Empowering people with disabilities by providing options and opportunities.
In this May edition of our newsletter you will find that we need your help in advocating to our nation's President about the importance of FLSA Section 14c, how we're Shredding the 'R' Word, what's new here at Abilities, and more!

We'd also like to thank all of our dedicated friends and supporters who have signed up for this newsletter.  This is our way of helping communicate program changes, news from all of our centers, and how your on-going contributions have and will continue to support our mission of improving the employability and quality of life for people with disabilities.  Thank you!
Help Advocate the importance of FLSA Section 14c
Letter to the President
A special message from our CEO, Cindy Wildermuth

Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. provides employment services and day programming to individuals of every level of ability. We tailor our programs and services to meet the needs and goals of those we serve. Our agency has placed nearly 600 individuals into competitive community employment, many of whom developed their skills first in our center-based programs, prior to their community placement. And many, due to their skill level, have been placed directly into competitive community employment.


We also serve a large number of individuals who, because of their specific challenges, choose to be programmed in a structured, secure setting with professional supports available at all times. It is the rights of these individuals for which I am about to defend.


Our day programs offer a variety of activities, led by professionals, geared to develop many types of skills. These activities increase confidence, explore interests and promote self-worth and independence. They may include fine and gross motor skill development, life and daily living skill development, social skill development, art therapy, community awareness and integration, volunteer activities and pet therapy. We, at Abilities, also offer our individuals at this ability level the opportunity to develop "vocational" skills as well because we hold a Fair Labor Standards Act, Section 14c certificate. An agency holding this type of certificate, must comply with strict guidelines to ensure fair wage practices are followed. Because we hold this certificate, not only can we offer unpaid skill development activities such as those noted above, but in addition, we can offer individuals the bonus of paid skill development activities. While their challenges may make it extraordinarily difficult to secure and maintain competitive employment at minimum wage or higher, they should not be denied the right to bring home a paycheck. It is IMPORTANT to THEM.


H.R. 831 is a bill that if passed, will eliminate Section 14c of the FLSA, thus ending the opportunity for those with significant challenges to bring home a paycheck.  


If you support the full array of employment options for individuals of every level of ability, I urge you to use the below linked template and write to the President of the United States asking him to OPPOSE H.R. 831!


Let's keep a person-centered philosophy and not a one size fits all!


We Now Offer Vinyl Signs & Stickers

A new service offered to the business community while providing opportunities to the individuals we serve.  Have signage needs for a fundraising event, business advertisement on site or at your store front location, or even a customized wall graphic?  We will get you noticed!  From project management, to graphic layout, to installation, we will be there every step of the way. 

Now offering:
  • Banners
  • Yard and Site Signs
  • Window and Wall Decals
Contact us today at 908-689-1118 for a free quote!
Hackettstown Hedgehogs
Shred the 'R' Word Campaign

Hackettstown Center's Self-Advocacy group, the Hedgehogs, decided to wage a "Shred the "R" Word" campaign during the month of March, for "Development Disability Awareness Month".  A paper pledge was created and shared with the other Abilities locations, families and staff, as well as hand distributed to local businesses.  Hackettstown Center would like to thank all who participated in the campaign, and special thanks to Mary Apgar Center for their overwhelming response!


Hackettstown Center is still accepting pledges,
please join the campaign by CLICKING HERE, filling out, and mailing the pledge to:

Abilities Hackettstown Center

Attn: Hedgehogs- Shred the 'R' Word

999 Willow Grove Street, Suite 6

Hackettstown, NJ 07840 

Partnering with Comcast  


It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday for Comcast Cares Day at Abilities!  We had Comcast, Abilities and community volunteers at three of our locations helping with much needed general beautification and improvement projects such as painting, cleanup, landscaping and more!  We'd like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all of the dedicated  volunteers!   

Thank you!!


Photos from the event can be found online at our FACEBOOK page.

Looking For A Few Great Golfers 

And sponsors for the annual Abili-Tee's Invitational Golf Outing
June 23rd, 2014 at Hawk Pointe Golf Club, Washington NJ

Offering a variety of sponsorship opportunities, some options include golf package.  Golf package- green fee, cart, continental breakfast, lunch, awards dinner, event t-shirt and golfer goodie bag. 

Not a golfer?  Non-golf sponsorship and advertising opportunities available, or join us for the awards dinner!

Registration brochure available online: Click HERE 

Warehouse Needs Gaylords

Like many, you may be asking "What is a gaylord?" 

A gaylord is a pallet sized, bulk box used for storing and shipping of goods.  Gaylords are often made of corrugated fiberboard, either doublewall or triple wall.  Our warehouse utilizes gaylords in many ways; packing the whole and dismantled e-waste from SustainAbilities™ for recycling, storing reusable event items, overflow containers for our contract packaging and fulfillment services, and so much more!  On the average, gaylords cost $65

Can you help?  We're asking for donations of used gaylords, or monetary donations to purchase new gaylords.  
Closed in Observance of Memorial Day
While many of us will be celebrating this day with picnics and BBQs, remember the saying: "All gave some, some gave all"

Thank you!

All Abilities locations will be closed on Monday, May 26th, and will reopen regular business hours on Tuesday, May 27th.
All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations
as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization.  Thank you for your generosity!
Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. | www.abilitiesnw.com | info@abilitiesnw.com
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