Wildnote isn’t just a product, it’s a service. Go digital and go further faster! Winter is the perfect time to spiff up your tech toolkit.
Like lilies in the field, new Wildnote features spring up all the time, growing stronger and more robust with each iteration.

You can now sign up to beta test new features right from the app! Beta testers and associated pilot projects are the frontline for creating the best user experience possible. Stay tuned, get in on the action and don't miss a thing.

Our platform functionality keeps advancing. Click here to find out what's new, what's improved, and what's in the pipeline for 2018. Guess what? Your work just got easier.
We're hitting the road and we'd love to see you at one of these conferences -

California Native Plant Society  
Live demo/3:40 pm/Thur/ Feb1. Digital Technology presentation 8:40 am/Sat/Feb 3. Come by our booth in the exhibit hall.

The Western Section of
The Wildlife Society 
Come to our booth in the exhibit hall for a live demo.
Presenting on Digital Technology Feb 8 at noon.
Technology is giving a big boost to the emerging restoration economy around the world. Experts say massive tree planting projects under way can deliver at least a third of the emission reductions needed by 2030 to keep the global temperature on track to stay below a two-degree rise.

30% tariff on solar panel imports announced today.

One of our employees gifted the rest of us these cool waterproof cell phone bags and we LOVE them! The device remains 100% functional and accessible underwater! It comes with a lanyard and an arm band for secure transport.

And check out the Pogo Cam ...a camera that shares your point of view and fits on your glasses!