Empowering people with disabilities by providing options and opportunities.
Yikes!  It's been months since we've written.  Did you miss us?  Spring is FINALLY here and we couldn't be happier to start enjoying the nicer weather days with outings and outdoor events.  We have BIG news about our SustainAbilties? Hydroponics program, and save the date for the Warren County Disability Resource Fair next month.  Enjoy!

April is National Autism Awareness Month!
Autism has been deemed the FASTEST-growing developmental disability in the US.  As of 2010, the CDC reported a 1 in 68 diagnosis of Autism, which is a 30% increase from 2008.

Some important statistics regarding Autism and employment:


  • Young adults with an autism spectrum disorder are less likely to continue their education or get a job after high school when compared to young adults with other disabilities, new research indicates.
  • About 35 percent of young adults with autism attended college and only 55 percent had a job during the first six years after high school. Overall, they faced a greater than 50 percent chance of being unemployed or not attending college when compared to those with other disabilities
  • More than half of autistic young adults had no participation in either work or education during the two years after leaving high school, and even six years later more than one-third were without work or higher education, the study found.


We're fighting to change those statistics by offering ACES- Autism Customized Employment and Services at Abilities! 

The goal of Autism Customized Employment and Services is to promote learning environments that support each individual's needs and goals.  ACES offers employment and support services to people affected by autism spectrum disorder.  The services provided include the use of assessments such as Essential for Living, to determine functional skills related to language, social skills, vocational skills, and activities of daily living.

Services also include a customized employment approach in supporting individuals with autism in the workplace.  Finding the right position begins with discovering the interests and skills of the person; assessing the learning style and the work environment, and ultimately supporting the individual to be successful.


For more information about our ACES program, CLICK HERE.
Warren County Disability Resource Fair to be held on May 14th


Join us on May 14th between 2pm and 7pm for a collaboration between Abilities, Warren County Disability Advisory Committee, Dawn CIL, The Arc of Warren County and the county to bring the most up-to-date information about resources and services to individuals with disabilities and their caregivers.


The focus of the Disability Resource Fair is to share all the valuable resources available to families, students, educators, support coordinators and persons with disabilities.  By sharing local resources related to post-secondary education, adult services, independent living agencies, recreation and offering information about community agencies and organizations, we hope to make individuals and families feel more at ease in planning for the future.


Request for transportation assistance can be provided by Easton Coach by calling (908) 454-4044.  For more information about the Warren County Resource Fair call Michelle at 908-689-1118

Some DILLICIOUSLY exciting news!

Spring has sprung and Abilities hydroponics skill training continues to grow.  Thank you to Joe, Chris and Chip Chiappetta for donating their time and resources to building our water pond hydroponic system at Abilities Mary Apgar Center.  Our staff is being trained and we will be kicking off our hydroponics program by growing dill and selling the produce to a pickle manufacturer.  Stay tuned for pictures of our dillicious DILL plants as they grow from the seeds planted today!


Abilities will also be continuing our partnership with Edible Gardens in offering a skill training in food safety handling and hydroponic packaging.

Spring clean-up those old electronic items by donating to SustainAbilities? Electornic Recycling program!

SustainAbilities? recycles electronics and other materials while providing training and employment opportunities to person with disabilities.  Not only is Abilities providing a service by giving meaningful "green" job skill training,  we are also providing an environmentally sound "green" solution to the local community.  Click HERE for a list of items we accept!
We need 
your support! 

All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization.  YOUR DONATIONS  WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
How often do you purchase items online?
When shopping online use one of the following links BEFORE shopping, and a portion of each purchase will be donated
Amazon Smile Logo
iGive Logo
Electronic Waste

Donate old, working or non-working, electronic items to our SustainAbilities? Electronics Recycling program. Click HERE for a list of accepted items.
Food Pantry & Thrift Store
Our Phillipsburg Center is in need of canned/dry goods and
other general donations for our
Branching Out Pantry and
Boutique Thrift Store.
Donations can be made
at ANY of our 6 locations
throughout Warren County.
CLICK HERE for locations.

Abilities Hackettstown Center Celebrates Disability Awareness Month
Abilities Hackettstown Center Celebrates Disability Awareness Month
Under the Tuscan Moon gala honoring Wendie Blanchard a success!

We'd like to extend our gratitude to our sponsors, supporters, attendees, and our honorary chair, Wendie, for helping to make the evening unforgettable!  We dinned and danced in Tuscany elegance, celebrating the successes of Abilities and Arthur and Friends.  The event raised over $20,000 to be dedicated to the expansion of our SustainAbilities? Hydroponics program.  Photos of the evening can be found HERE.
Abili-Tee's Invitational Golf Outing

Join us June 29th at Hawk Pointe Golf Club for the annual Abili-Tee's Invitational Golf Outing sponsored by Bulova Technologies & Gurba Farms.  A SELL-OUT outing featuring 18 holes of golf on the beautiful grounds of Hawk Pointe, continental breakfast, lunch, goodie bag, event t-shirt, complimentary beverage during play and awards dinner.  Featuring door prizes and a silent auction raffle with popular items such as rounds of golf, sports memorabilia, gift certificates, and other great prizes!

Cost of $150 per golfer.  To be added to our invite mailing list, please contact us at 908-689-1118 or email info@abilitiesnw.com

Sponsorship opportunities are available, ranging from $2,500 event sponsor which includes golf package for eight, to as low as a $75 tee/green sponsor, and ad sponsorship in the commemorative event program.   

Hole-in-One contest prizes sponsored by Smith Motor Company, Johnson Dodge Chrysler Jeep, Rossi Chevrolet Buick GMC, and Phillipsburg- Easton Hyundai.   
All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations
as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization.  Thank you for your generosity!
Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. | www.abilitiesnw.com | info@abilitiesnw.com