News and events in Lower Manhattan
Volume 6, No. 42, April 29, 2021

"This is the most complicated New York State budget in modern history."
    - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, announcing the terms of the New York State budget for FY2022

Letter from the Editor: Head count
Gov. Cuomo and New York State legislative leaders announce FY2022 budget
BPC Girl Scout troop collects supplies for volcano-stricken Caribbean island
Bulletin Board: BPC outdoor art classes resume; Dine Around at The Fulton
Calendar: Governors Island reopens for the summer season

COVID-19 CASES IN NEW YORK CITY: As of April 28, 2021 at 5:36 p.m.
910,095 confirmed cases * 32,461 deaths * 3,494,662 vaccinated in NYC

Go to for breaking news and for updated information on facility closures related to COVID-19 

MASTHEAD PHOTO: There are four man-made hills on Governors Island, constructed from demolition debris, landfill and lightweight pumice. They were sited so as to provide panoramic views of New York Harbor and of the Statue of Liberty.
(Photo: ©Terese Loeb Kreuzer 2016)

Approximately 20 million people live in New York State. Could 89 people make any difference one way or another? Yes. They could.

When the results of the 2020 Census were counted, New York State lost one of its 27 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and one of its Electoral College votes because of a deficit of 89 people in the tally.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo responded to this news with dismay. "Census takers in New York faced unprecedented challenges last year in their efforts to get New Yorkers counted - from the pandemic's effect on the mail system to the Trump Administration's xenophobic, flagrant, and illegal efforts to hurt blue states by discouraging non-citizens and people of color from being counted," Cuomo said in a statement.
"And despite a growing state population, New York State's congressional delegation will lose a seat in the House of Representatives next year, having fallen an equally unprecedented 89 responses short of continuity. So much of our state's recovery, revitalization and resilience is dependent on having our voice heard in Washington, and we won't allow Trump and his cronies to use one of our greatest attributes — our diversity — as an impediment. I'm calling on the Attorney General to review all legal options available to ensure the voice of every New Yorker is fairly and wholly represented in the halls of Congress."

Thus far, New York State Attorney General Letitia James does not seem to have responded to Gov. Cuomo's plea. But she did go on record on Dec. 18, 2020 after the U.S. Supreme Court vacated a lower court order blocking the Trump Administration’s plan to exclude undocumented immigrants from the apportionment base depending on what the 2020 Decennial Census actually turned up. The Supreme Court said that it wouldn't bar a hypothetical situation and needed to wait to see what actions the Trump Administration would take when the Census count was complete.

Attorney General James said at that time, “President Trump’s efforts to pick and choose who to include in the apportionment base of the Census is as illegal today as it was when he made this announcement. All today’s decision does is kick the can down the road until this lame-duck president knows whether he will receive the data he needs to violate the Constitution and the Census Act with the few weeks he has left in office. The law is clear — every person residing in the U.S. during the Census, regardless of legal status, must be counted — and any further efforts by the president or his administration to violate the law will be met with fierce opposition, and we are confident we will win. We will continue to do whatever is necessary to stop the president from putting politics above the law.”

What will happen now? I don't know. But I do know that in October 2020, Gov. Cuomo pleaded with New Yorkers to fill out the Census forms. "The Census can be completed from home in less than 10 minutes online, by phone or mail," he said.
"Once every decade, the nation conducts the Census, which is a constitutionally mandated count of every American, regardless of their citizenship status. The decennial Census is one of the nation's most important programs. New Yorkers' fair share of federal funds for programs essential to health care, education, emergency planning, housing, economic development and transportation, as well as our congressional representation in Washington, all depends on an accurate and fully counted census response."

If you ever think that your voice in civic processes doesn't matter, think again. We have an election coming up on June 22. Whatever else you plan to do between now and then, get informed about the candidates and show up. Your vote counts.

Terese Loeb Kreuzer

Manhattan, as seen from the David Dinkins Municipal Building. Oct. 14, 2017.
(Photo: © Terese Loeb Kreuzer)
Downtown Post NYC's website ( is updated daily. That's the place to check for urgent messages, breaking news and reminders of interesting events in and around Lower Manhattan. So be sure to look at the website every day, especially if you want to know about breaking news.

Downtown Post NYC on Facebook: On its Facebook page, Downtown Post NYC has been providing information about the time of Governor Andrew Cuomo's daily press briefings and how to access them. DPNYC has also been highlighting some of Gov. Cuomo's announcements concerning COVID-19 statistics, reopening of various parts of the state for business and executive orders. Go to Downtown Post NYC's Facebook page by clicking here.

HOW TO SUPPORT DOWNTOWN POST NYC: I made Downtown Post NYC free to subscribers so that no one who was interested in reading it would be excluded because of cost. Downtown Post NYC is largely supported by advertising revenue. In addition, some people have made contributions, which are much appreciated. For more information about how to contribute or advertise, email
On June 12, 2020, New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo was signing an Executive Order — the 'New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative' — as Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Leader Carl Heastie (on right side of the photo) looked on along with the Rev. Al Sharpton; Valerie Bell, the mother of Sean Bell; Gwen Carr, the mother of Eric Garner; and Hazel N. Dukes the President of the NAACP New York State Conference. (Kevin P. Coughlin / Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo)
On April 6 (only five days late), New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie finally announced that they had agreed on the FY 2022 New York State Budget.

This must have been no small accomplishment considering that in the previous month, Sen. Stewart-Cousins had called on the Governor to resign because of sexual harassment allegations and Assembly Speaker Heastie had launched a probe into the Governor's behavior. To complicate matters further, Speaker Heastie had recently tested positive for Covid-19 and was working from home.

But they got the job done, and this is what they came up with:

The final budget accomplishes major legislative priorities, including:
 • A record $29.5 billion in aid to schools;
 • $29 billion in public and private green economy investments;
 • $2.4 billion for rent and homeowner relief;
 • $2.3 billion for child care to expand availability, quality and affordability;
 • $2.1 billion for excluded workers;
 • 1 billion for small business recovery;
 • A first-in-the-nation plan to make broadband internet affordable by requiring internet service providers to offer a $15 a month high-speed internet plan to qualified low-income households;
 • Legalizing mobile sports betting; and
 • Implementing comprehensive nursing home reforms that establish minimum thresholds for nursing home spending on direct resident care and staffing. Additionally, the Enacted Budget closed the deficit and called for an ongoing response to the pandemic and recovery efforts.

The budget agreement includes spending in the following categories:
 • Total State Operating Funds: $111 billion
 • All Funds spending $212 billion
 • School Aid: $29.5 billion, a $3 billion increase.

Gov. Cuomo described the budget as "the most robust, most impactful, most important budget that we have done in this state, I believe, in modern history. ...A budget really isn't a budget. It's not just about the numbers. It's an action plan for the future, and this one is a three-year COVID management, recovery and renewal plan."

He went on to say, "We have challenges that we've never had before and we have opportunities that we never had before. ...We have to manage COVID and then we have to appreciate that COVID is ...a global crisis and in that crisis the recovery of COVID creates an opportunity. The future belongs to the economy and the region that adjusts to our new reality the fastest ...So we have three main goals - number one, manage COVID. Number two is COVID relief — make up for the damage that has been done over the past year — and third, seize this moment to actually reposition New York, reimagine New York, reconstruct New York, renew New York for the next 20, 30, 40 years."

With a balanced budget for FY 2022 in hand, Cuomo said that New York State would continue funding for the largest-in-the-nation $311 billion infrastructure plan, establish a groundbreaking program to provide affordable internet for low-income families and enhance public safety through police reforms, all while continuing to provide relief to New Yorkers and small businesses as the state recovers from the pandemic.

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said that she was "proud of the strides we have made in funding our schools, helping businesses rebuild, and protecting New York's most vulnerable. Working and middle-class taxpayers will receive the relief they desperately need."

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie said, "Budgets are a statement of values, and in my two decades of service to the people of New York I can't think of a more far-reaching and impactful budget than this. It ...addresses the historic inequities that have existed for too long. ... I am particularly proud that we have been able to make historic investments in our schools, keep higher education within reach, deliver the relief that our small businesses need to get back on their feet, and provide critical funding for child care that families need."

Noted: Gov. Cuomo thanked "the legislative leaders - Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Heastie - for their partnership in helping make this critical budget a reality and delivering results for the people of this state." Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Heastie did not thank the Governor.

Question: Will I be paying more taxes to fund this budget? Answer: Not unless your income is more than $5 million a year. If there are some Downtown Post NYC readers in that category, your personal income tax (PIT) surcharge will increase from the current 8.82 percent to 9.65 percent. The corporate tax rate will also increase for corporate franchise taxpayers.

Question: I'm not in the $5 million and up income category. I was living hand to mouth even before the pandemic. Then I lost my job and couldn't pay my rent. Is there anything in the budget to help people like me? Answer: Yes. The budget includes approximately $3 billion in combined federal and state funds to be used for rent and homeowner relief, including $100 million for a hardship fund for those who can't access funds from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program. That's a federal program that helps eligible renters with rental arrears, utility and home energy costs or arrears, and future rent. New York State received $2.3 billion in federal funding for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program.

Question: What about middle-income tax payers? What happens to us? Answer: When cuts are fully phased in by 2025, middle-class taxpayers will have received an income tax rate cut up to 20 percent. The cuts, which were enacted in 2016, are now in their fourth year and are expected to save 4.8 million New Yorkers more than $2.2 billion in 2021. As the new rates phase in, they will be the State's lowest middle-class tax rates in more than 70 years.

Question: So is this budget now the law in New York State? Answer: Yes. Governor Cuomo signed it into law on April 19, 2021. (See photo, below.)
Disaster Loans & Grants
Unemployment Assistance - available for W2 and Schedule C clients
Mandated additional sick pay and associated tax credit
Paycheck Protection Program; Extended tax loss carry-backs
Girl Scout troop 3140 in Battery Park City was organized in 2016 when the girls were in second grade at PS 276. (Photo: © Rita Veisbergs Thompson) (Below) Mara Sonnenschein, Joanne Clark and Megan Smyser, who organized Girl Scout troop 3140.
On April 9, 2021, a notorious volcano erupted on the small Caribbean island of St. Vincent, covering the island in ash and spreading ash and fumes to the neighboring islands of Barbados and the Grenadines. The eruption left around 20,000 people homeless, without clean drinking water, electricity, food, sanitation, transportation, shelter or medical care.

News of the disaster reached as far as Battery Park City. Twelve 6th grade girls, members of Girl Scout troop 3140 and most of them students at PS 276, heard what had happened.

"One of the Girl Scouts (Kenzie Cohen) has a long standing babysitter/now friend from St. Vincent and she was concerned for her family," explained Joanne Clark, a Battery Park City resident and co-leader of the troop. "Then last week, our troop zoomed directly with people in St. Vincent who had to flee the eruptions and were now living in shelters. Their stories were very powerful and the girls wanted to help. We partnered with community leaders in Brooklyn who are organizing donations and shipments."

The girls decided to ask people to donate vital supplies that they could ship to St. Vincent. They scheduled their collection activity for April 29 and April 30 in front of PS 276. One of the Girl Scouts, 6th grader Mira Matthews, wrote an article for the school newsletter to advertise the event.

The people of St. Vincent, she wrote, "are currently facing [an] apocalyptic reality.
Combined with the Covid-19 pandemic and the approaching hurricane season, the situation in St. Vincent is insufferable and as Didier Trebucq, U.N. Resident Coordinator for Barbados, and the Eastern Caribbean, described it in a recent press release 'a crisis that will require a humanitarian response but also a response in terms of rehabilitation' for months to come. The coming weeks are a critical time to save lives and provide food, shelter and basic needs to those who have lost so much."

Troop 3140's effort to help the people of St. Vincent was not their first charitable undertaking. "Last year we made tie-dye face masks to raise money for a New York City food bank," said Clark. "Last year we also sorted and packaged PPE into 70 individual bags for the employees of a New York City non-profit, ‘Sheltering Arms.’ Also, we have raised money for the Guillain-Barre Syndrome Foundation by making and selling bracelets in GBS colors and selling cookies. We did this after one of our Girl Scouts developed this horrible syndrome and was in intensive care for months."

Clark and another Battery Park City mother, Megan Smyser, started Girl Scout troop 3140 in 2016 with the help of Mara Sonnenschein, who works for the Museum of Jewish Heritage — A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in Battery Park City.

"We set up Girl Scouts when my daughter had to move from PS 276 to attend The Windward School — a dyslexic specialist school," said Clark. "I wanted her to maintain her links with kids in our local neighborhood. Neither Megan nor I are former Girl Scouts but we were both excited to set up an organization for our girls with female empowerment and community service at its heart."

Clark said that in the few years since the troop was founded, she has "seen the girls grow significantly. They think nothing of standing up to speak publicly about their take-action projects or to interact with people in the local community. They have worked with many people from all walks of life — from a judge, to the head of the New York census, from Broadway stars to people living in shelters in St. Vincent — and this has not only given them confidence but an awareness of the possibilities life has to offer. Megan and I are constantly and consistently inspired by them.

"I think these girls will most certainly be future leaders in whatever field or life choices they make. They stand up for what is right and take action in a confident and positive way. They are learning that they can make a difference in this world, especially when they work together."

— Terese Loeb Kreuzer
The Collection Drive for St. Vincent

Girl Scout Troop 3140's collection drive for St. Vincent continues on April 30 from 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and from 1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. in front of PS/IS 276 at 55 Battery Place. The goods will be brought to a Brooklyn-based St. Vincentian community group and shipped directly to St. Vincent in the next few days.

Needed donations include the following: Toothpaste; soap; toilet paper; period products; toothbrushes; underwear; clothing (all sizes, new or in very good condition); shoes (all sizes, new or in very good condition); socks (all sizes, new or in very good condition); diapers; baby wipes; blankets; cooking oil; rice; noodles; pasta and non-perishable snacks.
On April 9, 2021, La Soufrière volcano erupted on the main island of St. Vincent, spreading hot ash throughout the Caribbean island and reaching the neighboring islands of Barbados and the Grenadines. Around 20,000 people have been displaced and are currently facing loss of access to clean drinking water, electricity, food, sanitation, transportation, shelter, and medical care along with the possibility of further eruptions and tremors.

Celebrate Greek Easter at The Greek
Sunday, May 2
12 noon to 8 p.m.
Food, drink, live music and dancing
452 Washington St. in Tribeca
To reserve a table, click here
For more information, call (917) 261-4795

Bulletin Board
A drawing class sponsored by the Battery Park City Authority in Wagner Park.
June 17, 2015. (Photo: © Terese Loeb Kreuzer)
Art classes in Battery Park City: Free outdoor art classes resume in Battery Park City this coming weekend. Drawing in the Park with art educator Larry Dobens will be held on Saturdays, starting May 1 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Elements of Nature will be held on Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Wagner Park starting May 5. Art educator Phil DeSantis will lead this class. In accordance with New York State guidelines regarding Covid safety protocols, all participants in these programs are required to wear a mask and to practice social-distancing of at least six feet. The Battery Park City Authority will provide watercolors and drawing paper for these programs, but participants are expected to bring everything else they need in the way of materials for drawing and painting.

All NYS mass vaccination sites now open for walk-ins: As of Thursday, April 29, all New York State mass vaccination sites are open to eligible New Yorkers for walk-in vaccinations on a first come, first served basis. The walk-in appointments are reserved for first doses only with second doses to be scheduled automatically after the administration of the initial shot. For more information, click here.

Dine Around Downtown: Cooking at Home Edition at The Fulton: The next installment of the Downtown Alliance’s “Dine Around Downtown: Cooking at Home Edition” series with host Rocco DiSpirito will be on Thursday, May 6, at 4 p.m. at The Fulton. Executive Chef Noah Poses will show participants how to make the restaurant's signature Faroe Island Salmon with Spiced Dashi, Baby Turnips, and Sesame as he chats with Rocco, answers questions from participants and shares cooking tips. As always, all registrants will receive digital copies of the recipes prior to the event to follow along at home during the demo or at your leisure. Free, but donations are requested to support City Harvest, the food-security charity chosen by The Fulton. Click here to register.

Bird walks in The Battery: The spring migration is in progress when birds fly north from their winter to their summer homes. During this long and arduous journey, many birds stop in Lower Manhattan to rest and recuperate. Led by Gabriel Willow, an educator with NYC Audubon, The Battery at the southern tip of Manhattan is offering bird walks on five consecutive Wednesdays to showcase the diversity of migrating birds that find food and habitat in what is the nation's largest perennial garden. The next bird walk will be on May 5.

Willow, an experienced birder and naturalist, is well-versed in the ecology and history of New York City. He has been leading walks for NYC Audubon for more than 10 years, guiding new and experienced birders in all five boroughs and beyond.

To protect visitors from the spread of COVID-19, the number of participants in each walk is limited to fewer than 15 people. An RSVP is required for participation. Participants must wear a mask at all times while in The Battery, maintain a distance of at least six feet from staff and other park visitors, refrain from sharing binoculars or other materials and stay home when feeling sick. Anyone who develops symptoms of COVID-19 after participating in a program must contact The Battery staff.

Bird walks begin at 8 a.m. and end at 9 a.m. The meeting place is the Netherland Memorial Flagpole in The Battery at the intersection of Broadway, Battery Place and State Street.

For more information about The Battery, click here.

To sign up for the May 5 bird walk, click here.

Hudson River Park seeks volunteers: The arrival of spring means the beginning of the volunteer season in Hudson River Park. Volunteers work with the park's horticultural staff to help keep the park clean, green and beautiful. All green thumbs are welcome to sign up (no experience necessary), enjoy the outdoors and give back to our shared backyard. Capacity is capped to ensure safe social distancing. Click here to see the full calendar for Hudson River Park's Saturday Green Team dates, and to learn about other volunteer opportunities.

Become a member of Hudson River Park: Members of Hudson River Park's Friends with Benefits program enjoy VIP opportunities, discounts at local businesses and more ways to enjoy the Park while helping it thrive. Hudson River Park is not part of NYC Parks — programming, maintenance and operations rely on private support. Join today! For more information, click here.

Battery Park City 'Wild': Battery Park City is home to many kinds of wildlife. Among them are numerous species of insects, including native pollinators, that inhabit BPC's gardens and lawns. More than 100 species of resident and migratory birds use BPC as a safe haven along their journey. BPC's green spaces provide the food and habitat these animals need. Wildlife in BPC does not benefit from human interaction.

If you encounter a wild animal, please:
   •   Observe from a distance (both for your safety and the animal's).
   •   Do not feed it.
If the animal you encounter appears injured or distressed, contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) at:
   •   (718) 482-4922 Monday - Friday
   •   (877) 457-5680 Saturday - Sunday
To learn more click here.

New York State income tax filing deadline extended: The Department of Tax and Finance extended the New York State income tax deadline to May 17. This aligns with the federal decision to do the same and provides New Yorkers still coping with the complications of the COVID-19 pandemic ample time to file.

Open enrollment period for uninsured New Yorkers extended: Through May 15, 2021, New Yorkers without health insurance can apply for coverage through NY State of Health, New York's Official Health Plan Marketplace, or directly through insurers.

Extending the Open Enrollment Period will help to align New York with the federal Public Health Emergency which was recently extended. This extension allows anyone eligible for Qualified Health Plan insurance additional time to enroll for coverage in 2021 and means that enrollment remains open for all NY State of Health programs, which is especially important during the ongoing public health emergency. Coverage start dates will vary: Enroll by March 31: Coverage starts May 1. Enroll by May 15: the coverage starts June 1.

Anyone eligible for other NY State of Health programs such as Medicaid, Essential Plan and Child Health Plus can enroll year-round. As always, New Yorkers can apply for coverage through NY State of Health online at, by phone at (855) 355-5777, and by connecting with free enrollment assistance.

For additional information on NY State of Health insurance options during the COVID-19 emergency click here.

For NY Department of Financial Services information and resources during the COVID-19 emergency, click here.

Lower Manhattan Greenmarkets: There are Lower Manhattan Greenmarkets in Tribeca (at Chambers and Greenwich Streets) and at Bowling Green, City Hall, the Oculus and the Staten Island ferry. GrowNYC asks that shoppers wear a face covering inside the market space and maintain a six-foot distance between themselves, Greenmarket staff, farm stand employees and other customers. Dogs and bicycles should be left at home.

Click here for a list of the fruits and vegetables now in season.
Many of the Downtown Post NYC bulletin board listings are now on the Downtown Post NYC website. To see the bulletin board listings, click here.
Gifts and Snacks from Té Company

It's never too late to give someone (or yourself?) a gift. Té Company's tearoom at 163 West 10th St. is open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays for tea and snacks to go. In addition, you can order tea and cookies (plus other gifts) online, For more information on Té Company, click here.
Spotlight: Governors Island reopens for the season
Bicycles can be transported to Governors Island aboard a ferry or rented on Governors Island. (Photo: © Terese Loeb Kreuzer)
On May 1, Governors Island will reopen for the 2021 season.

Governors Island, a short ferry ride from Manhattan and Brooklyn, invites New Yorkers to let the weariness and isolation of the Covid-19 pandemic drop away. Here are places to sit on the grass, perhaps with a picnic, and hammocks in which to rest. There are hills to climb with views of the harbor. On seven miles of car-free paths, there are bicycles to ride (or bring your own on the ferry) and surreys to peddle that will accommodate a family. There are vertiginous sliding boards, an adventure playground for the kids and an urban farm with rows of crops, greenhouses and a composting center.

This summer, there will also be sheep on the island. They usually live near Albany but have been brought to Governors Island for the summer because they like to eat the island's invasive plants.

Art lovers will find exhibitions housed in some of the historic houses surrounding Nolan Park. In addition, the Arts Center at Governors Island, which is curated and programmed by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC), will reopen to the public on June 12 with two large-scale, site-specific solo exhibitions, a participatory sculpture and the return of the Take Care public programs series. Admission will be free but timed-entry tickets will be required. Reservations for tickets are now being accepted. (For more information and to reserve, click here.)

Thrill seekers can experience a 300-foot zipline, challenge themselves on a climbing wall or puzzle their way through a problem-solving maze. For a more sedate challenge, there's mini-golf just steps from Liggett Terrace.
Not the least of Governors Island's attractions are its historic structures that include centuries-old forts and buildings left from the years when the island was home to the U.S. Army and subsequently to the U.S. Coast Guard.
Visitors can take guided tours of the Island with Friends of Governors Island volunteer docents, leaving from Soissons Landing on Saturdays and Sundays at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. Self-guided tours are also available utilizing Urban Archive's app with its stunning archival photographs.

This year, as in the past, Governors Island offers many food and drink options. At Soissons Landing, visitors will find Island Oyster’s summer fare and tropically inspired cocktails, and Taco Vista’s tacos and cool drinks with a view. Pizza Yard dishes out wood-fried Neapolitan-style pizzas at the south end of Colonels Row. On the western shore, small plates and drinks can be purchased at Sea Biscuit or stop by Three Peaks Lodge at Collective Retreats for cocktails and takeaway options.

Liggett Terrace is the island's culinary hub with Fauzia’s Heavenly Delights’ Jamaican fusion cuisine; coffee, tea and treats from Joe Coffee; Korean-inspired tacos, bowls and snacks at Kimchi Taco; eclectic takes on classic grill fare at Little Eva’s; Makina Café’s modern Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine; Melt Bakery’s artisanal ice cream sandwiches; Terry and Yaki’s teriyaki bowls with vegan and halal options; and Threes Brewing’s tasty brews and The Meat Hook’s satisfying sandwiches in a shared shaded garden.

The island's peripatetic food vendors include People’s Pops’ which serves up flavored pops and shaved ice and Mai Bpen Rai’s Thai-style green papaya salad.

If you’d rather cook your own meal, grills are available by reservation. Reservations are required, with grilling stations available at Picnic Point and near Nolan Park. For more information about reserving a grill, click here.

Getting there

Access to Governors Island is by ferry, with timed ticket reservations required. May dates are available now. Tickets for June will be available starting Saturday, May 1.

Governors Island's Brooklyn ferries will serve two locations on weekends in 2021:
Pier 6 in Brooklyn Bridge Park and the Atlantic Basin in Red Hook. (Enter near the corner of Pioneer and Conover Streets and enjoy PortSide NY's Pandemic Pop-Up Park near the landing.)

Ferries will run daily from Lower Manhattan. The ferries are always free for kids 12 and under, for seniors 65 and up, for residents of NYCHA housing, for military servicemembers, Governors Island members, and for everyone on weekends before noon. Learn more about Governors Island ferries and book tickets by clicking here.

A sliding board on Governor's Island. (Photo: © Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

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Editor: Terese Loeb Kreuzer

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