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W E E K L Y  U P D A T E  July 22nd , 2019
In This Issue

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TOMORROW: Congressional Briefing on Conservation Effectiveness in Watersheds in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
A briefing by the Northeast-Midwest Institute on Tuesday, July 23 at 2:00 PM will discuss how conservation programs can be more effective by delving into the specifics of various RCPP projects.

When:   Tuesday, July 23, 2:00-3:30 PM
Where:  Russell Senate Office Building 188

On June 24, t he Northeast-Midwest Institute released a report that analyzes the implementation of the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) in six watersheds in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. This assessment of the six projects confirms the vital role of federal funding in initiating or strengthening these collaborations across various sectors from state and local governments to educational institutions, agri-businesses, and environmental organizations. 
This briefing is an opportunity to hear from a panel of experts on the current challenges facing federal conservation efforts, how to overcome them, what this new study says about ongoing conservation efforts, and what a more effective conservation regime could look like in the U.S. through the lens of the RCPP.
  • Aviva Glaser, Director of Agriculture Policy, National Wildlife Federation
  • Adam Tarr, Senior Professional Staff, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
  • Adam Carpenter, Manager - Energy and Environmental Policy, American Water Works Association
  • Dr. Sri Vedachalam, Director of Water, Environmental Policy Innovation Center
  • Eric Heath, Senior Policy Counsel, Northeast-Midwest Institute (moderator)
For more information,  please contact  Eric Heath , Senior Policy Counsel for the Mississippi River at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.  To RSVP, please email  
NEMWI Staff Publish Op-Ed on Public Banking as a Tool for Funding Green Infrastructure and Conservation Projects
An editorial written by Sebastian Leder Macek and Eric Heath was published today in The Hill's opinion section.  The article examines the fundamentals of public banking, looks at successful examples of its implementation, and explores the ways that it can be utilized to finance green infrastructure and conservation projects.

The op-ed was published today at 5:00 pm and is available here.

For more information, please contact Eric Heath, Senior Policy Counsel for the Mississippi River Basin Program at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.
EPA Declines to Ban Pesticide Linked to Learning and Developmental Disabilities in Children
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Thursday declined requests from environmental groups to ban the pesticide, chlorpyrifos, that has been linked to reduced IQ, developmental delays, and increased risk of learning disabilities in children.  The EPA examined a number of petitions from various environmental groups and ultimately determined that the scientific evidence was not strong enough to justify a ban on the pesticide.

The environmental groups will likely push for an appeal of the determination with the hopes that the courts will overturn the EPA's decision.  Patti Goldman, an attorney for Earthjustice, said of the decision,  "I t is a tragedy that this administration sides with corporations instead of children's health. But this is only a setback. Lawmakers in states like Hawaii and New York are now showing the rest of the country that banning this dreadful pesticide is not only possible, but inevitable."

For more information, please contact Eric Heath, Senior Policy Counsel for the Mississippi River Basin Program at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.
This Week in Washington

In the Senate:

In the House:

NEMWI: Strengthening the Region that Sustains the Nation