Public Employees Sued Individually For Social Media Mistakes,

Lose Personal Assets

Policies alone are not enough. New 1983 federal standards 

require expert social media liability training for all employees.

Questions? 954-748-7698

Make This 2-Hour Online Course Mandatory Training


(Avoid Growing Personal Liability)



Compare The Costs

* There is a one-time portal set-up fee of $297

Review The Course Before Purchasing For Your Group: $79pp

Full Review Course: $79pp

Don't Hesitate: Call Now At 954-732-0724

Online Course Modules Include:

  • MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION – Core elements of social media liability

  • MODULE 2: BIGGEST MYTHSAddress federal and state cases that re-classify social media as a potent weapon that causes civil rights violations and permanent reputational injury.

  • MODULE 3: SOCIAL MEDIA LIBELDiscuss the complex area of social media defamation

  • MODULE 4: SOCIAL MEDIA FIRST AMENDMENT ISSUES Address specific posts and tweets not covered by the First Amendment and trigger implicit bias, viewpoint discrimination, and other discriminatory content

  • MODULE 5: SOCIAL MEDIA PRIVACY INVASIONcomplete a survey of the current and emerging legal issues on social media privacy both at work and on private networks

  • MODULE 6: COPYRIGHT LAWS YOU NEED TO KNOWfocus on core copyright issues to avoid infringement claims

Full Course Review: $79pp

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

How The Online Course Is Delivered

Step I: The governmental entity issues a course announcement. Most governments have a two-week enrollment period for their employees to register for the course. A designated contact person for the course is assigned, with the option for each department to appoint a course coordinator. To meet the new federal training standards, it is strongly advised to make the course mandatory for all employees.

Step II: I will send the course link to your coordinator(s), who can then distribute it to the employees. Upon receiving their respective links, participants create basic login credentials to access the course at their convenience, 24/7. Typically, governments allow two to three weeks for completion of the 2-hour course. Your governmental entity will have its own portal for streamlined course management, while my institute offers comprehensive support and progress reports upon request.

Step III: Upon completing the course, participants can print out their course completion certificates. Internal certificate printing services are also available if required. This provides concrete evidence to your government that all employees have undergone expert social media liability training from an external source, facilitating policy enforcement and compliance with federal standards.

Full Course Review: $79pp

You Can't Do This Type Of Expert Training In-House: Don't Wait For A Costly Lawsuit

Call Social Media Attorney Fiedelholtz Now At 954-748-7698

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Social Media Attorney Fiedelholtz