Fall 2018 Newsletter
Hello Homecare Providers,

Our industry continues to make significant strides in replacing paper files with electronic records, for each case and with every hire. This week's update to Generations continues that momentum with the addition of the electronic claim form 837. If you're still using a paper form or an invoice, contact us to begin submitting your healthcare claims electronically to multiple types of payers.

The delay of the US federal mandate for states to establish and use visit verification systems has not quelled the interest or the work being done to get states ready by the January 1, 2020 deadline. Providers who use Generations for Medicaid services can rest assured their data already meets federal standards and will be easily transferrable to states that are setup as data aggregators. We're on track to have integrations with many state systems and will be rolling them out throughout the Spring and Summer of 2019, well ahead of the deadline. 
The 837I/P (Institutional or Professional) is a standard format used by health care professionals and suppliers to submit claims electronically. These forms are based on the 1500 and UB04 forms that have long been a part of Generations.

Agencies that bill the Veterans Administration, Medicaid Waiver, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and other insurance companies may soon be required the use the 837. Both billing formats are now available within Generations.

For agencies interested in billing Medicare Advantage plans, these electronic files can be used with your clearinghouse to bill for services rendered. 

Generations users now have a secure way to message caregivers. This new messaging functionality will prove to be the best way to communicate with their remote workforce. Messages reside and remain in Generations, virtually eliminating the risk of data exposure that can occur inadvertently with email or text.

How it Works

Caregivers are alerted to new messages through the Generations mobile app (and optionally, by email or text) and are sent a secure link to login to Generations where they can view and reply. Office teams can manage discussions in the Message Center with one or more caregivers and communicate in real-time.

Secure Messaging Benefits
  • Improves office and caregiver communication.
  • Reduces the risk of data exposure. Transmitting personal health information (PHI) via email or text messaging is not HIPAA compliant. Messaging through Generations uses an extra layer of security to keep documentation secure.
  • Maintains a message history within Generations.
  • Enables collaboration with multiple caregivers simultaneously via message threads. 
  • Real-time message delivery eliminates delays that can occur with email or text.
We're excited to offer this secure messaging platform and will continue to build upon it in future releases.

Many agencies use the Generations mobile app to schedule and manage actives for their referral sources and call center events. 

As of the most recent update, events can now be added directly to the default calendar on your device. Simply click on the calendar icon next to the activity record to schedule those items on your personal or shared office calendar. 
Use Generations as a recruitment tool to build your network of caregivers and find clients who are looking for the highest level of service. The Generations online application and service inquiry forms are both great ways to expand your agency's reach. It's a great way to eliminate paper from the initial introduction and demonstrates your understanding of the collection of private data.

To learn more about Generations and the electronic documentation and billing solutions we offer, contact a Solutions Advisor via LiveChat
Questions? Looking for a demo or training? 
Generations is ready with answers.
Thanks for reading and enjoy your day!