Volume 1 Issue 13 November 15, 2021
Thankfulness – a Husband's perspective
By Carlos del Amo

On April 25, my wife, Mirka, and I will have been married for thirty years. I was married before. For Mirka, her first and only marriage. The first decade of our marriage was challenging. Having been divorced once already, I was always ready to throw the D-word when things were not going as I wanted.

Mirka is patient and kind. She does not envy or boast. She is not proud. She is not easily angered or self-seeking and keeps no record of wrongs. She loved and treated my children from the first marriage as her own. She was always ready to protect, trust, hope, and persevere. She served me, my children, and her in-laws with joy and humbleness. Her love never failed. I did not appreciate what I had.

I wanted nothing to do with organized religion. However, in my fifties, at her prompting, I started to attend church. I began to inaudibly hear Jesus knocking on my door. One day, I opened the door just so slightly and let him in. He came in, began a relationship with me, and adopted me into his family.

Mirka and I began to read the Bible together. It is written: "A man shall leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Putting Jesus at the center of our life, changed our lives dramatically. My eyes were opened and seemingly for the first time I saw the beautiful, virtuous, and capable wife God had chosen for me. She is more precious to me than anything and anyone, except God—my soul mate. We fight life’s battles together. I trust her completely. She greatly enriches my life. We try to be humble, patient, and gentle towards each other, making allowance for each other's faults and making every effort to keep ourselves united in the Spirit, binding ourselves together with peace and love. We spend almost every moment together: we work together, do ministry together, and yet every day we want to do more things together as our love continually grows. We still have disagreements, but we are quick to handle them with love and respect.

In October of 2019, Mirka found occult blood in her stool. On February 2, 2020, she was diagnosed with cancer. On February 6, 2020, as we were getting on a plane to celebrate Valentine's Day in New York, I was told my wife had Mantel Cell Lymphoma (MCL). When she was diagnosed with MCL, I immediately went to the internet to find out more. Big mistake! Here is some of what I found.

MCL is a relatively rare cancer of the lymphoid cells. The cause of MCL is unknown. MCL is aggressive. MCL has four stages. Stage I and stage II describe localized MCL. However, seventy percent of patients are first diagnosed in stage IV (advanced stage), in which the cancer cells have gone into masses, often replacing lymph nodes, and spread into other body organs. Mirka was first diagnosed Stage IV. Treatment of MCL is difficult because patients usually receive their diagnosis in stage IV, where the MCL has advanced throughout the body. Currently there is no cure for MCL. Treatment is not a cure but serves to reduce symptoms and increase limited survival time. The major complication of MCL is a short lifespan and death; other complications may be due to chemotherapy treatment. MCL has a poor prognosis, even with appropriate therapy. Treatment failures in less than 18 months is usually reported, and the median survival time of individuals with MCL is about two to five years. The 10-year survival rate is only about 5%-10%. Shortly after I went on the internet, Mirka searched and found similar results.

Everyone reacts to the news that they have cancer in their own way. It's normal to feel overwhelmed. Mirka was not overwhelmed. Instead of being overwhelmed, she thoroughly enjoyed the New York trip, constantly thanking God for another day. In New York, we danced to the sounds of a street musician in Central Park, enjoyed an off-Broadway play, ate to our heart's content, and visited several sights. She did not let the recent news destroy her trip. We built everlasting memories we will cherish and hold close to our heart in times to come.

Even though MCL is aggressive, insurance problems and the Coronavirus kept the love of my life from receiving much needed treatment until May 13, 2020. Due to His tender mercies, this very aggressive cancer had remained dormant. The pain was sometimes excruciating. The chemotherapy destroyed her natural immune system. We lived under the specter that if she got Coronavirus, it would have meant almost certain death. She lost most of her hair. To make matters worse, on June 3, 2020, her younger brother passed, and on March 1, 2021, her older sister passed.

Mirka is a woman of faith, and it is her faith that makes her strong. Mirka knows God has a purpose for everything and that his plan is perfect. She felt God walking with her throughout the process and guiding her and I to choose the right doctors and the doctors to give her the proper treatment on God's schedule.

Mirka believes in the promises made to her by God. While waiting to start her first chemotherapy, she read: "Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

At different times she would open the Bible and read whatever she saw, and it inspired her. She once read "Rejoice in hope (she interpreted to mean live as if a miracle has happened and you are cured) endure in suffering, (she was comforted by His words, “for I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future) and she persisted in prayer." Another time she came across a similar statement: "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks." 

Once she read what became her battle cry: "I can do all things through God that strengthens me."

Shortly after her diagnosis she read Paul’s words in Philippians: "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." She turned to me and said I understand what Paul means. God did not cause her illness. God could cure her immediately, walk me through the illness to an eventual cure or take me to be with Him to a perfect place where there is no more pain. If I live God has a purpose for me, and my life must count for his perfect plan. And if I die, I live with the Lord forever.

Mirka is thankful every day as she opens her eyes each morning. She was alive and walking with God. If she was in pain, she was thankful. She was alive and walking with God. If she had to confront a problem, she was thankful. She was alive and walking with God. She vowed to not squander God’s daily gift and not to take any day for granted.
Several miracles happened. I was the first to get infected by her example. My children and our family were soon to follow. The nurses and patients would ask what her secret was, how she could be so content under the circumstances. The peace that surpasses all understanding became very noticeable. Many people were touched by Mirka’s example of complete trust in her creator and submission to his purpose for her life. Many got to know Jesus. The changed lives stories are too numerous to mention in this writing. Her optimistic attitude and complete trust in God brought our family closer together. She began to help others who had lost hope or were fighting impossible odd and helped them believe that all things are possible with God.
During Mirka’s second bone marrow aspiration, on October 22, 2020, she experienced pain like never before and for the first time since she was diagnosed, she questioned God, "Lord, why do I have to go through this" His response came almost immediately, "Don't forget that I died on the cross for you to save you and to give you eternal life.” She immediately asked the Lord for forgiveness because she was reminded that her pain was little compared to what the Lord endured for her. Additional confirmation came in the form of a writing written on our TV in a devotional that read, "Don't try to understand what is happening, simply trust in me.” On October 22, 2020, after a battery of tests, the results showed that there was not a single MCL cell was detected in Mirka's body. A year later, Mirka is still in complete remission and helping others get through the hard times.
I, too, am thankful. I thank God every day for coming into my life, helping me to appreciate the wife he gave me to love and cherish her as she deserves. Jesus taught us to love and showed us how much he loved us by giving his life for us. He taught me how to love Mirka deeply, however, when you love deeply you suffer when you see the one you love suffering, a constant reminder of how deeply God loves us. I thank God for the knowledge that whatever comes, he will be there holding our hands and walking through the storm with us.
Jesus loves you too. He hurts when you hurt. He wants to walk with you through the storm. Open the door to your heart and let Jesus in. Mirka and I would like to help you in any way we can. Call us at 305-443-7005 or write to

I am grateful for every second of my life that God has given me, for restoring my health, and having such a wonderful husband, children and grandchildren. For all the blessings that he has bestowed upon me.
I am thankful today and every day for the miracle of being alive and for having a family that I love with all my heart. I'm also grateful to have my second family at Carlos del Amo PA wherein I am surrounded by beautiful and caring people that I love as well.
I thank God for each and every blessing he has given me. I thank Him for filling my heart with happiness, and for always giving me the strength to move forward. I am grateful for his love and grace.
One of the things I am most grateful this holiday season is my family. We are a very close-knit family. It’s great to know no matter what happens in life, the good and the bad, my family will always have my back. Along with the health of my family, I am so grateful that I still have both my parents and two grandparents that are 94 years old now!! It’s a blessing in itself to have the people you love alive and well. I’ve learned fairly quickly that life isn’t guaranteed by any means and every day on this earth is a gift. Sometimes something simple like health gets overshadowed as something to be grateful for. That is something I will remember to always be grateful for. 
I am thankful for my mom’s advice and my dad’s boundless love. I am thankful for Sunday’s Breakfasts, days at the beach, and plans for the future. I am thankful for everything I have learned and everyone who has taught it to me. I am thankful for long walks and short trips. I am thankful for endless phone calls and dreams. I am thankful for this and that and everything in between. But most importantly, I am thankful for everything that I should be thankful for and do not realize it. 
I am thankful for my family who love me unconditionally, and thankful for the gift of waking up every morning. Also, I am grateful for the opportunity to continue my education and strive towards my goals in life and for all the people who push me.
I am thankful for many things. Thankful for each day that passes, my dog who is a chaotic fur-ball, and every cherished moment I get to spend with my best of friends and family.
To be thankful is one of the most beautiful actions one can express, and on this particular occasion, let us acknowledge all our blessings. Personally, I am thankful for health, family, friends, my dog, my fantastic partner, and I am most of all thankful to be alive and enjoy life. We had such a rough year (or two), and to still be healthy and alive must be the most eye-opening part of being thankful. Indeed, my family, friends, and partner keep me motivated and striving for more; therefore, being thankful is an understatement of how truly blessed I am. As the years' pass, the little things are the ones I am most thankful for, and this year I want to thank God for everything in my life, including the bad moments, for teaching me such important lessons. Stay safe! Happy Thanksgiving to all.
I’m thankful for my Lord and Savior’s, Jesus Christ’s, amazing grace, unending mercy, and unfailing love. I’m thankful for the freedom to worship Him. All thanks be unto Him who showers me with blessings. I’m grateful that “I may not know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future."

This Month in History


An event similar to what we celebrate today is considered the origin of Thanksgiving. Dating back to 1621, the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag shared an autumn harvest feast that is still considered one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations. The menu was quite different from what we enjoy today, the Plymouth colonists feasted upon Lobster, seal and swans. That first celebration came in times of hardship, where the colonists, faced with a strong winter, had to prepare their dishes using Native American spices and were not able to prepare pies, cakes or desserts.

The first Thanksgiving proclamation was by George Washington in 1789; the following two presidencies also designated “days of thanks”. It was in 1863, when Abraham Lincoln scheduled Thanksgiving for the Final Thursday in November. The newly proclaimed celebration took place continuously until 1939 when it was moved one week up to increase sales during the Great Depression. Two years later, in 1941, it was moved back to the original date as we celebrate it today.

Currently, Thanksgiving is set around family bonds and cooking. According to the National Turkey Federation, 90% of Americans eat Turkey; many people volunteer and parades take place to entertain kids and adults alike.

What to see:
·        Jim Henson’s Turkey Hollow (2015)
·        Home for the Holidays (1995)
·        Pieces of April (2003)

What to read:
·     The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler
·     The Ice Storm by Rick Moody
·     There There: A novel by Tommy Orange

Where to go:
·     Doral Friendsgiving at Copper’s Hawk Winery and Restaurant (November 17)
·    Yogis Thanksgiving: Satsang and Four-Course Indian Dinner at Skylight Yoga Ahsram (November 24)
·     2021 BBOT’s Thanksgiving Dinner Giveaway (November 20)

Volunteering, Donations and Food Drives
·    RavaCares Thanksgiving Meal Drive-thru (November 20)
·   Thanksgiving Love Fest (November 20)
·   City Permit Foundation: Thanksgiving Food Drive + 5K (Walk or Run) (November 24)

A Moment to be Grateful
Funny Moments
Quote of the Month
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”

— William Arthur Ward
Notable Birthdays

        Famous people born in November

Daniel Boone: November 2, 1734
Marie Curie: November 7, 1867
Carl Sagan: November 9, 1934
Grace Kelly: November 12, 1929
Georgia O'Keeffe: November 15, 1887
Alan Shepard: November 18, 1923
George Eliot: November 22, 1819
Charles Schulz: November 26, 1922

 Our Family

Ramiro Eduardo Del Amo, Olga Del Amo, Walker Johnson, Norma Quintero, Jenny Nader, Eduardo Rozen, Edgar Estevez, Martin Ortiz, Avelino Victor Abeijon, Michael Diaz, Lionte Arias, Wheaton Josephine, Josephine R.Wheaton, Jose Haber, Joseph A Sorce, Enoel Hidalgo, Karen Banderas, Robert J.Lee, Nicole Garcia, Adam Fernandez, Natalie M.Garcia, Ariana M.Barouk, Martin E.Leach, Michael Feiler, Mario Perez, Armando Chapelli, Joseph Dorta 
   Other very important people to us

Django Freites, Rafael Cuesta, Rossini Pierre, Carmen Santamaria, Cido Aldama, Rebecc Guerra,Berlis Marin, Pedro Palacios, Ana Henriquez, Policarpo Sequeira, David Dzamba, Harald Pristau, Karla Cerrato, Lilia Gasset, Maricarmen Cuesta, Travis Clark, Shannon Butler, Rolando Sanchez Aguila,Allison Reyes, Luis Guellai, Ana Paredes, Yudel Arbella, Nancy Oquendo, Ifrey Perez, Adrialys Vinelli, Cesar Sanchez, Silvia Benavideflores, Artur Henriques, Jorge Luis Pacheco Torres, Antonio Riviere, Jose Molina, Geraldin Chevalde, Maria Lugo, Anthony Alpi, Marcos Diaz, Better Health Systems, South Medical Center, Julio Torres, Gloria M. Galvan, Raul Torres, Maria L. Lezcano, Norma Reina, Carmen Holzli, Eduardo Barrientos, Dulce Cagigal, Maria E. Marquez, Gil Vasquez, Salvador Dario Restrepo, Alberto Valdez, orma Mirabal, Johnny Enrique Ballista, Hilda V. Batista, Luis D. De La Nuez, Carlos Martins, Cecilia Vilan, Sharvis L. James, Sandra Mata, Grace B. Warmington, Saaz Imraan Alli, Javier Padilla, Consuelo Bermudez, Silveria Paneque, Guillermo Marrero, Valerie Geradi, Pablo Velez, Hiram Henderson, Jaime Avila, Xevious Dwayne Lee, Ruben Abreu, Vladimir A Pardo, Scarlett Arana, Nadia E Fleites, Julia Silva, Lisbeth D. Fernandez, Tania R. Garcia, Elena Reyes, Gineska Ferras, Rosario Lorena Aburto, Maria Duchemint, Jorge Alberto Paz, Jose Angel Perez, Marlon Alex Romero, Aristides Blanco Caceres, George Valdes, Barbara Saustre, Ester Adriana Duran, Aurora Mc Intosh, Carmen Pierson, Miturkis WongMarrero, Mauro E. Zalduo, Nerza Calzadilla, Jose Barrios, Randy Gonzalez, Jose Carlos Aleman, Lisa Bivens, Isidoro Gomez, Luz Maria Mora, Yohanny Boye, Juan Carlos Guiardinu, Melody Cuellar, Angel Gonzalez, Cynthia Mendoza, Richard Hutchinson, Cesar Livia, Carlos Villanueva, Melra Ramos, Kerine Wright, Orestes Delgado, Yamile Jimenez, Leopoldo McDugall, Campo Elias Murel, Nora Guirado, Osvaldo Amador, Oviedo , Magalis Garcia, Francesco Dimaggio, Ana Pelligra, Rosa Pena, Eneida Del Rio, Daphney Boyer, Anthony Alicea, Claudia Herrera, Carlos Caransas, Mercedes Trujillo, Carlos Enrique Santana, Jose Centurion, Jeffrey Kugler

Calendar of events
November 1      National Men Make Dinner Day

November 6      National Nacho Day

November 6      National Bison Day

November 10   United States Marine Corps Birthday

November 18   Mickey Mouse’s Birthday

November 20   National Adoption Day

November 24   Win Friends and Influence People Day in the USA
November 25   Thanksgiving

Our Favorite Business This Month
Del Amo Realty, Inc. provides full service residential real estate brokerage services throughout South Florida and can be reached at or (305) 648-0320.
"Thanks, Carrie" for being part of our annual picture day tradition for many years and for always making this day special for us.
Del Amo Law | Law Offices of Carlos del Amo, P.A.
3211 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 200, Coral Gables, FL 33134
T: (305) 443-7005 | F: (305) 443-2238
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