August 29th Edition

News & Views

Interview with Pastor John Bradshaw

Photo Credit: It Is Written

Reformation Prophecy

This week's Today program includes It Is Written's speaker director Pastor John Bradshaw who wrote our printed newsletter theme article on the Reformation and prophecy. We couldn't catch him by phone, so we went to the It Is Written Headquarters in Collegedale Tennessee. I chided him that if Mohammed couldn't come to the mountain. The mountain had to come to Mohammed." He said he "had never been called Mohammed, but I will take that as a compliment."

We also introduced Strong Tower Radio's new office manager on the Today show. Our past administrative assistant could not continue due to health reasons, but she is quoted as saying, "I approve."

Listen to both of these interviews on Sunday @ 5 p.m., Monday @ 10 a.m., and Wednesday @ midnight.

Recording the Dow Gardens program with the garden's staff

Photo Credit: Dow Gardens

Dow Gardens

Dow Gardens in Midland, Michigan is a tourist destination for many Michiganders. We made a radio recording visit with some of the staff including the head gardener. Enjoy this "behind-the-scenes" tour of the gardens. Enjoy this Sunday at 3:30 a.m., Monday at 4 p.m., Wednesday at 9 p.m., and Thursday at 1 p.m. only on STR stations, STR apps, or

Pastor Sean Brizendine

Photo Credit: Bessemer Seventh-day Adventist Church

Missionary Journey

Pastor and missionary Sean Brizendine gives his testimony the next two Fridays at 1 p.m. and Saturdays at 5 p.m., only on STR stations, STR apps, or

First-time offering of a four-piece Strong Tower Radio pin set

Image Credit: Strong Tower Radio

STR Pins


Attention Strong Tower Radio fans! We have a brand new 4-pin set you can have for a suggested donation of only $5.00 per set plus shipping and handling. Go to to see a sample set. Call 231-468-2087 to order your set.

QR Giving Code

Photo Credit- Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Giving QR code.

Ways for STR Giving

You can donate to Strong Tower Radio in several ways with different effects.

The first is the fastest, most effective donation by giving directly via a mailed check, calling in a donation, or donating on our website at This allows you to designate a station or support the whole radio network through a one-time or recurring donation.

Another way is by giving to the Michigan Radio Ministry fund with a tithe envelope or via your church's Adventist Giving online.

QR Giving Code

Breaking news- STR now accepts PayPal

Photo Credit- PayPal.


Another Way to Give

PayPal is a popular way to make payments, transfer money, and give to Strong Tower Radio. We have now arranged to accept PayPal for giving.

PayPal is an easy way to give. Go to,, or your PayPal account and designate West Central Michigan Media Ministries (our legal name for business as Strong Tower Radio).

You may give, as with other methods, one time or give automatically. You choose. Thank you for your prayers and financial support of Strong Tower Radio.

QR Giving Code

Strong Tower Radio giving QR code

Graphic Credit: Jennifer Brooks  

STR Giving Graphic

You can give to Strong Tower Radio by accessing the giving page with your smartphone. Point, click, and give!

S. S. Marie Strong Tower Radio Variety Hour program

Image Credit: Nancy Duman, Strong Tower Radio Quartet

Quartet and Variety Hour's 10th Anniversary Sept. 14th 

This is a celebration of the radio and television tradition when a variety show’s format was used before a live studio audience. This variety hour started when the Mount Pleasant Seventh-day Adventist Church wanted a church event that relived the “Golden Era of Radio”. They wrote a radio drama story and booked vocal singing and instrumental talents including a quartet (that became the Strong Tower Radio Quartet)”, plus a live radio host from Strong Tower Radio. The event was so successful that this group and format booked 40 more Strong Tower Radio Variety Hours. Many have aired on the radio network!

Saturday, September 14, 6-8 p.m., the Strong Tower Radio Variety Hour group will present their 10th Anniversary program at the Midland Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Strong Tower Radio Quartet will sing their repertoire of songs including “Turn Your Radio On (to Strong Tower Radio)”, plus other vocal and instrumental performers. There will be a 10-year recap slideshow.

Experience the 'golden era of radio'!  Live is always better and see how radio was produced in the 'old days.'  You will not want to miss this milestone one-of-a-kind program. So, join us in person for the Strong Tower Radio Variety Hour and Quartet 10th Anniversary Concert at the Midland Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2420 E Ashman Street, Midland, MI, September 14, 6-8 p.m.


This public service event is open to the public of the non-profit Christian radio network, Strong Tower Radio. 


STR Events Calendar

Be a part of Strong Tower Radio by joining us personally at one or more of the following scheduled events:

9/1 to 9/8 Tom on the Adventist Heritage Tour in NE USA

9/7 9:00 a.m. David at Mesick SDA Church

9/7 10:45 a.m. Kam at Grand Rapids Central SDA Church

9/14 10:45 a.m. Kam at Hastings SDA Church

9/14 11:00 a.m. David at Marion SDA Church

9/14 6 p.m. 10th-Anniversary STR Variety Hour at Midland SDA

10/5 11:00 a.m. David at 13th Street SDA Church, Cadillac

10/12 11:00 a.m. David at Marion SDA Church

11/2 11:00 a.m. David at Idlewild SDA Church

"David" is David Bolduc- Founder and President

"Jilane" is Jilane Fenner- Public Relations and Board Member

"Kam" is Kam Ferguson- Development Director

"Tom" is Tom Mejeur- Production & Marketing Director

"CAS" is the abbreviation for Camp Au Sable

"SDA" is the abbreviation for Seventh-day Adventist

"STR" is the abbreviation for Strong Tower Radio

Pastor Ron Kelly

Photo source: Berrien Springs Village Seventh-day Adventist Church

Sermons on STR

Here are the upcoming Fresh Manna sermons and speakers that will be streamed on,, and on Strong Tower Radio's local stations Monday-Friday at 2 a.m. and 11 a.m.

This Week's Sermons-

8/29 David Austin- "No Other Gospel"

8/30 Mike Lambert- "And When the Tempter Came to Him Part 3"

Next Week's Sermons-

9/2 Sean Reed- "National Revival"

9/3 Moise Ratsara- "How to Deal with Fear- Part 3"

9/4 Steven Conway- "Called- Part 2"

9/5 David Austin- "Religious Liberty Reborn"

9/6 Mike Lambert- "Sleeping Between the Soldiers"

STR Sabbath Sermons- Saturdays at 11 a.m.

8/31 Ron Kelly- "The Remnant and the Rocks"

Image credit: unknown

Colporteur Sermon!


Sabbath morning a Colporteur was sharing his experience. I poked my wife and said, “We have got to find out about this.” This was a month after we became Seventh-day Adventists.


Not too many church members encouraged us. Our pastor said we won’t let you starve. We didn't starve and we never received an offering. God has provided over, above, and beyond all our fondest expectations. He is always there.


A song goes like this, “Count your many blessings, name them one by one, and you will see what God has done.” God is so good, and He waits for us to ask Him for the One gift that He wants to give us more than anything else—His Holy Spirit.


How would you like to receive, guaranteed, a hundred-fold on an investment? This is what Jesus promised. That means, literally, for every $100 invested you get $10,000.  Not bad, especially when the investment is for eternity. We need persons willing to share their blessings with Strong Tower Radio while there is still opportunity for soon the harvest will be past and the opportunity may not be there.

Thank you for your gifts to STR. This is how we can keep our signals going proclaiming God’s Character to the world.


George Dronen

Past Development Director

How to Make Your Investment Donations:

For credit card or bank account withdrawal go to our secure website,, or

call 231-468-2087.


You may also donate by check or money order mailed to

Strong Tower Radio, PO Box 567, Cadillac, MI 49601

STR's Program Schedule

Click HERE to get your monthly Program Schedule

STR's Printable Newsletter


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