Click Here for the August Worship Schedule

First Sunday

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

July 28, 2024

Service at 9:30 am

We will livestream through YouTube during the 9:30 service.

Link -

Save the Date

Communion Service Followed by a Brown bag Discussion on Wednesday Mornings at 10:00 am Starting September 11, 2024

Upcoming Services & Events

July 28 - 9:30 am

August 4th - 8:30 am and 10:30 am

August 11 - 8:30 am and 10:30 am

August 18 - 8:30 am and 10:30 am

Weekly Lectionary Bible Readings

Weekly Bible Study from the Episcopal Church

Your Guide to the DFMS

Bulletin Insert

Ranson Middle School Supply Drive– Our annual school supply drive for Ranson Middle School will kick off on August 4th. While a list is forthcoming, feel free to begin shopping and supporting this ministry! Thank you for your support!


We now have a Notary on staff - Marcia completed her Notary class and now can offer Notary services. The normal fee for Notary services is $10 we ask that a gift be made to St Mark's for this service.

You can still submit your Pledge.

"Let our Roots Grow."

Letter and Scripture & prayer

If you were not able to pick up your Stewardship package,

They will be available in Founders Hall and in the back of the church On Sunday.

If you would like to fill out a pledge form download this fillable .pdf 


Please send completed form to

Online Giving is now available through Realm, please use the below link for all of your giving needs - you can select via drop-down where your donation will go, and it allows you to add a note if you wish.

you can select:

General fund

Capital Reserves

Altar Flowers

** (Please note if you currently use PayPal this will replace that form of giving)


Upcoming Youth Programs and Events

The youth are selling Autobell gift cards for $25.00 each

Click HERE

Forward Movement is a ministry of the Episcopal Church inspiring disciples and empowering evangelists. Multiple resources offering daily devotions, prayers,Bible studies, and much more to better equip and support people in their walk with Jesus Christ.

Some Pictures from Fr. Garry's Mission trip to Costa Rica

St. Mark's Parish Camp Weekend

We are gauging interest around bringing back the St. Mark's parish weekend at Camp Kanuga for Spring of 2025!


Please let us know your interest in a Parish Camp Weekend by completing this quick survey and reach out to Olivia Horkley ( if you have any additional comments or questions!



(Women in Need of Entertainment)

August WINE -

Monday, August 19th, 6:30 pm at The home of Debbie Heggen - 4851 Steepleglen Ct Charlotte, NC 28269

Please bring something to share (wine and/or food item)

This event is open to all the women of our church. 


Any Inquiries?


Choir Rehearsal

Choir will rehearse on Mondays from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Church. All voices are welcome, anyone interested in music at St. Mark's is invited to attend!

No coffee hour during the month of July

St. Mark's Swag

Need some St. Mark's Swag?

Order shirts through our Zazzle Link.

Pick a Polo Shirt, T-shirt, Hoodie, Onesie Male and Female styles available

Order HERE

Please see Candy Sullivan with any questions.

Bulletin for

July 28th

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
