Megan-Ellyia Green
Newsletter 86                        August 26, 2016
15th Ward

I'm back from vacation and busy catching up on your messages. The Board of Alderman will return from summer break after Labor Day. Here's what new this week.

Re-Envisioning Safety Town Hall

On Sunday, August 28th, the Tower Grove South Neighborhood Association will host the next "Re-Envisioning Public Safety" Town Hall event. 

Organizers from CAPCR will examine the current state of public safety in the city of St. Louis. The town hall is a  space for citizens to discuss both safety and government accountability, with the ultimate goal of using our tax dollars to create a responsive public safety model for the city, one that fights crime and meets basic human needs. Audience members are encouraged to share their experiences and insights.

The Town Hall will take place from 2 PM to 4 PM at Oak Hill Presbyterian Church, located at 4111 Connecticut.

Bicycle-Pedestrian Coordinator Hired

The City has hired Jamie Wilson as its first Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator. Wilson, a traffic engineer with the Streets Department, will collect bicycle-commuting data and work to expand and improve upon the city's existing initiatives, which include marked lanes, ramps and signage.

Walking and bicycle commuting can improve health and is a low-cost alternative to vehicle transportation, while also reducing air pollution and traffic congestion. There's a great need for integrated planning for alternative forms of transportation, so I'm glad to see further investment in this area.

You can learn more on the Missouri Bike Federation website, and direct questions to 

Thanks for all you do to make the 15th Ward in St. Louis a wonderful place to call home. It's an honor to serve as your Alderwoman.

The Honorable Megan-Ellyia Green
Alderwoman, 15th Ward
St. Louis, Missouri
Contact Me
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or a suggestion?



City Hall, Room 230
1200 Market Street 

St. Louis, Missouri 63103



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15th Ward.
Citizen Services Bureau

Concerns about garbage, graffiti, recycling, street lighting, or a local park? The Citizen Services Bureau (CSB) registers and routes requests about these and many other issues.


Notify the CSB   

Phone:  314-622-4800
Twitter:  @stlcsb 

Online:  Requests   


These are the committees I serve on currently. Meeting schedules vary.

Parks & Environment
Public Employees
Public Safety
Public Utilities