Message from Commissioner King
I hope you're having a great summer. Last week, over 1,700 educators gathered in Albany for the July Network Team Institute (NTI). NTI was launched two years ago to facilitate the shifts in instruction necessary to fully implement the Common Core. Teams of educators from across the state attended NTI and will now return to their home schools and districts to provide their colleagues with professional development.
This Network Team Institute introduced some exciting new features to help educators engage with each other in more meaningful ways, both during NTI and throughout the year. Among these were a new blog, an increased presence by on Twitter, and professional development turnkey kits. Please explore the links below to check out the professional development kits, watch the video of my speech, read our blog, and join the conversation on Twitter @EngageNY.
On Mandela, Colonel King, and the Distance Between our Values and our Reality
Thank you for all you're doing over the summer to work toward our goal of ensuring success for all of our students.
Dr. John B. King, Jr.
Follow me on Twitter @JohnKingNYSED
Meeting of the Board of Regents: June 2013
See the June 2013 Committee Report for a summary of all Board of Regents actions and discussions.