Update May 15, 2024

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Upcoming Events


15 - Camp scholarship applications due

15 - Pension Fund Retirement Readiness Seminar, 10-2, St. Louis

16 - Pension Fund Retirement Readiness Seminar, 10-2, Columbia

18 - Disciples Women Gathering, 9am, via Zoom

19 - Pentecost Offering for New Church

29 - Older Adult Ministries Presents: You CAN Start a Support Group, 11am webinar


Regional Assembly 2024

We are excited about our Regional Assembly in St. Joseph August 8-10. Be sure to save the date!

Our Assembly will be centered on the Church Narrative Project.

Guests joining us include: National Convocation Administrative Secretary Rev. Delesslyn Kinnabrew, Vice-President & Chief of staff Rev. Yvonne Gilmore, Counter Stories Consulting’s Rev. Dr. David Anderson Hooker, Georgia Interim Regional Minister Rev. Dr. Joan Bell Haynes, General Minister & President Rev. Terri Hord Owens.

Pentecost Offering for New Church

May 12 & 19

Camp Scholarship Apps Due Today (5/15)!

Thanks to our Orchard Crest Permanent Fund, there are scholarships available for all of our summer camp programs, as well as other outdoor ministry retreats and events.

We need only one application per family of campers and it takes just a few minutes to complete. But they are due tonight by midnight.so don't delay! Learn more about all the available programs here>

Older Adult Ministries Webinars

This gathering will be led by Regional Minister Paul Koch. Disciples DO Meditate! Tuesday, May 21, 11am to noon.

Our Older Adult Ministries Coordinator Jan Aerie is one of the panelists for this event on Creating Support Groups Wednesday, May 29 from 11am to noon.

Both are free but registration is required.

Items Available

First Christian Church in Maryville has several different styles of chairs in good condition available free for pick-up. They would also like to give away eight unopened Veggie Tales Event Kits to anyone who could use them. Anyone interested should contact them at 660-214-3414 or by email  to arrange a time to pick them up.

Racial Justice Summit

Rev. Dr. Traci Blackmon will be speaking at a Racial Justice Summit on Saturday, November 2 at Independence Boulevard CC in Kansas City. Tickets are $15. Participation qualifies as a renewal of anti-racism training for Mid-America clergy. Learn more and register>

Prayer Request

Please hold in prayer the family of Bill Skaggs as he recently passed away. He was a retired commissioned minister having served several churches in Mid-America.

From the Wider Church

This coming week's Global Ministries prayer request is for Venezuela.

This week's College of Regional Ministers prayer request is for

chaplains serving in institutional, clinical, and military settings.


There's something for everyone!

Check out what's happening and get involved!!


Employment: Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF) is seeking a Director of Financial Services and a Financial Services Representative.


Black Leadership Project grants available through Disciples Home Missions. Applications due May 31.

Bridgeton Fund grant applications are currently being accepted. The grants are primarily for churches needing revitalization or building repair.

Camp scholarship applications due by midnight tonight.


NBA free webinar Overcoming Stigma & Increasing Support , May 15 at 1pm. All are welcome but registration is required.

NBA free webinar led by Regional Minister Paul Koch, Disciples DO Meditate! A How-to Guide on Contemplation for Older Adults, May 21 at 11am. Learn more and register here>

New Church Ministry is excited to announce that Leadership Academy will be held Oct. 22-25. Online/in person in Gainesville. FL.

Boundary and Anti-Racism courses through DoC & UCC. More online boundary sessions have been added thanks to the Kansas Region!


Obra Hispana, June 20-22, 2024 in Kansas City, MO

Biennial Session of the National Convocation, July 11-14, Greensboro

NAPAD Convocation, July 17-20, Salt Lake City

Association of Disciple Musicians Conference, July 22.26, Tulsa, OK

Thanks for keeping in touch!

Susan Moore

Ministry Associate


Springfield Office




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