Volume 1 Issue 14 December 15, 2021
Happy holidays

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

We are grateful for your continued trust in us. Our goal is to provide you with excellent service through these difficult times.

We wish your family a wonderful holiday season and a New Year full of happiness and prosperity.
Whom do you say Jesus is?
by Carlos del Amo
We spent a lot of time buying a tree, decorations, and lights, purchasing and sending cards to family and friends, and buying gifts for everyone we know at Christmas time. Christmas is a compound word created by the early church to designate the celebrating of Christ's birth with a mass to remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life. Through the centuries, thousands of novels, books, stories, television documentaries, and films have been written and produced about Jesus Christ. Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season. Spend some time getting to know Him.
In the first century AD, vast multitudes of listeners followed Jesus in every city, in awe of the miracles He performed and the words He spoke. Demons were cast out. People were raised from the dead. Food was multiplied. People were healed. Myths were shattered, and lives were changed. Jesus is a Jew. But, apart from his disciples and followers, the Jews of Jesus' day generally rejected him as the Messiah, as do the great majority of Jews today.
Hundreds of thousands of churches have been erected in His name, and millions have claimed to be His ministers, and billions have professed Him "Lord and Savior." Dr. James Allan wrote about Jesus in 1926: He was born in an obscure village. The child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another obscure village. He worked in a carpenter shop until he was thirty. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never went to college. He never visited a big city. He never traveled more than two hundred miles from the place where he was born.
He did none of the things usually associated with greatness.
He had no credentials but himself. He was only thirty-three when he died. His friends ran away, and one of them denied him. He was turned over to his enemies and went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed to a cross between two thieves. While dying, his executioners gambled for his clothing, the only property he had on earth.
When he was dead, he was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend. Nineteen (now twenty) centuries have come and gone. And today, Jesus is the central figure of the human race and the leader of mankind's progress. All the armies that have ever marched. All the navies that have ever sailed. All the parliaments that have ever sat. All the kings that ever reigned put together Have not affected the life of mankind on earth as powerfully as that one solitary life.
Opinions range widely about who and what is Jesus Christ. But few disagree that He forever changed the course of history and civilization. Today, Jesus is known the world over, whether one professes to be Christian, atheist, or any other religion. Some would say he is just another voice in the history of humanity, no different than Confucius, Muhammad, or maybe even Oprah Winfrey. It doesn't matter if you believe in Jesus or believe in something or someone else in the world's eyes, "It's all good." If you decide that Jesus isn't the one for you, you can find salvation elsewhere. To the world, it's all relative.
We know well what the world says about Jesus. But, the Gospel turns the question on us. Who do you say Jesus is? Is Jesus just another voice among many others throughout history, or is Jesus the voice of God the Father? Jesus said: "I and the Father are one." Is Jesus just one way to salvation and everlasting life, or is Jesus the way, the only way? Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Do we pick and choose the teachings of Jesus, which we understand and agree with and ignore the rest, or do we believe that every word Jesus speaks is the word of God that we must struggle to understand, accept, and obey?
The Bible and the Christian church declare that Jesus Christ is truly God and truly man, and Jesus himself declared that he was God. Critics have denied this claim, believing that Jesus was a great teacher and nothing more. If Jesus' claims to be God is false, he was either delusional or deceptive, but He could not have been a great teacher. 
God always tells the truth. The Bible says: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." I sought, asked, and knocked in my fifties, and God opened a whole new eternal world to me. I now believe that Jesus is the Messiah (Christ) foretold in the Old Testament and the Son of God. Through his death and resurrection, humans can be reconciled to God and thereby are offered salvation and the promise of eternal life.
God is a loving God. The Bible says:  "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." God is talking to you. He loves you so much that he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He loves you so much that Jesus gave his life so you would have eternal life. All you have to do is accept Jesus' gift. That is why Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season.
Jesus says: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and eat with him and he with me." Who do you believe Jesus is? Your answer to this question will make an eternal difference in your life! 

December: the Month of Giving
by Linda Rojas

December is national giving month which comes to many of us as a logical derivation of the festivities around this month. Christians celebrate Christmas; Jews celebrate Hanukkah; Boxing Day is celebrated in the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand amongst other countries; Irishmen and Irishwomen celebrate St. Stephen’s Day; Japanese celebrate Omisoka.

Giving December is a natural derivation of the gift-giving nature of the festivities. It is the time to think about the future, to start traditions, to put thoughts into actions and to spread joy. All over the world, charitable donations increase drastically during the month of December, in the US 31% of all donations take place in December. Many organizations prepare campaigns that bring together people of all ages to donate and to engage with their communities.

With giving in mind, we have put together a list of movies to watch, books to read, and initiatives to support during this month.

·        A Christmas Carol
·        The Ultimate Gift
·        It's a wonderful life

·        Simple Giving: Easy Ways to give Every by Jennifer Lacovelli
·     Ethics in the Real World: 82 Brief Essays on Things That Matter by Peter Singer
·      Women and Philanthropy: Boldly Shaping a Better World by Sondra Shaw-Hardy and Martha Taylor


·        Riverside Holiday Village at the Wharf
·    Art Show and Holiday Bazaar Fundraiser at6700 SW 13th St., Pembroke Pines, FL
·        Open-Air Holiday Markets at Dania Pointe
·        Winterland at the Farm
·        Elf The Musical

Funny Moments
Quote of the Month
Notable Birthdays

        Famous people born in December
Walt Disney: December 5, 1901
Sammy Davis Jr.: December 8, 1925
Emily Dickinson: December 10, 1830
Ada Lovelace: December 10, 1815
Frank Sinatra: December 12, 1915
Taylor Swift: December 13, 1989
Shirley Jackson: December 14, 1916
Pope Francis: December 17, 1936
Sarah Paulson: December 17, 1974
Brad Pitt: December 18, 1963
Lebron James: December 30, 1984
Diane Sawyer: December 22, 1945
Ted Cruz: December 22, 1970
Woodrow Wilson: December 28, 1856
John Legend: December 28, 1978
Tiger Woods: December 30, 1975
Donald Trump Jr.: December 31, 1977

 Our Family
Vincent Pellegrini
Christopher D. Vasallo
Alexander Fox F.
Carlo Chialastri
Monaliza Almeida
Eric Michael Fresco
Karla Garcia
Laura M.Bellizio
   Other very important people to us
Alfredo Caicedo, Olga Walker, Simone Willrich, Pedro Herrera, Emily Posso, Tania Blanco, Marie Lydie Jean, Darcy Velazquez, Susi Diaz, Luz Elena Sepulveda, Franco Geisse, Giorgio Ardito, Ivette Clements, Stephanie Hernandez, Delfino Miranda, Odessa       Harris, Daniel Liyunam, Johana Soza, Kent Hart, Enrique Vela, Herman Lewis, Raico Martinez, Eddy Cabrera, Frank Perez, Luis Abbud, Marta Jimenez, Jorge Ramses Gomez Figueroa, Merissa Serpa, Clara Exposito, Jorge Gomez Figueroa, Jorge Gomez, Felix Ruiz, Carlin Garcia, Ricardo Hernandez, Stephanie Hernandez, HaydePollock, Christina Maria Garcia, Carmen Venegas, Barbaro Hernandez, Hector Matamoros, Martha Fernandez, Iris Santana, Martha  Fernandez, Jose Bernejo, Gustavo Batista, Flora Hernandez, ReinerDieguez, Jose Eduardo Ascensio, Tania Perez, Daniel Perez Carrillo, Gabrielle Martins, Joe Pila, Lazaro Perez, Julien Robinson, Jean Olivero, Ivan Heraldez, Lidia Garcia, David Herna, Julio Jesus Cruz, Leonor Betancourt, Amed      Gonzalez, Maria Chirinos, Clara Exposito, Sonia Alvarez, Monica Revilla, Judith Suarez, Georgina De Almagro, Lucibel Guerrero, Lazaro Tejera, Eduardo Cuesta, Giovanna Ramos, Paul Laughlin, Gladys Ramirez, Rodolfo Ribera, Luis Mario Munoz, Mercedes M. Pietri, David S. Corbett, Isachi Cotera, Helen Chisholm, Aileen M. Hernandez, Isabel Cruz, AlvaroFajardo, Ada I. Simpson, Mirta Rodriguez-Cordova, Maria Luisa Arcila, Jose S. Espinoza, Humberto Valdes, Annia Alcala, Xiomara Baullosa, Mirta Cordova, Abel Trujillo, Sol A.Montiel, JoseMartinez, Nelson Godoy, Orestes Gutierrez, Jean W.Cearc, Adriano Henrigues, Glenn Collier, Jose M. Artunduaga, Maria    Perez Suarez, Wanda Respeto, Adnery   Maldonado, Gloria Garcia, IsabelCruz, Francisca Milian, Israel de Jesus  Hernandez, Juan Fernandez, Hugo Mariaca, EdgarChavero, Judy Lopez, Adell Palmer, Wilter  Jeanbaptiste, Miguel A. De cardenas, Yurisleiby Palacios, Niurka Jardines, Sergio Villar, Jenipher Cobas, Jenny Borja, Ashley Michelle Velez, Estela Lorenz, Elizabeth Rosqueta, Guadalupe Arango, Katrina Yaques, Lazaro Hernandez Diaz, ConcepciónRodriguez, Ailyn Tosca Mesa, Mayra Fernandez, Constanza Sullivan, Mireya   Jaramillo, Carlos Rivas, Humberto Brito, Ivania Mendoza, Patricia Di Taranto, Rodolfo Monte, Jennifer Britton, Pedro J Duque, Adriana Vera, Beatriz Perez, Jani Rodriguez, Edgard Senteno, Daniel Miguel, Carlos Byrne, Marggie Kinney, NellyLeal, Haidee M. Tamayo, Ingrid Perez, Pilar Albuerne
Calendar of events

Del Amo Law | Law Offices of Carlos del Amo, P.A.
3211 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 200, Coral Gables, FL 33134
T: (305) 443-7005 | F: (305) 443-2238
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