South Carolina Orthopaedic Association
News & Updates: February 2022
CON Repeal Update
S. 290 State Health Facility Licensure Act repealing Certificate of Need for all facilities and services except nursing homes passed the Senate on January 25 with 35 votes in favor and 6 opposed. The repeal movement was championed by Senator Wes Climer from York County. The Bill has been referred to the House Ways & Means Committee.

Thank you to the many SCOA members who contacted their Senators requesting support for CON repeal. SCOA members are now encouraged to contact members of the House Ways & Means Committee if they represent your district or if you have a personal relationship with them. We anticipate less consensus in the House than in the Senate. Contact Tony Denny if you need assistance connecting with your House member.
AMA: Why Prior Authorization is Bad for Patients and Bad for Business
Prior authorization is a huge administrative burden for physician practices that often delays patient care. But prior authorization is also bad for business, because those delays interfere with having a healthy, productive workforce.

Prior authorization has in fact interfered with a patient’s job responsibilities, according to a majority of physicians (51%) who participated in a newly released AMA survey (PDF) of 1,004 physicians who treat active members of the workforce. Click here to read more from the American Medical Association.
We Help You Put All The Pieces Together.
The Sharecare platform offers an innovative stand-alone or unified solution suite designed to solve multiple intersecting challenges for the healthcare ecosystem, including health information management, value-based care, payment integrity (claims denial management), and chronic condition management. Differentiate your care by integrating these services with the most powerful digital health platform available with the ability to generate care gap reminders that are seamlessly integrated into the patient’s digital healthcare journey.

To learn more, contact or visit our website.
ALERT: TRPN Direct Pay

Orthopaedic practices across the country have reported receiving a $15 check attached to a document that resembles an EOB from TRPN Direct Pay.

The second page of the document indicates that endorsement of the check “shall serve as acceptance of payment for network participation and for all services provided to our membership AND as an authorized signature for the contract below.”

Please make your A/R and payment posting teams aware of this deceptive tactic. Click here to download an example.

We would like to know if you receive a similar notice from this company or any other. Send examples to AnnMargaret McCraw.
2022 SCOA Annual Meeting:
Abstract Submissions & Housing Now Open!
Housing is now open for the 2022 Annual Meeting!

Housing Instructions:
If you plan to attend the 2022 Annual Meeting, book your room today as they sell out quickly!

Hotel & Villa reservations should be made directly with The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island. Click here for full instructions.

Room Rates:
The Sanctuary Hotel group rate is $555 per night.  
A one bedroom scenic view Villa is $279 per night.  
A two bedroom scenic view Villa is $383 per night.  
Call for Abstracts & Resident Research Competition Submissions
The SCOA is now accepting Abstract Submissions & Resident Research Competition Submissions for the 2022 SCOA Annual Meeting. The 2022 Annual Meeting is taking place August 4-6, 2022, at The Sanctuary Hotel at Kiawah Island.

All abstracts and Resident Competition papers must be submitted by March 31, 2022, to be considered by the Program Committee.

Instructions for Abstract and the Resident Research Competition Submissions can be found by clicking here
One Day Disaster Response Course at AAOS Annual Meeting
The Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons (SOMOS), in conjunction with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA), and the Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeons of North America (POSNA) will host a Disaster Response Course (DRC) on Tuesday, March 22nd, at the AAOS 2022 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois.

Click here to view full course details & registration link.
Webinar Archive
Replay past webinars & learn on YOUR schedule by visiting the SCOA Webinar Archive!
Past webinar topics include:
  • Attracting and Retaining Awesome Employees – Get It Right The First Time
  • The Top 3 Things to Do Daily to Seize Your Day and Feel More Accomplished, Healthier, and Happier
  • Survive and Thrive with Bundled Payments
  • And more!
Member Benefits - OrthoEvidence
Our members receive complimentary access to OrthoEvidence (OE) which is the global online source for high quality and timely orthopaedic-only evidence-based summaries, pre-appraised by orthopaedic medical experts.
Corporate Partner
South Carolina Orthopaedic Association