Update June 12, 2024

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Upcoming Events


22 - Disciples Women Gathering, 9am, via Zoom

29 - Boundary Training, 10-4, First Christian Church, Warrensburg

29-July 3 - Northwest Chi Rho Camp


Prayer Request

Please pray for Pastor Ellie Stahr, associate at St. Charles CC, her newborn, Harvey, (7 weeks old), her husband Zach, and first child, Spencer. Baby Harvey is experiencing difficulties in keeping his oxygen levels up and has been hospitalized for several days now.

Please hold in prayer Rev .Angela Williams of Willow Street CC as she has knee surgery scheduled for next week.

Items Available

First Christian Church in Troy has chairs to give away.

First Christian Church in Maryville has lots of chairs and some Veggie Tales event kits.

Clergy Facebook Group

The new Facebook for Mid-America clergy is up and running! It is intended to be a place to share, support, connect, crowdsource ideas, and learn from one another. Check it out!

Feeding Springfield's Hungry

Three Springfield-area Disciples of Christ congregations are working together to feed their unsheltered and food-insecure neighbors on Tuesday nights. Central Christian Church has been hosting these Tuesday-night dinners since 2020. In February their nonprofit partner announced they would not be able to continue their efforts. On Ash Wednesday, three DOC ministers started making plans to fill that huge gap. Central has been joined by Brentwood Christian Church and First Christian Church in Republic. Both congregations jumped at the opportunity to do this work of the Church together. Learn more>

Week Of Compassion in Mid-America

Seven households connected to First Christian Church in Dexter suffered damage during recent storms. Each is being blessed with a grant from Week of Compassion. We thank them for their invaluable ministry and ask everyone who is able to contribute to WoC and pay it forward for those in need here in our own communities and all over the world.

Virtual Clergy Cluster

Are you an active minister in the region but find it difficult to attend clergy cluster gathering? Maybe your schedule doesn’t afford you the opportunity, or perhaps there is no active cluster near you.

Well here is an opportunity to gather with colleagues for nurture and support. If you’re not involved in a clergy cluster, or if you want to connect with other ministers across the region, join us on Zoom Thursday evening, June 20 at 6:30pm. 

Educational Opportunities

Our Insurance Board will present Generative Artificial Intelligence for Churches: Managing Risks & Policy Development via Zoom on Tuesday, June 18 at 1pm. Registration Required.

Browse and view previous Insurance Board webinars here.

The Center for Lived Faith & Organizing is presenting Building Local Power on September 20, and The Power of Intergenerational Organizing (in Spanish) on October 12 via Zoom. Mid-America has free seats available. Contact the St. Louis office for more information.

Q&A Dinner Panel Tomorrow in Maryville

All are welcome to this special event at FCC in Maryville on June 13th. Enjoy a delicious meal, engaging conversation, and a safe space to ask questions and to learn from each other!

All are welcome: LGBTQ+ individuals, allies, and those curious about building a more inclusive community.

Let's break bread, break down barriers, and build bridges together! Learn more>

From the Wider Church

This coming week's Global Ministries prayer request is for Germany.

This week's College of Regional Ministers prayer request is for

The Northern Lights Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Obra Hispana, June 20-22, 2024 in Kansas City, MO

Biennial Session of the National Convocation, July 11-14, Greensboro

NAPAD Convocation, July 17-20, Salt Lake City

Association of Disciple Musicians Conference, July 22-26, Tulsa, OK

Disciples Preaching Retreat, October 28-30, Scottsdale, AZ

New Church Ministry is excited to announce that Leadership Academy will be held Oct. 22-25. Online/in person in Gainesville. FL.

Thanks for keeping in touch!

Susan Moore

Ministry Associate


Springfield Office




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