What's new on TEA's HB 3 Website
Please make sure that you are regularly checking the  HB 3 website TEA has developed. This website contains all the information the Agency has available regarding House Bill 3.

Bilingual Education Allotment
This week, TEA released the latest in the HB 3 in 30 video series on the Bilingual Education Allotment. It addresses the additional funding available for LEP/English Language Learners and for non-ELL students, as well as the new spending requirements, and resources available to support dual language immersion programs. Check it out via links below:

Board and District Goal Setting
Last week, TEA covered the topic of board and district goals. That presentation covered the requirements for the goals for both Early Education and College, Career, and Military Readiness plans and goals. TEA detailed the plan components and board training requirements. For more information, see:

TEA also posted new information about the 2019-20 Preliminary Summary of Finance s this week, so please make sure you are familiar with that information and have checked your district's numbers.
Explaining Recapture
We have heard from a number of you who have struggled with staff and community members hearing about the fact that your district is pay less in recapture and automatically believing that the district has that much more money to spend on serving students. Most districts paying less in recapture are doing so because they are collecting less in property taxes. While collecting less in property taxes isn't a bad thing, it has caused some misunderstandings. Please see the talking points in our latest communication tool " Less Recapture Doesn't Mean More Funding," what was designed to help you convey this message in your district.

Is there a topic you would like some help with to communicate in your district and community? Please let us know, and we will do our best to help!
A New Purpose
Thank you to everyone who participated in and contributed thoughts to our Strategic Direction Retreat earlier this month. We are grateful for your input and pleased to have a renewed and refreshed purpose for the Coalition as we continue our work. The new purpose, mission, advocacy statement, and goals that were presented at last Saturday's membership meeting are included below.

The Texas School Coalition exists to ensure Texas public schools can provide every student an excellent education, local decision-makers have meaningful discretion over local funds, and the school finance system balances sustainable state and local investments in the best interests of students and taxpayers. 
The Texas School Coalition advocates for the resources necessary to provide all Texas public school students an excellent education and for a school finance system that balances sustainable state and local investments in the best interests of students and taxpayers.
Advocacy Statement
We are committed public school advocates who work closely with elected officials and other stakeholders to champion the children of Texas and promote sustainable, meaningful investments in all Texas students.

Long-term Goals
  1. Safeguard the right of local boards to have meaningful discretion in their stewardship of local funds, both M&O and I&S, that meet the diverse student needs in each district and protect the interests of taxpayers.
  2. Maintain, grow, and leverage relationships with like-minded public-school advocates and local and state elected officials.
  3. Educate community members and taxpayers at large regarding school finance and the needs of students and schools.
  4. Achieve a funding system for public schools that provides adequacy, capacity, and sustainability. 
  5. Advocate for investments in Texas public school students that will increase the state’s national standing in per-student expenditures and academic performance.
  6. Strengthen our voice in the formulation of future policy decisions.

We welcome your feedback, questions, and suggestions regarding regarding these new statements and goals, and we look forward to working with each of you as we begin this new chapter.

Texas School Coalition
601 Camp Craft Road
Austin, Texas 78746