Empowering people with disabilities by providing options and opportunities.
Hello from Abilities!
Welcome Abilities friends, family, and supporters!  We'd like to extend our gratitude for the many years of support and dedication you have contributed to Abilities and our mission.  This community newsletter is our way of sharing important news updates, stories of inspiration and success, information about our fundraising events, and the impact your support has had on the services we provide to people in our community with disabilities.  Thank you again for all that you have done.  From all of us at Abilities, we wish you a joyous Thanksgiving and a Happy Holiday!
noun\ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən: something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone


A message from Cindy Wildermuth, CEO   

Last week I saw an inspirational story on Teddy Kremer, the young man with Down syndrome who won the chance to be the Cincinnati Reds honorary bat boy for one game:  watch the video here 


It turns out that Teddy was such an inspiration to the team, he was asked to come back. His enthusiasm, spirit and support for the players created such a positive atmosphere that one player, Todd Frazier, even hit a home run in response to Teddy's encouragement. Those that doubted Teddy's abilities early on, now know that not only can he achieve beyond expectations, but he can also inspire others to do great things. Teddy has been honorary bat boy for the Cincinnati Reds three times and is now employed in their fan accommodations department.  


He is a perfect example of how a positive attitude can be infectious and lead to new and exciting opportunities. We need to be inspired by his story and always look to better ourselves and in turn, inspire others to be the best they can be.


If you believe, then you can achieve!


CARF International announced that Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. has been accredited for a period of three years, until November 2016, for its Community Employment Services, including Employment Supports and Job Development, Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation Services, Organizational Employment and Student Transition Services.  The latest accreditation is the 10th three-year Accreditation that the international accrediting body has awarded to Abilities and is the highest level of accreditation that can be awarded. This announcement confirms Abilities commitment to providing quality services to persons with disabilities.   CONGRATULATIONS!

Fourth Annual
Festival of Trees

40 beautifully decorated Christmas trees will turn the Rossi Chevrolet Buick GMC showroom at 30 Route 31 South into a live Christmas card.


Thursday, December 12th from 5:30 until 8:30 pm.   


Join us for the fourth annual Festival of Trees to benefit of Abilities of Northwest Jersey and The Arc of Warren County.  Let's celebrate the season together with an evening of holiday sounds, food and beverage.    


For more information about sponsoring a tree or attending the event, visit: RossiFestivalOfTrees.com

Follow Festival of Trees on Facebook: HERE
Chris's Plan: Story of Success in Reaching A Goal
Labor Day brings with it the excitement of back-to-school and for many high school seniors like Chris, the daunting question of "what am I going to do next?" There's only nine months until graduation and the opportunities are endless. Another four years of school?  Find a job?  Where to start? And the question that every high school senior struggles with; What do I want to do for the rest of my life? Chris McGeorge knew exactly what he wanted to do. Work was his plan.


Chris was introduced to Abilities Student Transition Program. The Student Transition Program works with current students with disabilities, their families, and child study teams to plan and prepare for the next step in life, by supporting individual goals and personal interests to ensure success. After meeting with the staff at Employment Pathways, Abilities employment division, Chris decided the best path to achieving his goal of employment was through the Job Sampling service. Job Sampling allows the student the opportunity to explore a variety of employment options. Chris's plan was to job sample throughout the school year, and hopefully secure a job before graduation day came.


Chris showed a strong interest in working at a local eatery, Piggy's Deli, so Employment Pathways reached out and secured a temporary position for his first job sampling site. While working a few hours each morning prior to school, Chris learned valuable job skills like food preparation, stocking and cleaning. When the time came to discuss moving on to another job sampling site, Chris was happy with his job at Piggy's and Piggy's was more than happy to have him stay. Chris worked the rest of the school year and had a full-time position at Piggy's waiting for him when he graduated. Chris has become a valuable employee and in addition to his day-to-day duties, he also goes out on deliveries and helps set-up catering events.


Chris had a plan and a goal, and Abilities helped him down the path to reach his goal! You can visit Chris Monday through Friday, at Piggy's Deli in Hackettstown. For more information about Abilities, and the programs offered, or to schedule a tour, call 908-689-1118.

Abilities and  

Abilities is proud to announce we are now operating an electronics recycling program.   We are extremely excited about developing a new partnership with Green Vision Inc. Sharing the same vision and passion as Green Visions President, Tim Butler, Abilities will now be offering employment and training opportunities in electronics dismantling and will be a full service electronics recycling center.

Not only will we be offering a new training  and employment opportunity, but we are also providing an environmentally sound "green" solution to the local community.  We are now accepting donations for electronic recycling between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays).  Acceptable electronics donations are as follows, but we can virtually take anything that has a plug!  
  • Computers & Accessories (Mouse, Keyboard, Speakers, Wires & Cords)
  • Printers, Copy Machines, Fax Machines & Scanners
  • A/V Components (VCR, DVD, CD Cassette, Record Players, 8-Track Players, & Radios)
  • Phones (Telephones & Cell Phones)
  • Small Kitchen Appliances (Toasters, Microwaves, Coffee Makers, Can Openers, etc.)
  • Vacuums (remove dust bags or empty canisters)
  • LCD Monitors
  • CRT Monitors- small fee applies
  • TV's up to 32"- small fee applies
  • Certified Data Destruction- small fee applies


For more information, or to donate your electronics, please call 908-689-1118 or visit www.abilitiesnw.com 

All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations
as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization.  Thank you for your generosity!
Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. | www.abilitiesnw.com | info@abilitiesnw.com
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