New Year Newsletter
Alleviate Neck Pain
New Study Published in Annals of Internal Medicine
Person with neck pain working at a computer.

A  new trial study on the efficacy of Alexander Technique lessons with STAT-certified Alexander teachers for reducing neck pain has been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (November 2015):
Alexander Technique Lessons or Acupuncture Sessions for Persons With Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial

More information on the trial study from STAT:

An article on the study and the Alexander Technique from the Wisconsin State Journal:
A New Year's Resolution That You'll Enjoy Keeping:
Lie Down
The Alexander Technique "lie-down"is a very simple yet highly effective procedure for reducing long-standing tension habits and improving movement and posture. It consists of lying on the back on a firm surface, e.g., a carpeted or bare floor, with an additional firm and flat support for the head; paperback books work well as a support. The knees are bent and face up to the ceiling and the feet are flat on the floor; both the knees and feet are about hip-width apart. 

It's good to practice the "lie-down" for about twenty minutes one or more times a day. Resting in this position allows the body to unwind and lengthen (scroll down to see quote from actor Jonathon Price), providing for more energy, comfort, and ease.

The lie-down can be practiced almost anywhere there is a reasonably flat and firm surface, and it can be particularly helpful when traveling—before and after long hours are spent on a plane or in a car. While a hotel room floor can work well, Alexander Technique Center of Washington student, Michael Subotin, seen in the photos below, has taken advantage of historic sites in his travels!
Michael lies down in Red Square in Moscow.
Michael lies down on the rooftop of Palau Guell in Barcelona, Spain .
New Year Intensives
 Often the New Year begins with a gym membership and attendance for several months that peters out. I chose a different route this year and invested in 5 daily lessons over a 7 day period. I gifted myself a new body in a short time; it moves more naturally and freer and I feel full of energy. I relished the week and have invested in a second to consolidate and advance. I have taken about 20 years of Alexander lessons and I have never changed so quickly. Thanks Marian for this opportunity.
–Gwynn Sturdevant, Ph.D.
FM Alexander talking to student.
FM Alexander teaching.
Back when F. M. Alexander was teaching his technique, people would often take half-hour Alexander lessons five days a week (per F. M. Alexander's requirement). This worked very well, as having private lessons on a daily basis provides for more in-depth and faster learning and improvement. This is still the most beneficial and efficient way to learn the Alexander Technique. Following on this tradition, two series of private Alexander Technique lessons are being offered:
  • Five 1/2 hour lessons with teacher Marian Goldberg over the course of one week (Tuesday - Sunday) at a special discounted rate of $265. (Standard rate is $325 for five lessons or $65 per lesson.) Dates: January 5 - January 10; January 12 - January 17; and January 19 - January 24.

  • Ten 1/2 hour lessons over the course of two weeks at a special discounted rate of $520. (Standard rate is $650 for ten lessons.) Dates: January 5 - January 17 and January 12 - January 24.
Payment for the full series is due at the first lesson. One lesson of the series only may be rescheduled (with 24-hour notice), unless there is snow, in which case more than one lesson may be rescheduled. 
Slots are very limited for these intensives. To schedule a series or for more information, contact the center: phone 703-821-2920 or e-mail

Special Series Offer
Marian giving a chair turn.
During February and March, two series of private Alexander Technique lessons with Marian Goldberg are being offered at special rates: 
  • Five 1/2 hour lessons at a special discounted rate of $275. (Standard rate is $325 for five lessons or $65 per lesson.)
  • Three 40 to 50 minute lessons for $195. (Standard rate is $255 for three lessons or $85 per lesson.) 
These series of lessons are for: 
  • people who have not taken a course of thirty lessons but would like to experience the change and improvements that come with a more in-depth experience of the Alexander Technique.
  • those who have previously taken a course of lessons and would like to have an Alexander Technique refresher. 
The series of five half-hour lessons must be completed within five weeks of purchase and by March 27.  The series of three lessons needs to be completed within three weeks of purchase and by March 20. Payment for a full series is due at the first lesson. 24-hour notice is required to reschedule. The total number of lessons that may be rescheduled is limited to two. Each of these two lessons may be rescheduled one time.
To schedule a series or for more information, phone 703-821-2920 or e-mail .
And Last But Not Least:
A Quote from Actor Jonathon Pryce
From a March 2015 interview with actor Jonathon Pryce in The Guardian :

"Which book changed your life?
The one the teacher put under my head during the Alexander technique sessions at Rada . [Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts] I grew an inch and a half."  
Alexander Technique Center of Washington 
 © 2015 Marian Goldberg