May 24, 2024


TUNE IN TO FISM.TV on weekdays, 9/8c to watch Financial Issues with our host Shana Burt and catch her live commentary, the latest financial news, market updates, investment tips, and more.



Throughout May, FISM is partnering with PreBorn to "Fund the Light" by seeking to provide 50 ultrasound machines to pro-life centers around the country. 

Your generous donation of $28 will provide a scan to a mother in crisis and help her choose life. With the help of a donor match, for every 200 scans donated (net value $5,600), PreBorn ministries will be gifted an ultrasound machine (a typical $15,000 cost) to place at a clinic in need. Each machine has the potential to impact thousands upon thousands of mother's choices. PreBorn also offers additional support to mothers in need and presents the gospel to every mother who comes into their clinics, knowing salvation is the greatest gift that can be given to a mother and her child. 

There is no better way to honor the woman who gave you life this Mother's Day than to give the gift of life to an unborn child. 

AND as a huge additional blessing, the donor who set up the match for PreBorn has also offered to give a donation to FISM dollar for dollar for all donations given to PreBorn throughout the campaign. This gives all donors the opportunity to have their donation have more than triple the impact.

A Note from Yvonne Celia

FISM and PreBorn! – finances and babies?

I know that Dan Steiner, the founder and president of PreBorn! Ministries, has shared

how Financial Issues and PreBorn! came to be partners in Kingdom work. I am not sure

if we’ve ever shared that same story from Dan Celia’s perspective.

Several years ago, Dan and I visited a PreBorn! clinic in Ohio. As we sat with Dan

Steiner and his wife Valerie and listened to their vision and more importantly their

hearts, it started to make sense how two seemingly unrelated ministries would share in

this vital journey of bringing light to this dark, heart wrenching issue. We were able to go into the clinic and see the ultrasound machine, see the store where young moms could spend the points they accumulate through attending the classes that PreBorn! offers, and all the materials they have available to learn to care for and parent their babies. But what struck Dan's and my hearts, what prompted us to press forward, was the emphasis on sharing Jesus Christ! Not only do they share with the moms that come through their doors, but the father, grandmother, aunt...whoever accompanies that mom too! Imagine the ripple effect of what that means to so many!

We are just about a week away from the end of the PreBorn! Campaign and a little more than halfway to our goal of 50 ultrasound machines. Please consider giving to this

rewarding cause. Besides my being 1 of 11 siblings, which then led to 30 grandchildren

and 45 great-grandchildren . . . . a family of 86 (just on my side!!), Dan and I have two

beautiful daughters who gave us 8 amazing grandchildren. He was so active and

hands-on in their lives – we love babies!

Thank you for always being supportive of FISM and PreBorn! If you haven’t already

donated, perhaps consider donating in Dan’s memory – what a tribute that would be!



Happy Memorial Day

Join Seth Udinski for a special Memorial Day edition of A Moment in History, where he explores various stories and tales of Americans who exemplified the phrase “American courage.”

In The Know: Week of May 24, 2024

The Golden Handcuffs Around the Housing Market


Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. - Philippians 2:3


As we celebrate the sacrifice of so many courageous US military personnel this weekend, we are reminded of the Christian virtue of self-sacrifice.


The false religions of the world live by a self-centered mentality. The creed of false religions, including organized religions as well as open witchcraft, is “You lay down your life for mine.” On the contrary, the Christian experience is one magnificent picture of loving sacrifice: “I lay down my life for yours.” We are to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters every day, in the example set for us by our Lord Jesus Christ, who laid down His life for us. Let us consider the needs of others better than our own, as our Lord first did for us.

If you want to study the scriptures and learn more about the truth of the gospel, join our weekly Bible Study every Friday morning at 6:30 Eastern time, 5:30 Central time. Click here to learn how to join.


FOR THE WEEK: Wall Street Bounces Back Ahead of Long Weekend

The DJIA dropped 935 points, or 2.3%, to close at 39,069.59.

The Nasdaq gained 234.82 points, or 1.4%, ending at 16,920.79.

The S&P rose 1.45 points, or 0.03%, closing at 5,304.72.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 4.33 points, or 0.01 %, to close at 39,069.59; the Nasdaq Composite rose 184.76 points, or 1.10%, ending at 16,920.79; the S&P added 36.88 points, or 0.70%, closing at 5,304.72.

U.S. stocks rose on Friday, recovering some losses suffered in the prior session as data showed improving consumer sentiment on inflation, to put the Nasdaq and S&P 500 on track for a fifth straight weekly gain.

Health care stocks were easing Friday afternoon, with the NYSE Health Care Index down 0.2% and the Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLV) decreasing 0.1%.

Tech stocks rose Friday afternoon with the Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLK) adding 0.8% and the SPDR S&P Semiconductor ETF (XSD) climbing 2%. The Philadelphia Semiconductor index gained 1.7%.

Financial stocks were advancing in Friday afternoon trading, with the NYSE Financial Index rising 0.6% and the Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLF) ahead 0.5%.

Consumer stocks were higher Friday afternoon, with the Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLP) increasing 0.4% and the Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLY) gaining 1.2%.

Energy stocks were higher Friday afternoon, with the NYSE Energy Sector Index rising 0.2% and the Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLE) up 0.1%.

The Philadelphia Oil Service Sector Index was shedding 0.1%, and the Dow Jones US Utilities index climbed 0.9%.

West Texas Intermediate crude oil was rising 1.1% to $77.72 a barrel while the global benchmark Brent crude contract was advancing 0.9% to $82.11 a barrel. Henry Hub natural gas futures slumped 4.2% to $2.55 per 1 million BTU.

Gold traded lower on Friday despite a weaker dollar, following three days of losses. Spot gold rose 0.2% to $2,332.77 per ounce as of 1:54 p.m. ET. U.S. gold futures settled 0.1% lower to $2,334.50. Silver futures were up at $30.53 per ounce, Platinum was up at $1035.50; Palladium was down at $968.00.


Americans' retirement account balances are at their highest level in more than two years due to increased savings rates and a favorable market, according to Fidelity Investments’ Q1 2024 Retirement Analysis released Thursday.

Nvidia's plan to split its stock after the stunning rise in the chipmaker's share price could lure more interest from retail investors while potentially paving the way for the company's inclusion in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

New orders for key U.S.-manufactured capital goods rebounded more than expected in April and shipments of those goods also increased, suggesting a moderate improvement in business spending on equipment early in the second quarter.

A majority of Americans (56%) percent believe the U.S. is in a recession, according to a Harris poll released on Wednesday.

Manufacturing activity in the US Midwest region improved into shallower contraction territory in May as shipments swung positive while orders declined.

The Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR ETF is down for the year, as Americans redirect their spending away from items they want to items they need.

Roughly 11,200 Americans will turn 65 each day in 2024, according to a recent report by the Alliance for Lifetime Income, fueling a massive rollout of new retirement products.

Target announced on Monday that it will slash prices on 5,000 popular items, from groceries to diapers, becoming the latest retailer to offer discounts to consumers struggling with ongoing inflationary price pressures.

Americans for Prosperity has partnered with gas stations across the county this week to roll back gas prices to underscore how much gas prices have increased since Biden took office.

The impact of Iran President Raisi’s death reverberated in global markets, particularly in oil and gold prices.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that the U.S. opposes a proposal for a global wealth tax on billionaires being floated by France, Brazil, and other Group of 20 nations.

The U.S.-built Gaza pier was shut down temporarily after 11 out of 16 trucks bringing humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the enclave were pillaged on Saturday.

The Biden administration will sell nearly 1 million barrels of gasoline in the U.S. managed stockpile in northeastern states as required by law, the Department of Energy said on Tuesday, effectively closing the reserve.

Heavy equipment company Caterpillar has agreed to pay $800,000 to resolve allegations of systemic hiring discrimination against Black applicants at an Illinois plant, the U.S. Labor Department said on Tuesday.

Federal Reserve officials expressed concern that progress on inflation is stalled in minutes of the Central Bank’s May policy-setting meeting released on Wednesday.

Investors and hedge funds are buying properties at the quickest pace seen in nearly two years, according to new findings published by Redfin, adding another obstacle to the increasingly elusive American dream of home ownership.

U.S. taxpayers are on the hook for another $7.7 billion in student loan forgiveness announced by the Biden administration on Tuesday.

Nearly half of (45%) of U.S. voters believe that the U.S. economy is headed for a recession in the next year, up 8% from last year.

The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a bill that aims to create a new legal framework for digital currencies, despite an unusual warning from the U.S. securities regulator it could create new financial risks.

The Biden administration asserted its support for an independent Federal Reserve on Wednesday, after a report surfaced last month that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is assessing ways to exercise more control over U.S. monetary policy.

April’s inflation reading showed that the cost of eating out has increased nearly 22% since Biden took office.



FISM NEWS is a conservative news source that approaches each story from a biblical worldview. Watch FISM News weekdays at 5pm ET 4pm CT on




States Continue Along Divergent Paths on Abortion

Even though abortion does not figure to be “the” defining issue of the 2024 election cycle, it remains an important election topic and a deeply divisive issue that is playing out in opposite ways across red and blue states.


This week, Democrat- and Republican-run states each took unprecedented steps in making abortions easier or harder to get.

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Conservative Base Implores Republicans to Go All-In on Pro-Life

The GOP’s cowardice in confronting the horror of abortion head-on has been a boon to Democrats.  


Weak-kneed Republicans have been waffling on the party’s historic pro-life platform since the bruising 2022 midterm elections, either minimizing their pro-life positions or declining to discuss abortion altogether.


This shift was glaringly apparent during a November NBC Republican primary debate.

Democrats see abortion as the linchpin to their success in November, hoping for a repeat of the 2022 midterms.

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New COVID-Era Revelations Show Attempts to Hide Information

Republicans in Congress grilled a health official following the release of emails showing an attempt to seemingly hide certain information.


A select subcommittee within the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability held a hearing Wednesday featuring Dr. David Morens, the senior adviser for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. That subcommittee’s chairman, Brad Wenstrup, laid out some of the evidence held against Dr. Morens.

Watch Here

Sen. Graham Demands Answers About Attempted Marine Base Breach

Republicans are demanding answers from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about a possible national security threat involving two Jordanian nationals.


The men were caught earlier this month trying to break into a Virginia military base by posing as delivery drivers. They were later detained by ICE. Reports suggest at least one of them is on the terror watch list.


Now South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham wants to know if that’s true.

Watch Here



LISTEN TO THE OLD FINANCIAL ISSUES programs hosted by our beloved founder, Dan Celia, as he passionately told it like it was, from a biblical perspective. His wisdom and insight are still applicable today.




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Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries

General Inquiry


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The FISM (Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries) is the home of the program Financial Issues which focuses on financial headlines, investing, politics and encourages people to be thoughtful stewards of the money God has entrusted to them. Financial Issues is a live call-in radio and TV program heard and watched internationally.

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