Check out all the news on the Brotherhood website at
Let Your Andrew Out!
Welcome back to our third edition (Volume 4) of our new bi-weekly newsletter, "Let Your Andrew Out"! It's a quick read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned and successes from the previous weeks. Feel free to email us news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so we can include them! We hope you enjoy and share this format.
Brotherhood Recovery Ministry
Recurring meetings:
  • a) Every Wednesday at 7 PM (Central) 12-step recovery meeting for all addictions. Sponsored by RMEC. Zoom ID 923 8806 4304.
  • b) 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 PM (Central) 12-step Recovery Eucharist for all addictions sponsored by All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena, Ca. Zoom ID 875 5107 8462.
Recovery Conferences:
  • a) The Gathering 14-16 Oct. Virtual conference sponsored by the RMEC. Registration is free. See for details, including Zoom ID.
  • b) The Addiction and Faith Conference 7-9 October. Virtual and live conference sponsored by the Center for Addiction and Faith. See for registration fees and details.
Members At Large!!
If you are a Brother who is not currently associated with a specific parish chapter, then you are a MAL! And, the good news is we have monthly ZOOM calls just for you!
The next call will be September 29 at 8pm EDT hosted and led by
Br. Lyn Reavis.
Click Here to join the meeting!

Remember, Life Memberships will increase from $600 to $1000 beginning January 1, 2022. Also, Annual 2022 Membership Renewals will be starting November 1- December 31, as well as Annual Chapter Reports for all chapters. Membership pledges will increase from $40 to $50, our first increase in over a decade.
BSTA Executive Board September 28th, 8 PM EDT (
Member At Large  September 29th, 8 PM EDT
National Webinar October 6th,  8 PM EDT
Practicing the Discipline of Prayer....
With a devotion for each day of the year based on the Daily Office Lectionary in The Book of Common Prayer, and now the Revised Common Lectionary on Sundays, Forward Day by Day has been a resource for Christian disciples, Episcopalians, and others, for eight decades.
Click on the link below to sign up for your free daily email
When's the last time you called up a Brother just to say "Hello" and thank him for his dedication to our Brotherhood over the years? Maybe even offer to pray with him, because we never know what may be going on in someone's life that they need that bond in prayer.

John Yates, Sr. to Speak on “Faith in the Home”
Men, save the date October 9, 2021 for the upcoming Men’s Summit featuring John Yates, Sr, pastor and author, who will speak on “Faith in the Home”. John Yates, Sr. has written several books including “How a Man Prays for His Family” and “Raising Kids with Values that Last”.
The Summit will be simulcast to the churches throughout the Diocese to enable men in our local churches to join together for this program. Men may be able to attend the Virtual Men’s Summit by either contacting their local Parish or online through a link to be provided for the event. Attendance questions can be directed to Russ Gantt ( or Les Sease (”
John Yates, Sr. will provide two talks focused on Faith in the Home and he will set the stage as our 2022 Christian Men’s Conference speaker. This will also be a time of prayer for families, praise worship, testimonies, and small group discussion. Summit time is from 8:30 am to 12 noon Saturday, October 9. The Diocesan Men’s Ministry Leadership Team is very excited about this upcoming event and eagerly looks forward to John Yates’ encouraging words about men’s faith leadership in the home.
Let us know what you or your chapter are doing! Pictures of events, upcoming retreats, fundraisers, service projects......anything you'd like to share with your Brothers! Send it by email to: