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Colporteur Sermon!
Sabbath morning a Colporteur was sharing his experience. I poked my wife and said, “We have got to find out about this.” This was a month after we became Seventh-day Adventists.
Not too many church members encouraged us. Our pastor said we won’t let you starve. We didn't starve and we never received an offering. God has provided over, above, and beyond all our fondest expectations. He is always there.
A song goes like this, “Count your many blessings, name them one by one, and you will see what God has done.” God is so good, and He waits for us to ask Him for the One gift that He wants to give us more than anything else—His Holy Spirit.
How would you like to receive, guaranteed, a hundred-fold on an investment? This is what Jesus promised. That means, literally, for every $100 invested you get $10,000. Not bad, especially when the investment is for eternity. We need persons willing to share their blessings with Strong Tower Radio while there is still opportunity for soon the harvest will be past and the opportunity may not be there.
Thank you for your gifts to STR. This is how we can keep our signals going proclaiming God’s Character to the world.
George Dronen
Past Development Director
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Strong Tower Radio, PO Box 567, Cadillac, MI 49601