News Update from the
Region 5 Problem Gambling Awareness Team
Gambling is defined as risking something of value on the outcome of an event when the probability of winning is less than certain

Problem Gambling or Gambling Disorder is characterized by behavior that leads to adverse consequences for the individual, families,
and society
Expansion of Gambling in CT
Helpline Calls are Up
and the Demographics of Those Callers are Changing
The Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling (CCPG) provides Connecticut's only 24-hour Problem Gambling Helpline offering support via phone, chat, and text. Since the expansion of online gambling and sports betting rolled out in October 2021, CCPG has been reporting increases in calls to the helpline. In an article published April 18, 2022, Executive Director Diana Goode reported that the hotline experienced a 203% spike in the number of calls and chats since October.
Those ages 21-25 are utilizing the helpline more often than before. The types of gambling they report struggling with are sports betting and internet gambling. "The caller demographic is predominantly young men. Online gambling allows them to gamble fast and often, they very quickly get into trouble" said Diana.
Read full article here.
Prevention - Mitigating Risks
Gambling and the LGBTQ+ Population
During the month of June, we celebrate and recognize the impact that the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and queer individuals have had on our history. This segment of the population faces challenges due to discrimination, harassment, and hate crimes. Because of that, they face mental health stress. While there is not a lot of research about gambling addiction and the LGBTQ population, here are some findings from studies done in the U.S. and Australia:
  • The incidence of problem gambling is seven times greater in gay and bisexual males as compared to the the rest of the population.
  • Gambling can become a source of relief from mental stress, making people more vulnerable to addiction.
  • Financial instability is common for a number of reasons - young LGBTQ+ may get kicked out of their home and have to support themselves, while trans people face high healthcare costs. Gambling can give some a false hope of getting rich quickly.
It is important to share prevention messages like responsible gambling guidelines and helplines with this population. Individual treatment and group therapy models are available. See our resources below.
To learn more, click here
Youth Gambling Awareness
The Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) with CT DMHAS Problem Gambling Services have announced their plans to expand the Youth Gambling Awareness Media Project. This project will fund up to 10 youth media campaigns throughout the state to promote problem gambling awareness and available resources. Groups may apply for $5,000 to fund this project. The selected groups will receive training and technical assistance throughout the project which culminates with a showcase on March 22, 2023.
Click here to learn more about the RFA (Request for Applications).

Scroll down to our Team Section below for a link to this year's completed youth gambling awareness projects!
Help Is Available

Bettor Choice Treatment Providers

Each of the 5 regions in CT is serviced by a Bettor Choice Treatment Provider. MCCA in Region 5 offers outpatient and short term inpatient treatment, and counseling to those struggling with gambling and their families.
About Our Team
The Region 5 Problem Gambling Awareness Team consists of community stakeholders working toward raising awareness around disordered gambling and helping connect those in need to treatment.  
Our partners include DMHAS Problem Gambling Services, The CT Council on Problem Gambling (CCPG) and treatment providers MCCA, Help, Inc., and Apex Community Care.
Please visit the team webpage where you can find out more and download resources to share!

Western CT Coalition is the Regional Behavioral Health Action Organization servicing the 43 towns of DMHAS Region 5.

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