City’s Orange Hub awards management contract to Grindstone Theatre Society

June 27, 2024

The City of Edmonton and Grindstone Theatre Society are excited to announce that Grindstone has been awarded the exclusive management of the performance theatre and Black Box theatre at The Orange Hub for a three-year term (with option to renew for another three). The Orange Hub is the former MacEwan University Arts Campus, located at 10045 156 St NW.

“The City is very excited to be partnering with Grindstone on this project,” said Councillor Andrew Knack. “Edmonton is very rich in arts and culture and this is a great opportunity to showcase one of our many theatre-based facilities.”

In August 2023, the City of Edmonton tendered a request for proposal for a suitable organization to assume management of the theatre spaces, to increase user engagement and maximize utilization. As a vital community hub for west Edmonton, The Orange Hub supports a number of non-profit groups that offer programs and services in the arts, recreation, wellness and learning. 

“It’s been a real journey growing the company over the last thirteen years and the expansion of adding two new venues is an incredible step forward,” said Byron Martin, Founder and Artistic Director. “As a graduate of the MacEwan Theatre Arts Program, which was located in the Orange Hub at the time, I am extremely honored to be given the opportunity to manage the theatre spaces that carry a rich history of theatre professionals who started their career in this building and to continue its legacy. We are thrilled for the many theatre, dance, performing arts and cultural groups that we will be able to host at the Orange Hub Theatres and to provide affordable and excellent booking services of the venues. We are also very excited to have a home for our Mainstage Season of musical comedies at the Orange Hub Theatres which will provide further professional opportunities for theatre artists in Edmonton and to continue to expand our audience and community.”  

“The City is looking forward to fostering this new partnership with Grindstone Theatre Society to further build upon the vision of The Orange Hub, offering a community hub for arts, recreation, wellness and learning,” said Roger Jevne, Branch Manager of Community Recreation and Culture in the Department of Community Services. “We are excited to see the newly renovated spaces come to life this fall with a mix of dance recitals, concerts, presentations and week-long theatre productions.” 

The partnership enlists Grindstone Theatre’s experience in maximizing the use of the theatre spaces: the 350-seat performance theatre, and the 60 to 90-seat flexible Black-Box Theatre. These newly renovated spaces boast a brand new orchestra pit, state of the art technical equipment including a full system of LED theatrical lighting giving designers full control over colour, zoom and position, and a powerful sound system.

“On behalf of the Board of Grindstone Theatre, we are incredibly excited to be entrusted with the management and operation of the Orange Hub Theatres,” said Sean Lee, President, Grindstone Theatre Society. “The Orange Hub is the developing heart of arts, culture, and community for west Edmonton, and we are thrilled to open new opportunities for stage productions and theatre education in this under-served area of Edmonton. For Grindstone this recognizes that what was once an emerging theatre company has grown to be a cornerstone of Edmonton’s rich theatre, comedy and performing arts community.”

Whether you are an individual, arts collective, community group, business, local or touring organization, Grindstone Theatre Society encourages booking applications from all interested parties.

The open house is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9 from 6 to 9 p.m. Speeches will be from 6 to 6:30 p.m. Meet the team behind the operations, explore the new spaces and envision your event on stage. Councilor Andrew Knack, City representatives and Grindstone staff, including Byron Martin, Artistic Director, and Sean Lee, President of Board of Directors, will be present for tours and to answer questions. Additional information will be provided the week of July 8.

For more information:

The Orange Hub

Grindstone Theatre Society

Media contact: 

Christina Chu

Senior Communications Advisor

Community Services


Trinity Locke

Bookings and Operations Manager

Grindstone Theatre


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