Throughout 2020, MCRCD has been focused on strategic planning regarding our efforts to enhance the water, soil, and forests of our diverse landscape and how we can best support our residents in active stewardship. We surveyed partners and members of the public to learn their priorities for natural resources conservation in Mendocino County. We evaluated all aspects of our operation and services and developed a strategic plan that provides a framework for decision making through 2024. Our mission, guiding principles, and natural resource priorities were reviewed and refined in a workshop with Board members and staff in February 2020. Overarching drivers for the whole organization are working towards mitigating for the adverse effects of Climate Change and championing Environmental Equity. These ever-present concerns influence every aspect of our work in natural resources conservation. MCRCD strategies and goals were developed to sustain and improve our work and to maximize our impact. This Strategic Plan seeks to strengthen and build upon core values and capabilities, address opportunities for improvement, leverage strengths in areas identified for growth or continuation, and provide a mechanism for periodic reviews and updates.

We are excited to share MCRCD’s Strategic Plan 2020-2024 with our community, and we look forward to working with you to improve soil health and agricultural viability, enhance water quality and quantity, promote forest health and resilience, and proliferate best land stewardship practices.