - Claire Kasten, Owen Kasten

For those who have died: especially for Cody Houlihan, brother of T. J. Houlihan. May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

If you'd like to have someone included in our community prayers, visit our website.

Request Prayer

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