Empowering people with disabilities by providing options and opportunities.
It's aMAYzing how busy we've been since we've written last! From community integration outings, to hosting the Warren County Disability Resource Fair, to growing and harvesting our first Hydroponic crop of dill... there's never a dull moment here at Abilities. We're happy to share these times with you, and hope you enjoy reading about them.
DILLicious Update-- FOR SALE
We're proud to announce that we're harvesting our FIRST SustainAbilities? hydroponically grown crop of dill at our Mary Apgar Center. Once again, we'd like to extend our gratitude to Joe, Chip & Chris Chiapetta for all of their knowledge and assistance with our hydroponic pond system and training of our staff.
If you are interested in purchasing fresh dill, please contact the Mary Apgar Center directly at 908-689-2063 for price and pickup information.
Do you have a specialty herb or vegetable you'd like us to grow? Let us know! We're working on expanding our hydroponic pond system and adding a variety of options for sale in the very near future!
Visit our
SustainAbilities? Hydroponics page for more information about the program.
Important CEO Updates on DDD's System Reform
Change is happening, and it's important that our individuals and families are at the forefront of information. The
Important Updates page within the Cargiver's Resources section of our website contains a wealth of information, which is continually updated. Check back there frequently, or enroll in email updates from our CEO, Cindy Wildermuth, by clicking
New Jersey Comprehensive Assessment Tool (NJ CAT)
As we approach the rollout of DDD's Medicaid Fee for Service system, it is
CRITICAL that each individual, their caregiver, their Supports team, including Abilities staff, understands the importance of the NJ CAT (Comprehensive Assessment Tool). The NJ CAT is used to determine the appropriate level of service, and corresponding budget, to be provided to the individual receiving or seeking services through DDD. With the results of this tool:
- An individual will be assigned a "TIER" rating from levels A through E. Tier A reflects the least amount of supports required, while Tier E reflects the highest level of support. Acuity levels may also be attached to the tier, if clinical services are needed. The assigned tier also corresponds to an annual budget for services.
- In the very near future every individual in the DDD system of services will be evaluated via the NJ CAT
- During this assessment period, and at each ISP team meeting, we ask that you include our Abilities staff in the process, to ensure that critical input is provided concerning service needs. At the very least, we ask that responses provided to the assessment are true to form to ensure every individualreceives the appropriate supports needed to see success in their life goals
DDD's System Reform Webinars
Understanding What It Means for Someone Who Is Entering DDD Services- Friday, June 5, 2015 - 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM or Monday, July 13, 2015 - 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM This webinar will provide an update on the system reform currently underway at DDD and an overview of the process of entering into DDD services for the first time. Information regarding the "life span" of an individual receiving DDD services - from intake and eligibility to care management to accessing services to disenrollment (as applicable) will be covered. This webinar is designed to provide information to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and school personnel. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!
Understanding What It Means for Someone Who Is Currently Receiving DDD Services- Thursday, May 21, 2015 - 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM, Wednesday, June 17, 2015 - 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM or Saturday, August 15, 2015 - 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM This webinar will provide an update on the system reform currently underway at DDD and an overview of how these changes will affect people who are already receiving services through DDD funding. Information about continuing needed services, accessing new services, and shifting to the Support Coordination model of care management will be provided. This webinar is designed to provide information to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have already been receiving DDD-funded services, their families, and service providers. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!
All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization. YOUR DONATIONS WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
How often do you purchase items online?
When shopping online use one of the following links BEFORE shopping, and a portion of each purchase will be donated
Electronic Waste
Donate old, working or non-working, electronic items to our SustainAbilities? Electronics Recycling program. Click HERE for a list of accepted items.
Food Pantry & Thrift Store
Our Phillipsburg Center is in need of canned/dry goods and
other general donations for our
Branching Out Pantry and
Boutique Thrift Store.
Donations can be made
at ANY of our 6 locations
throughout Warren County.
Thank you for attending!
We hope you found the information presented at the Warren County Disability Resource Fair informative and helpful! We'd love to hear your feedback, so if you have any comments or suggestions, please email us at
Autism Customized Employment and Services-- Essential for Living Assessments
Essential for Living assessments are used to determine functional skills related to language, social skills, vocational skills, and activities of daily living.
Essential for Living helps to select functional skills for instruction and problem behaviors for management. Some examples are
- Teaching learners to request items/activities etc.
- Selecting appropriate, alternative methods of speaking for non-verbal learners or learners with a limited spoken-word repertoire.
- Teaching an individual who is non-verbal to use an augmentative system to communicate such as a Picture Exchange Communication System, Pro lo quo to go on the IPAD, or sign language.
- Tracking learner progress with respect to skills selected for instruction and problem behavior selected for management
- Caregiver Training
- Critical life skills instruction that will help increase independence
- Promote personal and social awareness
Registration is filling up fast, don't delay and miss out!
Join us on June 29th at Hawk Pointe Golf Club for the annual Abili-Tee's Invitational Golf Outing sponsored by Bulova Technologies & Gurba Farms. A SELL-OUT event featuring 18 holes of golf on the beautiful grounds of Hawk Pointe, continental breakfast, lunch, goodie bag, event t-shirt, complimentary beverage during play and awards dinner. Featuring door prizes and a silent auction raffle with popular items such as rounds of golf, sports memorabilia, gift certificates, and other great prizes! All for the low cost of $150 per golfer.
Also offering sponsorship opportunities ranging from a $2,500 event sponsor which includes golf package for eight, to as low as a $75 tee/green sponsor, and ad sponsorship in the commemorative event program.
We're looking to fill the following positions:
Junior Accountant- Some responsibilities include managing grants, soliciting new business and creating reports.
Speech pathologist - Work with individuals with difficulties in speech, swallowing and understanding. Will work directly with families, medical providers and facility to ensure success of individual.
Driver - Ensure safety of consumers while transporting them from home to program and back home.
Van aides - Will helps drivers to ensure safety of individuals while entering, during transit and exiting the bus.
Direct Support Professional - Will assist in the individual needs while at program.
Physical therapist - Will evaluate, diagnose and the develop treatment plans aiding the recovery and overall improvement of individual.
Please contact Christian Mirabal via e-mail at cmirabal@abilitiesnw.com, call 908-689-1118 or visit our Careers page for more information regarding available positions.
All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations
as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization. Thank you for your generosity!