Affordable housing construction in high gear
May 2, 2024

As a busy construction season gets underway, the final structural beam was placed atop the new Holyrood Supporting Housing Site on Thursday. 

Construction of the 63-unit supportive housing site is expected to be finished in late 2024. Once complete, the development will be transferred to Homeward Trust, which will select an experienced non-profit agency to help Edmontonians who would otherwise struggle to find or maintain housing.

In total, the City is currently supporting work to build, convert or renovate 2,600 units of affordable or mixed-market housing: 
  • Affordable Housing Investment Program: 413 units of affordable housing are being completed throughout the city as part of nine projects supported by capital grants. 
  • Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI): In addition to the 63 units in the Holyrood RHI project, two hotel conversion projects are currently underway as part of joint funding with the Government of Canada, adding 158 units of supportive housing. Another project in King Edward Park will add 11 homes for low-income individuals and families. 
  • Renewal of municipally owned housing: Work continues on a three-year plan to upgrade 1,955 units of municipally owned housing units, including 882 deep-subsidy social housing units managed by Civida, and 1,073 mixed-market units owned by HomeEd, the City’s non-profit housing corporation. A progress update is expected soon at City Council.  

Affordable housing is permanent subsidized housing designed for a wide variety of circumstances, including seniors, newcomers, families fleeing domestic violence, and households affected by physical, mobility and mental health challenges. Housing types and subsidies vary, and can range from a 20 per cent break in rent to wrap-around supports. Supportive housing is the most intensive of affordable housing and includes 24/7 staffing. 

Since 2019, the City has invested $165 million to support 3,127 permanent homes, including 783 units of supportive housing. 

“Edmonton is experiencing rapid growth, and as our city continues to grow, we need to be ready,” said Mayor Amarjeet Sohi. “All levels of government have an important role in planning for the prevention of houselessness and housing insecurity.” 

In addition to projects already under construction, another 478 affordable housing units are currently in planning:
  • Supportive Housing: City Council recently approved funding for two additional City-led supportive housing projects in Garneau and Canora, which will add 97 units.
  • Affordable Housing Investment Program: 345 units of affordable housing being planned throughout the city, as part of six projects supported by capital grants. 
  • Indigenous-led Housing Grant: Metis Capital Housing Corporation’s 36-unit seniors lodge recently became the first recipient of a grant stream aimed at Indigenous-led organizations. 

The City’s Affordable Housing Strategy sets short and long-term targets that will help achieve this goal including a target of 2,700 new or renewed affordable housing units by 2026. 
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