The year was 1990... when a first class stamp cost 25?... the Hubble telescope was placed in orbit... Home Alone, Ghost and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the original) was on the big screen... AND our nation committed itself to eliminating discrimination against people with disabilities through the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Continue reading for more information about the ADA, results of the Abili-Tee's Invitational golf outing, nominations for the "Thomas M. Kennedy Excellence in Accessibility Award", and the discussion over at the Ask Me Campaign.
Celebrating 25 Years of the ADA!
 The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H.W. Bush. The ADA is one of America's most comprehensive pieces of civil rights legislation that prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else -- to enjoy employment opportunities, to purchase goods and services, and to participate in State and local government programs and services. Modeled after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin - and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 -- the ADA is an "equal opportunity" law for people with disabilities.
- Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits private employers, State and local governments, employment agencies and labor unions from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities in job application procedures, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.
- Title II applies to State and local government entities, and, in subtitle A, protects qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination on the basis of disability in services, programs, and activities provided by State and local government entities.
- Title III prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the activities of places of public accommodations (businesses that are generally open to the public and that fall into one of 12 categories listed in the ADA, such as restaurants, movie theaters, schools, day care facilities, recreation facilities, and doctors' offices) and requires newly constructed or altered places of public accommodation-as well as commercial facilities (privately owned, nonresidential facilities such as factories, warehouses, or office buildings)-to comply with the ADA Standards.
Signing Ceremony for Americans with Disabilities Act
ACES Success!
Autism Customized Employment and Services program at Abilities offers specialized support services to individuals affected by autism spectrum disorder. We would like to share an ACES success story involving Travis, where this program has played an integral role in the growth and accomplishments he has experienced within the last year. Travisloves being active, he enjoys art, science experiments, and exercising. When he first came to Abilities in 2014, however, he did not have a formal way to express his desires, needs and interests. Travis did have experience using an augmentative system on occasion, but with ACES it was established that he needed to use the system on a regular basis during program. For an entire month, every member of his support team at our Hackettstown program would wear the device (an iPad) on themselves consistently to allow him to get used to it for communicating. When he needed something, he was able to ask for it because the device was always available with his staff, secured in a satchel worn about the body. Very quickly Travis became accustomed to this process, and began to wearthe device on himself, allowing him to communicate with every member of his support team. Travis enjoys working on candy contract, participating in activities throughout the center, and going on outings in the community like Meals At Home. He enjoys coming to program and because of the success within ACES, will indicate to his home staff, by using his device, that he wants to go to program, even when the center is closed for the day. The ACES program was able to support Travis and his success in effectively communicating his desires, needs and wants to not only his support team at Abilities, but also to his staff at home, as well as his family. To find out more about the Autism Customized Employment and Services program at Abilities, please call 908-689-1118 or visit: abilitiesnw.com/aces.php
Ask Me! Campaign... Join the conversation
The Ask Me Campaign seeks to give a voice to workers with disabilities, their families and guardians in order to help them advocate to preserve employment options and opportunities. The Campaign also endeavors to raise awareness and share information regarding legislation that affects those options.
Tell YOUR story and have YOUR voice heard...head on over to the Ask Me Campaign if you are a worker with disabilities, family member, friend, guardian or advocate... AND Community Vocational Rehabilitation Programs are an important employment training option for you or someone you support. These programs provide the best preparation and assistance for securing and maintaining an integrated job in the community...always the first goal. They also provide employment opportunities i
n their social enterprises that may not otherwise be available. Having a place to go to work, and knowing that you have contributed to the community provides everyone with a sense of dignity and pride.
If you want to preserve options and choice, join the conversation on the Ask Me Campaign website. Your feedback and opinion is valuable and needed in order to help define the future of employment for people with different abilities.
All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization. YOUR DONATIONS WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
How often do you purchase items online?
When shopping online use one of the following links BEFORE shopping, and a portion of each purchase will be donated
Electronic Waste
Donate old, working or non-working, electronic items to our SustainAbilities? Electronics Recycling program. Click HERE for a list of accepted items.
Food Pantry & Thrift Store
Our Phillipsburg Center is in need of canned/dry goods and
other general donations for our
Branching Out Pantry and
Boutique Thrift Store.
Donations can be made
at ANY of our 6 locations
throughout Warren County.
The "Thomas M. Kennedy, Excellence in Accessibility Award"
A relentless advocate for people with disabilities, Thomas Kennedy touched the lives of people throughout Warren County. He tirelessly dedicated himself to this cause and the to the Warren County community.
After his passing in 2008, and to honor his tireless efforts and dedication to equality and access for all, the Warren County Board of Chosen Freeholders has established the "Thomas M. Kennedy, Excellence in Accessibility Award." By recognizing individuals, businesses, and organizations that are user-friendly and accessible to all and / or have initiated notable efforts which have facilitated accessibility, the award will help to promote to the entire community the immeasurable impact accessibility affords everyone.
Do you know an individual, business or organization who deserves a nomination for the Thomas M. Kennedy, Excellence in Accessibility Award? Nomination Form
Another beautiful, successful day on the course!
On June 29th we hosted a sell-out golf tournament at Hawk Pointe Golf Club. Thanks to our golfers, sponsors, donors, supporters and volunteers, we're proud to announce raising almost $17,000 to support continued program offerings and services.
Photos of the outing can be found on our FACEBOOK page: Click HERE
Mark your calendars for the following 2015 Abilities events:
- August 26th- Phillipsburg Center's Night Out at Friendly's in Phillipsburg. 10% of all sales benefit their art therapy and community integration activities.
- October 16th- 18th Annual Tricky Tray featuring Longaberger, Vera Bradley and Thirty-One Gifts
- November 11th- Abilities EXPO (Exploring eXceptional Persons Options), an opportunity for parents and caregivers to experience, first hand the many programs and services offered by Abilities
- December 10th- 6th Annual Festival of Trees hosted by the Rossi Family
- December 16th- Quilt Raffle
We're looking to fill a few key positions
Please contact Christian Mirabal via e-mail at cmirabal@abilitiesnw.com, call 908-689-1118 or visit our Careers page for more information regarding available positions.
All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations
as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization. Thank you for your generosity!
Empowering people with disabilities by providing options and opportunities.