August News for Children, Youth, and Families | Back to school is almost upon us, and it's time to start planning for a fun and exciting fall at St. Andrew's! From a new parenting class to Confirmation, to returning to the wonder of Godly Play and Kids of the Kingdom, we have some incredible opportunities to grow in God's grace and as a community of love. | |
Back to School Blessing and School and Hygiene Supply Drive
August 25th
Come to church this Sunday, August 25th, for our annual Back to School Blessing (awesome vinyl water bottle stickers are on the way!) and the conclusion of our School and Hygiene Supply Drive. This year we'll not only be helping to stock our friends at Lindley Elementary with all the crayons, markers, and notebook paper they need for a year of learning, we'll also be helping GCS nurses keep kids in class by donating needed hygiene supplies.
During church on the 25th all rising 6-12th graders are invited to help collect supplies and take them down to Herman Hall to be sorted. We'll be back upstairs in time for the blessing and will stay for Communion.
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Fall Kickoff is September 8th
Join us September 8th for a fun fall kickoff with our parish family. Kids of the Kingdom and Godly Play will process out for our first Children's Ministry time of the year and will have a fun getting-to-know-you tour of our Sunday school classrooms, followed by popsicles on the playground, returning to church during the announcements. After church let's gather for a potluck picnic in the Parish Hall and fun and games on the playground and church lawn.
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EYC Is Breaking Out on September 8th!
We're kicking off what's shaping up to be an amazing EYC year at Breakout Games (700 Carnegie Place) on September 8th from 5-6:30 pm. All 6th-12th graders are invited to meet for an exciting evening of team building and connecting with new and old friends.
Sign up is required in advance and the cost is $15 per person. Financial assistance is available and payments can be made at Abundant. Sign up here!
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Let's Kick Off Fall With a Parent Gathering!
September 15th from 5-6:30 pm
Let's start the fall off right - by spending time and enjoying a meal with other St. Andrew's parents! Craig and Anna Taylor will be hosting a parents-only kickoff at their home, 117 S. Tremont St on Sunday September 15 from 5-6:30 pm. Craig will be smoking a delicious pork shoulder, and you can sign up here to bring a side, drink, or dessert, or just bring yourself! Either way, come ready to hang with old friends, connect with new ones, and learn more about what we'll be offering for children, parents, and families at St. Andrew's this year - and how you can get involved!
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Confirmation Classes Begin on September 15th - But Let's Meet on August 25th Too!
Confirmation this year will occur during the Bishop's visit to St. Andrew's on Sunday, November 10th, and if you are an 8th-12th grader you are invited to join this year's Confirmation class!
Confirmation is a significant sacramental rite in the Episcopal Church in which young adults are invited to make a mature profession of faith. Confirmation class is an opportunity to dig deeper into the promises of the Baptismal Covenant, learn more about faith, spiritual development, and growth in a Christian community, and to have fun alongside friends on the same journey. Classes will be held after church from 11:30-12:30 beginning Sunday, September 15th through Sunday November 3rd, with a retreat and Urban Pilgrimage scheduled for Saturday, October 26th.
We'll hold an informational meeting for potential confirmands and their parents after church on August 25th to talk through the time commitment, expectations, and answer any questions you may have.
All potential confirmands must choose an adult mentor to help support and guide them during this important journey of faith. Mentors must be a confirmed Episcopalian and cannot be a parent or grandparent of the confirmand. Not sure who to ask? We can help you! We have a list of incredible adults who are willing to volunteer their time and their caring hearts to this year's confirmation class.
Contact to share your mentor information, if you need help finding a mentor, or with any questions you may have. We can't wait to share this incredible journey toward Confirmation with our high school youth.
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Parents, Join us Sundays After Church for The Living Compass
Beginning Sunday, September 15th
In today's busy world, parents often say that they feel overwhelmed and alone. Many parents report that although they see and talk with other parents often many of their conversations are surface conversations. They say they yearn for gatherings with other parents that are real, compassionate, and supportive.
The Parent Wellness Compass is a course on the eight points of wellness: care for the body, spirituality, relationships, stress/resilience, organization, rest and play, vocation, and handling emotions. In a small group setting, led by Rev. Ginny, we'll create a space of rest, contemplation, deep conversation, and compassion, while learning to better care for ourselves while caring for our children.
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EYC Won't Be Hitting the Road for Next Summer's Mission - We'll Be Hitting the Skies Instead!
Costa Rica interest meeting September 4th at 7:30
We've loved our many years of missions in the North Carolina mountains, but this year we're switching it up a bit by heading South instead of West. For summer 2025, we'll be serving our neighbors in the Episcopal Church of Costa Rica! International mission and service trips are an incredible experience and opportunity, and we can't wait to share all of the details with our current and recently graduated EYC members and their families. Join us in the Parish Hall on Wednesday September 4th at 7:30 to talk through the who, what, when, where, and most importantly, the why of this year's summer mission trip.
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EYC Is Looking for A Few Good Leaders- Could You Be One?
Our EYC, the place to be on Sunday evenings for St. Andrew's 6th-12th graders, is growing by leaps and bounds - so this year we're transitioning from meeting twice a month to meeting weekly! This means we need the support of our parish family to keep this ministry growing. If you have a heart for tweens and teens and a spirit for a whole lot of fun, fellowship, and spiritual development, this might be the place for you. The time commitment is only a few hours per month, but we promise that the payoff is worth every second - spending time with this incredible group of youth and young adults is always rewarding and so much fun. Contact for more info.
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