News & Updates: May 2022
SC Legislative Session Update
Certificate of Need Repeal / Reform
Despite diligent efforts by CON Repeal Proponents (SCOA, SC Medical Association, BCBS SC, Palmetto Promise and others) to negotiate in good faith toward meaningful reform with Repeal Opponents (primarily the SC Hospital Association and some of its members) as requested by CON Ad Hoc Subcommittee Chairman Gary Simrill, we were unable to reach an acceptable compromise to S. 290 (the CON repeal legislation passed by the Senate) prior to that subcommittee’s report to the House Ways & Means Committee. The House Ways & Means Committee then declined to pass out S. 290 to the full House for a vote.

During the final hours of the legislative session with S. 290 dead in Committee, SCOA joined other Repeal Proponents in continuing to pursue reasonable compromise that could be incorporated in a pre-existing effort to amend S. 2, the DHEC restructuring legislation. The SC Hospital Association declined all offers toward that end, and S. 2 eventually died on the House Calendar for unrelated reasons. CON repeal and DHEC restructuring are dead for 2022, but both issues will likely be front and center when a new General Assembly returns in January 2023.

In retrospect, the opportunity for CON repeal or a sunset was unlikely when S. 290 came over from the Senate for several reasons. The SC Hospital Association was well-positioned to simply run out the clock on a bill they opposed versus working to pass a bill they could support. CON Repeal opponents have blamed physicians for the stalemate citing an unwillingness to compromise, which is blatantly false. SCOA, SC Medical Association and other free enterprise advocates made numerous suggestions for meaningful amendments to S. 290, but we were not willing to settle for an empty “compromise” that failed to lower costs and increase access for patients. We remain committed to pursuing CON Repeal when the General Assembly convenes in January and are focused on enhanced education and advocacy toward that end in the interim.
Medical Cannabis
Legislation legalizing medical marijuana failed to pass the SC House after it was ruled out of order based on the constitutional requirement that revenue bills originate in the House of Representatives. No votes were taken in the full House on S. 150, which passed the Senate in February. This issue will certainly be back in 2023.
Licensure of Athletic Trainers
An amendment to S. 2, the DHEC restructuring legislation, sought to change the definition of athletic trainer; eliminate certification of ATs by DHEC; and institute licensure of ATs by SC Board of Medical Examiners. Ultimately, S. 2 passed out of the Ways and Means Committee without the AT amendment; and S. 2 itself died on the House calendar. A stand-alone House Bill (H. 4179) seeking the same changes never received a hearing in the legislative committee to which it was assigned. SCOA will work with the SC Athletic Trainers Association to achieve consensus on the details of the licensure bill prior to January 2023.
2022 SCOA Annual Meeting
Registration Underway: 2022 SCOA Annual Meeting
August 4-6, 2022
Sanctuary Hotel
Kiawah Island, SC
The South Carolina Orthopaedic Association invites you to join us for a weekend full of education, collegiality, and networking in Kiawah Island!
Keynote Highlights Include:
Developing High Performing Teams & Individuals
Chris Penso
-Olympic and MLS Referee

Chris will draw on his extensive experience as a full-time professional referee for elite soccer to share insights on developing high performing teams and individuals.

His dynamic experience includes MLS Referee since 2009, having refereed over 200 regular season games; FIFA Video Match Official since 2021; 2020 (2021) Tokyo Olympics – 1st official to ever work both the Men’s & Women’s Gold Medal matches; FIFA Referee 2013-2015; MLS All-Star Game 2016; MLS Cup VAR 2018, 2021; 6x NCAA Men’s College Cup Referee; 2x NCAA Men’s Division 1 National Championship Referee; and Coordinator of Officials for American Athletic Conference
Cultivating Dynamic Physician Leadership
Jeff Kneisl, MD
-Chief Surgical Officer, Atrium Health Greater Charlotte Region
-Executive Vice Chairman, Atrium Health Musculoskeletal Institute
-Marie-Claire Marroum MD Distinguished Chair Of Orthopaedic Oncology, Levine Cancer Institute
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

25 years as a practicing orthopaedic oncologist greatly enhance Dr. Kneisl’s leadership in multiple roles within Atrium Health. As both the business of healthcare delivery and treatment opportunities evolve quickly, seasoned pysician leaders are essential to effectively navigate the disruption of change toward meaningful improvement. Dr. Kneisl will share his experience and lessons learned as a physician leader in a large health system in hopes of encouraging us to embrace the challenges of leadership with optimism and zeal.
Navigating SC’s Orthopaedic & Insurance Landscapes: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
Shawn Stinson, MD
-Senior Vice President, Healthcare Innovation & Improvement, BlueCross BlueShield of SC
Matthew Bartels, MD
-Chief Medical Officer, BlueCross BlueShield of SC

Two of BlueCross BlueShield of SC’s most senior and experienced leaders share their thoughts about trends, challenges and opportunities facing SC’s orthopaedists.
Article of Interest
CMS Releases the Chronic Pain Experience Journey Map
The Chronic Pain Experience Journey Map is a product of CMS’ Chronic Pain Stakeholder Engagement which focused on understanding more about access to covered care and services for people with chronic pain. The intent of the Map is to highlight the most prominent barriers to care for this population. CMS indicates it is exploring opportunities to address these barriers in collaboration with Federal partners. Interestingly, the Map highlights a “punitive regulatory environment along with misapplication of clinical practice guidelines, including the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline", which is currently being revised to “advance effective, individualized, patient-centered care.”
Click here to read the full release from the CMS. Click here to view the Chronic Pain Experience Journey Map (PDF).
SCOA Foundation Update
May 2-7, 2022 Update
Dr. David Koon, Dr. Vincent Michel and Dr. Robert Belding made a one week visit to the Hospital Lumiere to evaluate the earthquake damage, to see if resuming work there was possible and to determine if our work with the Haitian residency program was possible. Haiti is still under a level 4 travel advisory by the US. Fully vaccinated Americans can enter Haiti without other testing or precautions. Returning to the US requires a COVID test which the hospital administers. To avoid the violence around Port au Prince we took Sunrise Airways from Port to Cayes. This is a 20 minute flight. We did not encounter any violence or threats while in Haiti. Dr. Pierre Woolley and Dr. Peter Jumelle who are in charge of the Haitian residency were encouraged that SCOA is considering restarting the exchange program. Dr. Koon is planning a return trip in September.​
The South Carolina Orthopaedic Association is currently raising funds for the SCOA Foundation and we need YOUR support in reaching our $20,000 goal by the Annual Meeting (August 4-6, 2022).
Those who donate will have their name featured on signage at the 2022 Annual Meeting registration desk, receive a special ribbon, and are invited to the SCOA Foundation Donor Appreciation Reception!
Learn On Your Schedule
Replay Past Webinars in the Webinar Archive!
Past webinar topics include:
  • ​BRACE YOURSELF with Compliance Tools for Medicare’s new DME Requirements
  • Making MIPS Work for Orthopaedics
  • ​Short-staffed. Short-tempered. Short-timer.
  • And more!
Member Benefit: Discover OrthoEvidence
Our members receive complimentary access to OrthoEvidence (OE), which is the global online source for high quality and timely orthopaedic-only evidence-based summaries, pre-appraised by orthopaedic medical experts.
Thank You To Our Corporate Partner:
South Carolina Orthopaedic Association