Dear Colleagues,
As always, thank you for all you do for the students of New York State.
MaryEllen Elia
"I'm encouraged by the mode
st improvements we're seeing in our test scores," Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa said. "As I've always said, testing is just one piece of the puzzle to understand how students are performing. And that's why our draft ESSA plan takes a more holistic approach to accountability - an approach that looks at multiple measures of school and student success. This allows us to continually evolve and adapt so we can ensure that our systems are culturally responsive and place an emphasis on educating the whole child."
"Real progress takes time," State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia said. "So, the test scores we're announcing are a positive sign that we continue to steadily head in the right direction. We've taken a deliberate, inclusive and transparent approach to develop the State's draft ESSA plan as well as changes to our standards and assessments. We're confident that this careful approach will continue to yield benefits for our students."
In 2017, the statewide test refusal rate was approximately 19 percent, a decline of two percentage points from last year's refusal rate of approximately 21 percent.
SED Awards More than $17 Million to 44 Colleges and Universities in Liberty Partnerships Program Grants to Keep Students in School
The Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP) is New York State's only state-funded dropout prevention program directly connected to higher education which prepares students for post-secondary education and careers.
"LPP grants make it possible for colleges to create strong school and community partner
ships to help keep New York's children in school and continue into higher education and careers; it's a priority for the Board of Regents and State Education Department," said Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa.
"So many of the at-risk students we're trying to encourage to stay in school don't have access to support," said Commissioner MaryEllen Elia.
Recipients of these higher education initiative grants will provide comprehensive programming for students to successfully graduate and transition into postsecondary education or a career path.
SED Releases Waivers Related to State ESSA Plan for Public Comment
NYSED will submit the waivers to the United States Department of Education (USDE). USDE requires that states post proposed waivers for public comment prior to their submission to the USDE. The public comment period runs through September 8.
The full text of each proposed waiver is posted on the Department's ESSA webpage.
The first waiver requests permission to continue to allow the state to use the results of middle school students who take a mathematics or science Regents exam, in lieu of the grade level exam, for the purposes of determining school accountability and participation. The second waiver requests permission to continue to exempt newly arrived English Language Learner/Multilingual Learner (ELL/MLL) students for one year from taking the English language arts (ELA) exam. The third waiver requests permission to assess a small number of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, but who are not eligible for the New York State Alternative Assessment (NYSAA), with tests matched to the instructional level of the students, not to the chronological age of the students.