Check out all the news on the Brotherhood website at
Let Your Andrew Out!
Welcome back to our third edition (Volume 3) of our new bi-weekly newsletter, "Let Your Andrew Out"! It's a quick read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned and successes from the previous weeks. Feel free to email us news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so we can include them! We hope you enjoy and share this format.
Practicing the Discipline of Prayer....
With a devotion for each day of the year based on the Daily Office Lectionary in The Book of Common Prayer, and now the Revised Common Lectionary on Sundays, Forward Day by Day has been a resource for Christian disciples, Episcopalians and others, for eight decades.
Click on the link below to sign up for your free daily email
Our Ministries
As a Brotherhood, we cannot be everything that "society" may want us to be. Simply put, we are "fishers of men". Our seven ministries give us areas of focus, but our ministry mission is to bring men and youth closer to Christ. Here's the good news: If we get men right, then we get families right. If we get families right, then we get churches right. If we get the church right, then God will change the world. TOGETHER, that is when we will win. It takes men to help men be better men for their families and themselves.
Have you remembered to make your $40 2021 pledge fulfillment? Sometimes things slip our minds. Please help us meet our 2021 budget by sending in your payment today!
It's easy, just Click Here!
Life Membership
As approved by delegate votes during our Triennial, our Life Membership goes from $600 to $1000 beginning 1/1/22. If you've been considering becoming a Life Member of The Brotherhood, now is the time!
All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California conducts a 12-Step Eucharist service the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month live and on Zoom. Join this service at Zoom ID 875 5107 8462.
RMEC hosts its annual conference, The Gathering, 14-16 October 2021 in Nashville, Tn. Live only. See the RMEC website for details.
Zoom or Hybrid Brotherhood Meetings

If your chapter is meeting via Zoom or if your chapter is conducting a hybrid meeting zoom+in-person, please share with us. We will post these meetings as we receive them. Send to or call 4327704048.
(Partially borrowed from Br. Keith Purser, 1st VP Program Development)

Our Brotherhood logo states, “Prayer, Study, Service”. While we we do a good job with the first two, especially during pandemic shutdowns, we may not be doing as well in the “Service” category. To continue to grow, we need to recruit new and young men, and as we’ve heard, they are more interested in service opportunities rather than simply prayer and study. Share with us stories (and pictures) of some of your service projects!
A message from
Br. Conrad Jones
My sincerest thank you to all who have responded to my recent letter asking for a special donation to help us during our 2021 revenue challenge. Your outpouring of generosity has been a blessing and a testament to your faithful giving. Many have taken the opportunity to catch up on their past annual pledges, others freely giving additional support.  
“Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”​— 2 Corinthians 9:7
Have Faith
Upcoming events to pencil in on your Calendar
>October 6, 8-9pm EDT
National Webinar
A tour of our Brotherhood website

>Save The Dates:
September 26 6-8 pm EDT
*New Executive Board member Orientation (ZOOM)

>September 25 10-1 PM EDT
*Province Presidents Orientation (Zoom)
Reach out and give one of your Brothers a call today! You never know what it will mean to them to hear your voice!
Read any good books lately? Let us know so we can share with your Brothers! Here's a few:

The Case For A Creator
by Lee Strobel

The Management Methods of Jesus
by Bob Briner

"Mommy Lied to God" Life Lessons in Authentic Storytelling
by Carlos Maestas
Learn about hosting a Recovery Sunday at your church. The Recovery Ministry of the Episcopal Church (RMEC) provides all the materials (12-Step Eucharist, suggested scriptures and hymns). Get it all at the RMEC website. Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)
The Center for Addiction and Faith hosts its annual conference 7-9 October 2021 in Bloomington, Mn. Live and virtual.  See The Center for Addiction and Faith website for details.
Hurricane Ida caused destruction to life and property from the Gulf to New England. The Episcopal Relief Fund is accepting donations should you want to help. To Donate, click here
Let us know what you or your chapter are doing! Pictures of events, upcoming retreats, fundraisers, service projects......anything you'd like to share with your Brothers! Send it by email to: