Fall News
It took a while for fall to get here, but I am hoping you are enjoying the cooler days and beautiful colors as much as we are. SC2C continues to find ways to support students and families as we transition back into the school year. To that end, I am happy to announce that we have hired Yolande Ford as our Director of Equity Initiatives. She will be moderating our next Community Racial Justice Session on October 26, on Achieving Racial Equity in Education Through a Restorative Lens. See the story below to register. Yolande is also working with Dolan Middle School to coordinate the Empathy Project, a program that emphasizes and promotes the development of prosocial behavior, which is linked positively to classroom grades and current and future behaviors.
I'm excited to announce that we are also hiring a Community Coordinator to streamline the early childhood system in our City, with a focus on home visiting and developmental screening. To view and share the position, click here.

Our website is becoming a rich resources for parents of children ages 0-5 who want to learn more about their child's growth and development. See more below.

The Resources Page of our website also includes a wealth of information and recordings of previous webinars. You can sort the resources based on your interest area by clicking on the category column on the upper right of the page.

Please scroll down for important and timely information.

Remember that the most up-to-date information about what's going on with SC2C and our community partners can be found by liking us on Facebook, and following us on Instagram and Twitter.

Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!

Bridget Fox
President, Stamford Cradle to Career
Information about upcoming events can also be found on our website under News & Events. Recordings of previous events and webinars can be found under Resources.
SC2C News & Events
Achieving Racial Equity in Education Through a Restorative Lens

October 26, 12:30-1:30 pm | Via Zoom

Equity in education is the process of reforming practices, policies, and procedures at the school and district levels to support academic fairness and inclusion and ensure that every child has the resources, teachers, interventions, and supports they need to be successful. Join the discussion on how implementing Restorative Practices in Stamford Public Schools is helping schools become more aware of the inequities and biases in order to address and correct them.

Olympia Della Flora, Associate Superintendent, Stamford Public Schools
Charmaine Davis, Principal of Dolan Middle School
Matt Laskowki, Principal of Rippowam Middle School

Moderator: Yolande Ford, Director of Equity Initiatives for Stamford Cradle to Career

This session will be streamed live via the Stamford Stands Against Racism Facebook page at facebook.com/StamfordStands

Don't Miss These Upcoming Sessions!

November 30, 12:30-1:30 pm. "Investing in Racial Equity." With David Addams, Executive Director of the William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund and Juanita James, President and CEO of Fairfield County's Community Foundation. Register HERE.

December 14, 12:30-1:30 pm. Small Group Discussions on July, October, and November sessions. Register HERE.
Early Childhood Resources Available on SC2C Website!

Our website now includes a number of valuable resources for parents and caregivers of children ages 0-5 and the professionals who work with them.

Developmental milestones are how most children play, learn, speak, act, and move by a certain age. Parents have what it takes to help young children learn and grow. Watch your child’s amazing progress by monitoring (tracking) his or her developmental milestones! This guide is from the Connecticut Department of Public Health, 211 Connecticut, the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, and Connecticut Act Early/UConn Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.

To download the playbook, click here.

Sparkler is a FREE developmental screening application for Stamford parents and caregivers of children ages 0-5, available in English and Spanish. It promotes healthy early childhood development and helps you advocate for your child. You'll have access to the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (a developmental screening tool), developmentally aligned play activities, parent forums, and early childhood coaches.

We are currently working to ensure that all families with children aged 0-5 have access to Sparkler to ensure that all our children are developmentally ready for Kindergarten.

To learn more, click here. If you have any questions about Sparkler in Stamford, contact Tashi Shuler-Drakes at 678-928-2045 or tashi.shuler-drakes@uwwesternct.org.

The Kindergarten Readiness Brochures helps Stamford parents and caregivers develop their young children's habits of Mind, Body, and Heart so they are prepared to succeed in their first year of school.

For a copy in English, click here.

For a copy in Spanish, click here

We are working with community partners, including the Ferguson Library, to promote ways that all parents can raise children who love to read! Families can practice five simple activities to raise a reader—reading, writing, singing, talking and playing.

To learn more and to view the videos, click here.
Election Day Is Almost Here!

November 2 is just around the corner. We want parents and community members to be as informed as they can be when they enter the voting booth. If you missed the forums we co-sponsored about the Board of Education, it's not too late!

The 2021 Angela Lorenti Memorial Board of Education Candidates Forum was held on Thursday, October 7. The Board of Education candidates discussed their positions on issues affecting Stamford Public Schools and the ideas they have for the future. Co-sponsored by the PT Council and Stamford Cradle to Career.

What Is the Board of Education? was held on Monday, October 11.
It covered the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Education, how board members are elected, and how long they serve. It also explained how the board impacts Stamford children and how parents can have a voice. It was sponsored by Stamford Cradle to Career and Building One Community.

To learn more and view recordings of both sessions, click here.
News & Events from Community Partners
New Profit and Deloitte's Health Equity Institute Announce Grant Opportunity

New Profit has announced that they are now accepting applications for their Health Equity Cohort. Up to eight nonprofit organizations will receive a one-year $100,000 investment of unrestricted resources, in-kind capacity building support, and participation in a peer learning community through a collaboration between New Profit and Deloitte’s Health Equity Institute

New Profit is seeking early-stage systems change leaders who are working to shift the underlying conditions that create health inequities across an individual lifespan and generations. Our intention is to expand the impact of social entrepreneurs working in the health equity space—within and beyond the field of healthcare itself —to drive toward more equitable health outcomes at scale.

For more information, click here.
211 Child Care Has New Provider Portal

211 Child Care's new Provider Portal empowers child providers to share real-time updates with Connecticut families seeking child care services.

The new portal allows providers to quickly and easily edit their program information to ensure that the 211 Child Care database is up to date. It allows families to explore their options, and helps 211 Child Care Specialists better assist families in finding the right child care for their family. 

Families and caretakers can access this information and search for child care services by clicking here
New Portal Makes It Easier to Get the Child Tax Credit

A new portal now makes it easier for eligible families to get the Child Tax Credit.

GetCTC is free to use, accessible on desktops and mobile devices, and available in both English and Spanish.

GetCTC makes it easier for families with low or no incomes to get the flexible cash they deserve—including the Advance Child Tax Credit and any of the three rounds of stimulus payments they may have missed out on. 
Help Spread the Word About Housing and Utility Assistance from UniteCT

UniteCT provides up to $15,000 rental assistance and up to $1,500 electricity payment assistance to Connecticut households financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is administered by the Department of Housing on behalf of the US Treasury.

UniteCT is stabilizing Connecticut’s rental housing market by financially supporting those households up to 80% of HUD’s Area Median Income (AMI). Click here for an interactive AMI map to see if you may qualify.

To learn more about this program, click here.

For a copy of the English flyer, click here.
For a copy of the Spanish flyer, click here.
For a copy of the Haitian Creole flyer, click here.
Stamford Cradle to Career | Website