Newsletter - December 13, 2019
President's Message
Happy Holidays Highland Park! 

With the end of the year quickly approaching I want to take this time to thank all of you for your continued efforts as community members. If you are receiving these messages or reading them on our website it means that you are already trying to figure out how to engage yourself in the community just a little bit more.

It’s the season of giving and there are many different ways to give back. Please be on the lookout for local organizations that want to make this Holiday Season special for our neighbors that need it most.   READ MORE
Upcoming Committee Meetings

Land Use Committee: Next meeting is scheduled for December 17, 2019, 7pm to 9pm at the Senior Center. 
Check website for agenda to be posted by Sat., 7pm.
Sustainability Committee: We hope to see you at our next meeting January 14, 2019 at 7:30 pm Location to be determined. If you have any concerns, questions or interest in the meeting, Contact
Outreach Committee: We invite you to our next meeting January 16, 2019 at 7:00 pm Coco's Bakery, 6040 York. If you have any concerns, questions or interest in the meeting, Contact
Interested in being a board member?
Community Event - Saturday Dec. 14th
Highland Park Holiday Spirit
and Snow too....
Blanket Drive
Accessory Dwelling Units - Changes to Existing Rules
On January 1, 2020, it will become easier than ever to build Accessory Dwelling Units in California, thanks to a package of new bills from the Legislature. These bills invalidate local ADU ordinances across the state and replace them with state-mandated rules.
Renter's Relief Program
Census 2020
LA needs your help to ensure all of our communities are counted accurately in the 2020 Census so our city can receive the federal funding and the representation we deserve! We're asking all NCs to designate two liaisons to be trained as Census Ambassadors. Liaisons needn't be board members. Learn more.

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One Degree
One Degree, is a technology-driven nonprofit organization that helps low-income families access the resources they need to achieve social and economic mobility, and ultimately, improve their lives. Visit the website
ControlPanel LA is your source for information about the City of Los Angeles' expenditures, revenues, payroll, purchasing, special funds, and more.  It's your City - take control.