It's an election year for Fairfax County NAACP.
The positions of President, 1st/2nd/3rd Vice Presidents, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Member-At-Large (5) will be elected by ballot.
The timeline for this year's election cycle is below.
September Membership Meeting. A Nominating Committee (which includes not less than five and no more than fifteen members) is elected by the branch. The first meeting of this committee must be held no later than ten (10) days after its election.
October General Membership Meeting. The Nominating Committee submits a report in writing of nominees. At this same meeting, an Election Supervisory Committee is elected. The Election Supervisory Committee (consisting of five members) shall perform the following duties: a) Supervise the election; b) Supervise the election machinery or online voting system and other provisions; and c) Create one complete ballot.
November General Membership Meeting. Election will be held using an online voting platform. The ballot will be emailed by 10:00 am on the day of the General Membership Meeting. The ballot will close at 6 pm.
Please note: Only members in good standing are eligible to vote. (For the purpose of voting in Branch elections, good standing is a member 30 days prior to the election.)