St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

of Boca Grande, Florida

News & Notes

February 23, 2024


  • TWO worship times!
  • Rector's Reflection
  • Upcoming Events
  • Outreach
  • Parishioner's Spot Light
  • Bible Study and Fellowship
  • Sunday Worship Information
  • Prayer List

Beginning this Sunday (February 25)

We will have TWO Worship Times!

8:00 a.m. Simple Service

9:30 a.m. Worship Service

Both services are Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Rector's Reflection

"The wine supply ran out during the festivities, so Jesus’ mother told him, “They have no more wine.” “Dear woman, that’s not our problem,” Jesus replied. “My time has not yet come.John 2:3–4


There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Wise words, these are. So wise, in fact, that even Jesus applied them to His life. On several occasions when people urged Him to do things that would risk revealing His identity as the Messiah, He replied, “My time has not yet come.” He knew His Father’s redemptive plan and refused to rush ahead of it. Hours before His death, Jesus spoke about time again. He said, “Now the time has come for the Son of Man to enter into his glory” (John 12:23, NIV). The wait was over, and He knew that His life’s purpose was about to be fulfilled.


Trusting in God’s timing…not my timing was a hard learned lesson. On my ninth birthday, my father asked me what I wanted for my present. With great excitement, I replied, “a dog, all my own!” I got roller skates. On my tenth birthday, he asked again. Hope bloomed in my heart; this year would be the year! Excited I replied, “a dog, all my own!” I got a bike. For then next five birthdays my dad asked his question…and every year, I said the same thing. But no dog.


Every night, for 7 years I prayed, asking God for a dog ‘all my own’…and every night, God whispered “Wait.” Finally, on my sixteenth birthday, when my father posed his birthday question I replied…“a tennis racket.”  Seven years of praying, seven years of waiting, I had lost hope. Easier to wish for a tennis racket, than to hope for the dreams of my heart. Have you ever felt that way? Imagine my bemused shock, when, on my sweet 16, my dad came home from work with a Lhasa Apso puppy tucked under his arm. At last…a dog all my own! I named Anjin.


That night, while Anjin slept curled on my pillow, I knelt to pray. I asked God why He took so long to answer the deep desire of my heart. The carpet digging into my knees, I waited in silence, listening for His answer. Understanding came. Anjin was the dog God desired for me. At age 9 or 10 or even 15, he wasn't even a glimmer in his momma's eye. The time had not yet come for me to have a dog all my own...because hadn't yet been born! At 9 and 10 and even 15...Anjin didn't exist. All those passing years, God was waiting for him to be born. Anjin was the dog for me and God's message was, "wait". It was all a matter of timing…of trusting in God’s timing.


Just as Jesus trusted in divine timing, so too can we entrust our prayers, our desires and longings to God's guidance. Whether it's a season of waiting or moving forward, following His lead ensures that we can navigate life's transitions with confidence and assurance.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 promises, “There is a time for everything.” Try replacing the word ‘everything’ with a personal application (There is a time for...). Then thank Jesus for promising to show you when the time is right for those circumstances to be fulfilled.

Upcoming Events

Broadway comes to Boca Grande!

FRIDAY, February 23 and SATURDAY, February 24

at 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

You are invited to come and listen to 42 singers - including 10 of our own St. Andrew's choir members. The music director for this event is our very own, Mr. Alan Corey.

Admission is FREE. We hope to see you there!



February 27; March 5 &19

at 5:00 p.m.

Join us for a simple lite supper (hearty soup and salad) and fantastic conversation. Vincent van Gogh devoted his life to light. The light of creation, the light of painting, the light of God’s grace – and the light in humanity, mind, body, and soul. The word “Lent” refers to the “lengthening” light. What better companion on our forty-day pilgrimage, then, than this apostle of light: an artist steeped in Christianity and yet open to learning from Buddhism, enamored with Jesus and at the same time adventurous enough to find God in mysteries, humility, and love, not certainties, arrogance, or privilege. We will use the paintings and letters of Vincent van Gogh and Holy Scripture as our guide.


with Dr. Darren Dochuk

Thursday, March 12

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Exploring American Oil and Religion

"Anointed with Oil: How Christianity and Crude made modern America."

Dr. Dochuk will chronicle North America’s age of oil — in particular, crude’s inseparable relationship to Christianity. In his book, “Anointed with Oil,” Dochuk details that since the Civil War-era discovery of oil, Americans have consistently claimed black gold as a spiritual blessing, a sacred burden and an emblem of national identity and mission in the world.

Darren Dochuk is the a professor of History at the University of Notre Dame, a Faculty Fellow at Notre Dame's Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and Co-Director of the Cushwa Center. His research and teaching deal primarily with the United States in the long twentieth century, with emphasis on the intersections of religion, politics, energy, and environment. He is the author of, “From Bible Belt to Sunbelt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism” as well as editor/co-editor of several books including: Beyond the Culture Wars: Recasting Religion and Politics in the 20th Century United States, The Routledge History of the Twentieth-Century United States and Politics in the 20th Century United States.

Outreach News

Thank you for your support of the Englewood Boys & Girls Club Red Bag Collection.

Parishioner's Spot Light

Thank you to

Bruce and Sally Birgbauer !

Last week we found this frog doorstop at the red door of the church with the story below attached to it. It was a mystery for a day or two as to who left it there. But we found out it was our faithful parishioners Bruce and Sally Birgbauer. Thank you!

In Boca Grande, where the waves do roar, stands St. Andrew's Church, forevermore.

Amidst its walls, a tale unfolds, of a frog doorstop, a story untold.

With eyes of glass, and a sturdy frame, This little amphibian's claim to fame.

A guardian of doors, both big and small, protecting the church, standing tall.

Through rain and shine, it never strays, a loyal companion, come what may.

In the Boca Grande Episcopal community, gratefulness fills the hearts, with unity.

For this humble doorstop, a symbol so rare, teaching us lessons beyond compare.

In its presence, we learn to appreciate, the simple things that make life great.

Like the frog, we too have a role to play, in guarding our doors, day by day.

To protect what matters, with love and care, and be grateful for the blessings that we share.

So let us gather, in St. Andrew's embrace, with grateful hearts, and souls ablaze.

For the frog doorstop, a reminder profound, that gratitude and love can always be found.

This week's Birthdays ...

February 24

Kathy Courtney

February 27

Campbell Burton

February 28

Greg Wilson

Bible Studies

Tuesdays @ 8:30 a.m.

Small group conversation

via zoom and in person

at the Chapter House

Click for Men's Bible Study Link

Fridays @ 10:00 a.m.

Small group conversation

via zoom and in person

at the Chapter House

Click here for Women's Bible Study Link


The Second Sunday in Lent

February 25, 2024

To watch the service LIVE, click on the image below.

Click on the bulletin for the order of worship. To watch past services, click on the tab.

Click on the images above for the Live-Stream Link and Sunday Bulletin.

Click Here to Watch Past Services

Prayer List

Pastoral Prayer List

  • Eleanor Adams
  • John Berley
  • Dennis Berry
  • Shawn Peterson Cain
  • Emily Clegg
  • Bob Corl
  • Hadley Cox
  • Betsy Dalrymple
  • Sue Embres
  • Gene Findlay
  • Tom Floyd
  • Alice Gorman
  • Pam Hannah
  • Rob Knapp
  • Jenna Larson
  • Shelley Lewis
  • Kathy Litzinger
  • Priscilla Masselink
  • Bobby Parker
  • Jeanne Phillips
  • Maurice Price
  • Frankie Rediker
  • Hal Russell
  • Pat Ryan
  • Gislene Schurmann
  • Amy Staples
  • Stephanie Vick

Military Prayer List

  • Blaise Bess
  • Ben Constantinides
  • John Life Ikenberry
  • Colin Jackson
  • Karl Jackson
  • Anthony Kopp
  • Alex Lovo
  • Michael Manetti
  • Renier van Breen
  • Arch Wilson
Click Here to Submit Your Prayer Request