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Real Poison Center Case

An elderly woman presented to the emergency room following a fire. The apartment below her had caught fire over the night and awaken the patient and her family. The smoke had rose through the windows and floors exposing everyone with significant smoke inhalation. The elderly women arrived with severe drowsiness and not very responsive. Her medical history included that she had hypertension and was a current smoker. The emergency department nurse called the poison center to make sure that there wasn't anything else she needed to consider to treat the patient based on her symptoms and medical history. The specialist in poison information let the ER nurse know that the patient may have carbon monoxide poisoning and needs to be treated with high flow oxygen therapy. After the patient was treated, the patient was less drowsy and more responsive. The patient was observed for a few days and then discharged upon full recovery.

Carbon monoxide poisoning comes from incomplete combustion of gas and fuels. It produces an odorless and tasteless gas. It can cause severe illness and sudden death it is not diagnosed in time. When there are power outages or emergencies such as a house fire carbon monoxide can build up in the ambient air causing unsuspecting symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea and vomiting. With a focused history, exposure to a CO source may become apparent. Appropriate and prompt diagnostic testing and treatment is very important. 

Poster & Video Contest


National Poison Prevention Week is March 19-25, 2023 and the Texas Poison Center Network is hosting its yearly Poison Prevention Poster & Video Contest. While providing a valuable learning experience, the poster & video contest offers students the opportunity to educate the public about poison prevention as well as win exciting prizes!


Video Contest:

If you're a high school or college student in Texas, create a 30-90 second poison prevention video, enter it in the Texas Poison Center Network Video Contest, and help us celebrate National Poison Prevention Week 2023 in style! Click here to download the entry form.

Carefully read the contest rules, ask a parent or guardian to complete the online contest entry form and get started! Better move fast, though, because your finished video must be uploaded to YouTube & a link emailed to Lizbeth.petty@phhs.org no later than March 1, 2023. The 1st place winner will receive a $200 gift card from The Commission on State Emergency Communications(CSEC).

Poster Contest:

The poster contest is open to all 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students. The winning poster will advance to our state contest to compete for the grand prize ($200 Gift Card) from the Commission on State Emergency Communications(CSEC). For information on the poster contest, click here to contact your regional poison center educator for more information.

Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning


Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels like gasoline, propane, wood, and other fuels. Carbon Monoxide poisoning happens when you breathing in too much CO and it begins to accumulate in the body, causing severe illness and even death, usually due to poor/improper ventilation. Warning signs maybe subtle, so it is important to know the signs and symptoms.


Some signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning may include:

  • Dull headache
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion
  • Blurred vision
  • Loss of consciousness

There are several ways to prevent Carbon monoxide poisoning. The most important is to install a carbon monoxide detectors. One should be installed in near each of the sleeping areas in your house. Check the batteries every time you check your smoke detector batteries — at least twice a year. Always open the garage door before starting your car and never leave the car running in the garage.  Make sure areas that have fuel burning appliances, like the furnace and fireplace, are well ventilated.  Grills, portable generators, and any other open flame appliance should never be used inside the home. 

If the CO detector alarm rings, leave the house, get to fresh air, and call the poison center at 1-800-222-1222; if someone is passed out or is not breathing, dial 911.  

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