Empowering people with disabilities by providing options and opportunities.
How many times have you written 2014 instead of 2015?  Can you believe another year has come and gone so quickly?  With changes on the horizon for 2015, we're busy adding and expanding program services.  Here's a highlight of some of the change so far!
Vision & Values
In addition to our mission statement, which has remained unchanged in our forty years, the Abilities team worked on adding our Vision and core Values for the organization.  You can always find them on our website: www.abilitiesnw.com

An inclusive community where individuals with disabilities are given the opportunity to reach their fullest potential in life.  

Communication - Keeping the lines open for a brighter future.
Compassion - Understanding the sensitive needs of each individual.
Fun - Stopping to smell the roses along the way.
Integrity - Saying and doing what we mean.
Respect - Treating each individual with a high regard.
Safety - Promoting a healthy environment.
Teamwork - Working together toward our common vision.
ACES (Autism Customized Employment and Services) available at Abilities

The CDC estimates that about 1 in 68 people are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the United States.   This is a significant increase from the 1 in 125 statistic just ten years ago.  

The goal of Autism Customized Employment and Services is to promote learning environments that support each individual's needs and goals.  ACES offers employment and support services to people affected by autism spectrum disorder.  The services provided include the use of assessments such as Essential for Living, to determine functional skills related to language, social skills, vocational skills, and activities of daily living.

Services also include a customized employment approach in supporting individuals with autism in the workplace.  Finding the right position begins with discovering the interests and skills of the person; assessing the learning style and the work environment, and ultimately supporting the individual to be successful.


For more information about our ACES program, CLICK HERE.
Abilities receives grant to enhance 'Green' skill training for disabled

We're proud to announce that we've received a $5,000 grant from Investors Foundation to help support our SustainAbilities™ initiative. 

Currently there are two distinct skill training programs running under SustainAbilities™: electronics recycling and hydroponic skill training.  This grant will allow Abilities to continue to expand both of these skill training programs, which provide the opportunity for individuals to learn skills that are transferable to community integration and employment.  CLICK HERE for more information. 

We need 
your support! 

All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization.  YOUR DONATIONS  WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
How often do you purchase items online?
When shopping online use one of the following links BEFORE shopping, and a portion of each purchase will be donated
Amazon Smile Logo
iGive Logo
Electronic Waste

Donate old, working or non-working, electronic items to our SustainAbilities™ Electronics Recycling program. Click HERE for a list of accepted items.
Food Pantry & Thrift Store
Our Phillipsburg Center is in need of canned/dry goods and
other general donations for our
Branching Out Pantry and
Boutique Thrift Store.
Donations can be made
at ANY of our 6 locations
throughout Warren County.
CLICK HERE for locations.
DDD Focus Group

The New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) is undergoing a great deal of systems change and is inviting families to share their ideas.  More information about the focus group and how to register: CLICK HERE.
Offering owners a timely, cost-effective resource for their business.

Abilities offers contract packaging and fulfillment services to local and long distance businesses, helping them meet production demands, saving time and money, and ensuring 100% quality control of products and packaging.  Our highly skilled and qualified workforce are capable of performing packaging services from very basic/hands-on one step processes to extremely complex/automated multiple step processes.  As a leader in these services, we offer a variety of services to help each business with their particular production needs.

ADDED VALUE... While meeting your production demands, these jobs provide our program participants with employment opportunity and meaningful work while they develop their skills that will be transferable to community employment.  It's a win-win for everyone!


As a leader in providing labor intensive fulfillment, we offer the following services to help each business with their production needs: 

  • Mailing, folding, stuffing, collating
  • Kit and box assembly
  • Labeling
  • Sorting and packing
  • Heat sealing, shrink wrapping
  • Fulfillment
  • Inkjet coding and printing
  • B2B & direct fulfillment
  • Inspections and quality control



No job is ever too BIG or to small... For more information about Abilities contract packaging and fulfillment services, CLICK HERE.  We can provide you with a free, no obligation quote for your contract service needs.  It just makes good business sense! 

Saturday, March 28, 2015 

Abilities of Northwest Jersey Inc. will be hosting an evening of dinning and dancing "Under the Tuscan Moon", inspired by the rolling hills and vineyards of the Tuscany region.  


Proceeds from the evening will be dedicated to the expansion of the SustainAbilities™ Hydroponics and greenhouse skill training program for individuals with disabilities. We will be honoring Wendie Blanchard of Arthur and Friends throughout the evening.


For sponsorship, congratulatory ad placement, admission and 50/50 information, CLICK HERE. 

Winter Weather Closings
Inclement weather cancellations/transportation announcements will be available on: our website www.abilitiesnw.com; our social media sites Facebook and Twitter; and broadcasted on the following radio stations: FM 100.7, 107.5, 99.9, 107.1, 96.1, 102, 105.3, 103.7, 104.7 and AM 1160,1400,1360. 
All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations
as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization.  Thank you for your generosity!
Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. | www.abilitiesnw.com | info@abilitiesnw.com