Count your business in! City kicks off second annual business census to better support local economy
May 14, 2024

The City of Edmonton has launched its annual business census, collecting data from local businesses to help shape how the City supports economic development, attracts investment and improves services. This by-Edmonton, for-Edmonton data is a collaborative step towards creating a local economy that is adaptive, inclusive and helps our business community thrive.

“Data collected from our business census provides us with a clear direction on how we can offer support and resources to our business community in a way that truly meets their needs,” says Mayor Amarjeet Sohi. “I encourage all business owners, especially those from minority groups, to ensure they take part. Your voice is important to creating a local economy that is reflective of the many diverse entrepreneurs in our city.”

Summer students will gather information about the Edmonton business community, such as location, industry, employee numbers and demographics. The data collected through the census provides valuable data on City programs and policies and in positioning Edmonton as a great place to do business. This information also helps economic development partners and potential investors better understand the business landscape and make informed decisions.

“Local business owners are the cornerstone of a thriving economy and a vibrant community, so it’s important they are at the forefront of our decision-making,” says Branch Manager of Economic Investment Services, Alisa Laliberte. “We’re already using last year’s data to inform our programs, and over time I’m excited about how we can further shape our supports to bolster our economy.”

Door-to-door enumeration will begin today, with City summer students visiting businesses in Central, 118 Avenue, Scona, Jasper Place, Southeast and West Edmonton neighbourhoods. Businesses in the rest of the city are encouraged to participate online through a five-minute questionnaire. The questionnaire is offered in English, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Vietnamese, French, Tagalog and Hindi.

Edmontonians can find 2023 Business Census data on the City’s Open Data Portal. After 2024 data collection concludes, those results will also be added to the portal.
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Urban Planning and Economy