Last night, I got back from a 9 day stretch in Springfield where we finished the business of the 102nd General Assembly, said farewell to our departing colleagues, and celebrated the inauguration of the constitutional officers and the new 103rd General Assembly. No wonder I’m tired!

In between, we passed historic legislation reflecting the work of two of the legislative work groups created by Speaker Welch in the wake of both the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade & the mass shootings in Highland Park & East Garfield Park. My colleague Bob Morgan chaired the Gun Violence Working Group and passed The Protecting Our Communities Act which makes Illinois the 5th state to ban assault weapons. As chair of the Reproductive Rights & The Dobbs Decision Work Group, I am proud to say that The Patient And Provider Protection Act (PAPPA) was signed into law today. At its core, PAPPA is about ensuring that reproductive and gender affirming care providers and patients are not subject to prosecution or persecution by hostile states seeking to criminalize legal activities in our state while also expanding access by removing barriers to care and ensuring our providers can meet the ever increasing demand as more states enact bans forcing their residents to travel hundreds of miles for care.

Also, one of the lesser noticed items in our lame duck session was that the Senate took final action on HB2542! Finally, after years of work by an amazing coalition of activists, Illinois’ outdated law blocking access to legal name change to many in the transgender community, survivors of human trafficking, and domestic violence survivors.

I look forward to getting underway in the 103rd. We spend the next two weeks getting organized into committees and letting all the new members get settled into offices, but we’ll be filing our legislative agenda for the session as bills come back from drafting, so watch future newsletters for updates. As always, feel free to send along your “there oughta be a law” submissions!

I’m also really looking forward to participating in Lasagna Love with Chef Mindy Segal on Sunday. This is the second year we’ve marked the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday with this amazing group. Participants get an ingredient list and a link to a zoom where Mindy will demonstrate how to prepare it, and will be linked with a receiving organization where their clients will get a home cooked with love dinner. This year’s recipients include Thresholds here in the 14th district as well as Little Sisters of the Poor. Participants are also free to choose their own recipient.

It’s good to be home for a bit. I am looking forward to seeing many of you as I am out and about. It will be fun to spend some time getting the new office on Morse put together as well (see story below for details!). Once we’re settled in, we’re looking forward to hosting an open house, so watch for that in upcoming newsletters.

Bill signing for PAPPA

Martin Luther King Day

Neighborhood Shoutouts 

New Office Location

With the start of the new 103rd General Assembly this month, our team is also making a fresh start with a new office! While the space we’ve shared with the 48th ward, 9th Congressional District, 10th County Board District, and 7th Senate district has been our home since long before I took office, our new space on Morse Avenue will allow us to work more efficiently and safely while conserving resources.

We’re excited to announce that our new space at 1507 W. Morse Avenue will be shared with our newly elected 13th District County Commissioner Josina Morita and will give our constituents a more effective space to seek assistance or services. One of the greatest challenges of the open floor plan of the old office on Broadway was the noise level and lack of privacy for our constituents who come to us for assistance with deeply personal issues. Our new space will provide a private space for these constituents who deserve dignity and privacy while seeking assistance.

We are not currently open to the public at the Morse office. We expect to be up and running in the new office by February 1st. Until then, we’ll be operating virtually and hosting satellite service hours at 5533 N. Broadway each Wednesday from 9a-5p. Any changes will be posted on our social media and at Please continue to email us at

In the District

Winter Bryn Mawrkets

Winter Bryn Mawrkets & Gallery Invites You to Explore More

Come watch, learn and shop from makers, vendors and artists at the Winter Bryn Mawrkets!

Looking for something fun to do with your kids this weekend? Head on over to the Winter Bryn Mawrkets for some shopping, learning and fun! On Saturday, we are partnering with Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble and the Ice Cream Girl to host a free kids event! There will be an arts & crafts station from 1-4pm and a kid's dance party with songs and games at 2pm. Registration is not necessary, but encouraged! Register here:

Howard Street Makers Studio

Howard Street Makers Studio provides a safe space for creativity and healing. Everyone is welcome to join during open studios where participants can explore different types of art mediums. Howard Street Makers Studio is located at 1609 W. Howard St. Dates and times are subject to change, please check the calendar to verify dates and times.

Kindred Open Studio is inspired by art therapist and author, Pat Allen’s Open Art Studio methods- where participants as well as the leader create art together as a community. Artists in residence will facilitate classes, community art workshops, spoken word/open mic, sip and paint, discussions and open art studio time with and for the community.

Mondays 11am - 3pm: Mindful Movements with Monimia “Mimi” Macbeth, LCPC, R-DMT

Wednesdays 6 - 9pm: Filipino Martial Arts with Crystle Dino, Chi-Pinayist, Tender Warrior, Folk Art Therapist

Fridays 11am - 3pm: Healing Justice Poetry Circle with Dorian A. Ortega, LCPC

Saturdays 3:30 - 6:30pm: Liberatory Art Studio with Jessica Juarez, M.Ed, LPC, NCC 

Christmas Tree Recycling

Help protect the environment by recycling your old Christmas tree! Trees can be dropped off at Margate Park, 4921 N Marine Dr. and dozens of other locations throughout the city from January 7 - 22.

The mulch that is created from recycling Christmas trees is used in local parks to protect and nourish plants and soil. Mulch is also available to Chicago residents—free of charge—at six park locations, including Warren Park, starting on Monday, January 9.

Only live/natural trees without flocking are accepted (no garlands or wreaths). Because the trees are mulched, all tinsel, ornaments, lights and stands must be removed. Plastic bags used for transport should also be removed before putting trees in the stalls.

The City of Chicago recycles thousands of Christmas trees every year, diverting hundreds of thousands of valuable organic material from landfills. With your help, this year can be even more successful! For more information and a map of all the recycling locations, click here.

Recycle Old Holiday Lights at the 48th Ward Office

Township Officials of Illinois Highschool Scholarship

Each year Township Officials of Illinois award scholarships to departing seniors who are going to an Illinois College or University. The completed application must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2023. For more information including the application click here.

2023 Argyle Lunar New Year

COVID-19 Updates

January 13th Update

Friday, January 13th Update:

  • Total new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 IL residents: 128
  • Daily new COVID-19 admissions per 100,000 IL residents: 135
  • Percent of staffed inpatient beds occupied by IL COVID-19 patients: 6%
  • Statewide Totals: 3,981,275 confirmed cases and 35,814 deaths

For more details regarding the status of COVID in Illinois click here.

Please click here to see the status of COVID in our zip codes.

Being vaccinated and boosted is critical to limit the major impacts of future pandemic waves we are to face as new variants come along. Please be up to date with your vaccines and continue to test when needed.

To find a vaccine clinic within the City of Chicago click here.

For questions or info regarding COVID-19 testing click here.

If you have questions related to COVID-19 you can contact the

Illinois Department of Public Health:

Hotline: 800-889-3931


City of Chicago's Department of Public Health:

Hotline: 312-746-4835



Northside Community Resources

ILHAF Mortgage Assistance Program

Chinese Mutual Aid Association Free Healthcare English Classes

LIHEAP Utility Assistance Program

Youth & Teen

Winter Programs with Chicago Park District

Registration is open for Chicago Park District's 2023 winter programs. The Chicago Park District offers an extensive array of programs for all ages this winter. You'll find a variety of in-person programming options along with its popular virtual programs. Browse available openings and register here

Senior Services

Chicago Methodist Senior Services


Kelly Cassidy

State Representative, 14th District

Office of State Representative Kelly Cassidy

5533 N Broadway

Chicago IL 60640

773 - 784 - 2002 (phone)

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