BGCS Newsletter Vol. II #6, April 3, 2019
"All Things Bluegrass Country Soul:
Past, Present & Future"
The countdown to our April 30 deadline for the advance sale of the Golden Anniversary, Legacy Edition, multi-media box-set of Bluegrass Country Soul is rapidly approaching. We want to make sure that all our readers know that this deadline will not change, as it is determined by our production schedule. So, be sure to order your copy today, to guarantee that your name, or the name of someone you wish to honor, will be included in the final credits of the restored film.

If you've been thinking about purchasing a copy of this collector's edition, now's the time to do so. And remember: this crowdfunding campaign will be helping us to donate an archival, hard drive copy to the Bluegrass Museum's permanent collection.

In the video that follows, we'll show you a little bit about the film restoration process and introduce you to some of the people who are helping to make it

Thank you all for sharing this newsletter and helping us to increase the number of friends who receive it.

As ever, please send us any comments and questions you may have about Bluegrass Country Soul.

Best always,
Albert Ihde              Ellen Pasternack
Producer/Director   Executive Director
One of the joys of working in Washington DC on the restoration of Bluegrass Country Soul was seeing the cherry trees in bloom, and visiting the Cherry Blossom Kite Festival on our one day off. Please enjoy the video about the film restoration that follows, as well as the photos of Washington, DC.
Restoring Bluegrass Country Soul in Washington, DC
The Washington Monument with Cherry Blossoms & Kites
The Cherry Blossom Kite Festival on the National Mall
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© Copyright 2019 Bluegrass Country Soul