Dear A.E. Wright GATE Parents,

It's hard to believe it is already March! We are so grateful for our fantastic AEW GATE teachers and staff and wonderful students. This newsletter has a lot of info, so please take the time to read it all the way through!

Since the last newsletter, we've held our 5th Annual High School Alumni Night for our current 8th graders and their families and were able to have the Incoming GATE Student Showcase in person. It was a special night and so great to be back in the classrooms with our amazing teachers and student/parent panels.  

Some important notes:

Please plan to attend the Spring AGP Meeting and Parent Education Night from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, March 31st, 2022 in the AEW Drama Room. Info below.

Our annual GATE Fundraiser is going on now through March 28th. Any amount you can give is sincerely appreciated and goes directly to our GATE classrooms and experiences. 

Spring Forward '' Day on Monday, March 14th! For 6th and 7th graders - each cohort gets to "visit" the next year's class/teacher/classroom and participate in fun activities. The 8th graders will enjoy a nostalgic trip back to 6th grade. 

Interested in volunteering to be on next year’s AGP Board (2022-2023), please email us at We are looking for parents for the following positions:
  • Communications Coordinator
  • Fundraising Co-Coordinator
  • Parent Education Coordinator
  • Social/Social Action Co-Coordinators
  • 6th Grade Representative(s) and Incoming Families Coordinator(s)

And, as always, if you have GATE-specific questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Susie Ming
AGP Chair
Spring AGP Meeting and Parent Education Night
6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, March 31
AEW Drama Room
Join us for the Spring Meeting of the Association of GATE Parents (AGP) from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, March 31st in the AEW Drama Room. We will briefly talk about activities for the rest of the school year, and provide a few GATE updates, before our parent education presentation by Mrs. Tepper.
What is perfectionism? How might it affect your gifted student? How can parents help their perfectionistic tweens and teens to better manage their lives? 
Presented by Hayley Tepper, GATE teacher

Perfectionism is not a disorder but a common personality trait statistically found in astonishing numbers of gifted learners. Why?  

During this discussion, we will discuss perfectionism's origins, symptoms, and ways to manage this lifestyle in order to create a healthier experience for those who are affected by it. 
Annual GATE fundraiser on now through March 28
Our exceptional teachers and staff have gone above and beyond to make sure that our kids are continuing to learn and thrive, and our staff is continuing to meet the varied social and emotional needs of the kids as they reintegrate into our “new normal.” We are asking for a donation of $100 per child to help enhance our GATE program. Any amount that you feel you can give is sincerely appreciated and makes a huge difference in our program. All donations are tax deductible. 
Please visit our campaign website to make your donation now: 

Contact us any time at

Follow GATE on Twitter @GATEatAEWright