July 30, 2024

Following Jesus together,

Nourishing one another in the Living Water of the Spirit,

Blossoming boldly with God's abundant love, healing, and justice, and 

Transforming lives. 

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To submit an article for Tidings, email Anne here by Mondays at 12:00 noon.


What Can You Do?

On Sunday we looked at the story of David being seduced by the power of his role. We saw David’s taking Bathsheba, who was powerless to resist, we saw David’s efforts to cover up his actions, and we saw David’s cold-blooded actions to bring about the death of Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah.

The seduction of power is real, and it isn’t restricted to those who hold great power. Any one of us may be tempted (or is it seduced?) to do something simply because we can. Our role and responsibility, with the constant support and presence of the Holy Spirit, is to resist that temptation.

When have you felt the temptation to do something simply because you can? How did that situation turn out?


Richest blessings,

John Cheek

Pastor Michael Update and Prayers

Pastor Michael received a favorable pathology report following his surgery. He has rest and recuperation time ahead of him still including follow-ups with further testing in several weeks to monitor for any metastasis.

He thanks everyone for their prayers and support.

If you would like to mail him a card, please send it to the church at 6801 N. Oracle Rd., Tucson, 85704. If you prefer, you can bring a card (or food and/or a gift), to the office during the work week (Mon-Thurs, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm) or leave them on the table in the church entrance on Sundays. Items will be delivered to him during the week.

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Book Club Invite!

The book club meets the second Saturday of each month (except December), at 9:30 am to discuss that month’s book and enjoy each other’s fellowship. Coming up in August and September:

  • August 10th:Yes Chef by Marcus Samuelson;
  • September 14th: The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese.

All are welcome to join us. Please contact Bonnie Mardian, at her email.

Our Family Intergenerational ministry Coming Back from Summer Break

In August


Funday School is our time of learning about scripture and worship. Beyond “Church School” or “Sunday School,” Funday School about life in community and learning through discussions, videos, music and group presentations. Open to all ages. 

Weekly Online link starts August 11th at 11:00 am.

Turbo Time is our community building time held twice a month during worship. Where Funday School is scripture based; Turbo Time ramps up church to experience the Biblical principles of kindness, empathy and love.

Twice month sessions start August 18th at 9:30 am.

After Worship T-Time (Think, Talk, Try Time) is being re-envisioned for the fall and is still on hiatus.

With Pastor John,

weekly on Wednesdays, 10:00 am on Zoom

Check the calendar at the end of the e-newsletter

for Zoom links.

August 31st Subject: Prayer, A User's Handbook for Sceptics and Believers

Centering Prayer

 Centering Prayer with Pastor John - In person!

Tuesdays at 12:00 noon in Room 1.

Centering Prayer is a method of Christian meditation which

has a strong emphasis on interior silence. People who practice centering prayer feel it helps them be more present to God and adds a sense of balance to their lives.

 Centering Prayer with Pastor John - Zoom only!

Wednesdays, 12:00 noon

Pastor John will be on vacation from August 1st through August 7th

No in-person Centering Prayer on August 6th.

No Pondering class on August 7th.

Centering prayer is available on Zoom, without Pastor John on August 7th.

Click here for August Anniversary and Birthdays

Library List

Arrange a pick up from this list of CD's and DVD's:

Contact Syd Teague, Librarian at 512.426.3297.

Click here for the current list of CD's and DVD's.

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Click here to see the latest Finance Information

Wednesday, July 31

  • 10:00 am Purposeful Ponderings with Pastor John, Zoom Ponderings Link or Meeting ID: 622 421 179 and Passcode: 118704 
  • 12:00 Noon Centering Prayer (Zoom only) Click on Centering Link or use Meeting ID: 890 1364 9732 and Passcode: 769422

Thursday, August 1

  • 8:30 Men's Breakfast (Beyond Bread on Ina)
  • 9:00 am Stitch Witches Rooms 5/6

Friday, August 2 Keeling School Supplies Will Be Delivered

  • 10:00 am AA Meeting Rooms 7/8

Saturday, August 3

  • 9:00 am AA Meeting Rooms 5/6

Sunday, August 4

  • 9:30 am Worship Sanctuary Online Worship; click on the Livestream and Recorded Services box on that page. (If you try the link early, it will redirect you to the wrong page).

Monday, August 5

  • 3:30 pm Campus Cleaning Entire Campus

Tuesday, August 6

  • No Centering Prayer

Wednesday, August 7

  • No Purposeful Ponderings with Pastor John
  • 12:00 Noon Centering Prayer (Zoom only) Click on Centering Link or use Meeting ID: 890 1364 9732 and Passcode: 769422 No Pastor John

Other room rentals may be on campus, but not on this calendar

Pastor Michael is resting and recuperating from surgery for his cancer. 

He hopes to be back with us by mid-August.  

Psastor John on vacation August 1st through August 7th.

Office Hours

Anne's, Jay's and Janet's hours:

9:00 am to 12:00 noon Monday and Wednesdays;

open by appointment in the afternoons (Noon to 4:00 pm)

Tuesday/Thursday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm


Barry, Building Maintenance Manager's hours:

till 3:00 pm, Tue, Wed, Thur.

The easiest way to contact anyone on staff is to email them directly.

For intentional conversations, appointments work best.

Michael: michael@caucc.org

John: john@caucc.org

Anne: anne@caucc.org

Jay: jay@caucc.org

Darryl: dalking@email.arizona.edu

Ida: imhgnp@msn.com

Member-at-Large, Amy Lincoln: mal.caucc@gmail.com

Council Meetings and Minutes

Council meetings are open to any member of the CAUCC community. Next meeting, August 20th, on Zoom. Approved June meeting minutes are available, click here. Email Anne Bailey for the upcoming meeting Zoom link.  

To support the ministry and mission of CAUCC, please donate online here:

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