June 3, 2024

Dear Friends and Partners:


June holds a special significance for me. It’s a time of beginnings, rebirth, and resonance. The first week of June carries anniversaries of incredible importance: my grandmother's birthday (rest her soul), the 7th anniversary of my oldest son's near-death accident (he is doing well today), and my 6th anniversary since my own near-death experience and the last time I had a drink—a true blessing. June is about new starts and blessings, so this month marks a new beginning for Vet READY Inc.

Introducing Vet READY Inc. I am thrilled to announce that Vet READY Inc. is now a standalone non-profit organization! Our mission is to help veteran employers create environments that support seamless transitions for those who have served. We're committed to augmenting any costs employers may incur while enabling them to establish tremendous workplaces ready to receive our veterans. The new website is live, and we're excited to bring on donors and deliver the capabilities needed to make a meaningful difference in the lives of veterans across the nation. Support Vet READY today!

Why June? As June symbolizes new beginnings and rebirth, it's the perfect time for Vet READY Inc. to take this leap forward. Veterans deserve workplaces that recognize their unique skills and experiences, and we're dedicated to helping employers build these environments. We aim to create Vet READY workplaces where veterans feel valued, supported, and empowered.

Max Fab Consulting Update. Don't worry, Max Fab Consulting isn't going anywhere! We will continue to offer our unwavering support to veterans through our motivational speaking, leadership guidance, and disaster management consulting services. However, as June encourages change, it felt right for Vet READY Inc. to stand on its own, making it easier to access and support veterans nationally.

Let's Celebrate. My friends and followers, let's celebrate the newness of June and the rebirth it brings. Together, we can make a significant impact by building workplaces that are Vet READY.

From left: My grandma with my boys when they were little, and my oldest son, Dave.

Stay Max Fab,


Dave Nordel, CMSgt, USAF (ret), RN, BSN, MS

Military Transition Coach, Keynote Motivational Speaker & Leadership Coach

CEO of Vet READY, a nonprofit (501c3) 

CEO of MaxFab Consulting

Phone: (307) 757-6310

getvetready.org  maxfabconsulting.com

Get on my calendar now!

Support Vet READY Today!


Kangaroo Leadership Podcast Episode: How Do You Show Up?

Get ready for a dynamic conversation with Kimberly J Benoit, a seasoned expert in dismantling toxic workplace cultures. With her unique "We’ve All Done It™ Framework," Kimberly empowers leaders and teams to tackle toxicity head-on for healthier, more united workplaces.Drawing from over 20 years of leadership experience, Kimberly shares her journey from Fortune 50s to small nonprofits, navigating biases, conflicts, and ultimately writing her bestselling book. Tune in for actionable advice on transforming workplace dynamics and embracing the challenging yet rewarding path to change,

Kangaroo Leadership Podcast Episode: It Takes Family & Teams

I chat with Cathy Grider, Workforce Development Manager at the Billings Chamber of Commerce, about her mission to foster an inclusive community in Billings, Montana. Cathy's deep ties to the city fuel her passion for engagement and unity. We delve into Cathy's family values, her drive to connect people, and her efforts to spur growth opportunities. Through her work, Cathy addresses workforce challenges and promotes business community development.

Discover Cathy's insights on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and how they drive community progress, empowering individuals and businesses alike in Billings.Listen now!

Kangaroo Leadership Podcast Episode: Don't Get Comfortable

I had the pleasure of hosting Dave Worstell, publisher of Billings Gazette Communications, on the show. Together, we explored the topic of growth amidst adversity. Dave shares personal and professional insights gained from confronting life's challenges. He outlines his philosophy on navigating adversity, offering invaluable wisdom applicable everyone in our ever-changing world. Listen now!


Navigating the Personal Dynamics of Our Life Teams

Who’s on your life team? These are the individuals who contribute positively to your life, respecting your boundaries and remaining present through your highs and lows. They are the ones who genuinely

enrich you. But what happens when someone on your team stops contributing positively? When they no longer respect those boundaries, or does their presence become more draining than beneficial? Read more.

Reflections on Proximity & Distance: Understanding Our Role in Society

While speaking at a conference in Rapid City, SD, I started to reflect on my fellow veterans. Once active contributors to the societal machine, do they, too, find themselves marginalized once their service ends? The answer, sadly, seems to be written on the streets of America, like Rapid City. Despite the imperfections of the historical figures immortalized around us, their attempts to engage with society’s most profound issues demonstrate a willingness to connect and perhaps a roadmap for us to follow. Read more.


Last month, I had the honor of speaking at the South Dakota Mass Fatality Management Conference organized by the South Dakota Department of Health.

Addressing a group of dedicated practitioners, I shared practical insights and strategies to enhance their readiness for potential disasters or emergencies. South Dakota's commitment to disaster preparedness and coalition building was evident.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Rick Forkel and other state leaders for their tireless dedication and wise insights. Their efforts have laid a strong foundation for growth and preparedness that many other states could learn from.

As we wrapped up the conference, I was inspired by the collective commitment to respond to emergencies and proactively prepare for them. I look forward to continuing our collaboration and sharing more knowledge in future engagements.

Thank you to everyone involved for entrusting me with the opportunity to contribute to this vital field. Here's to many more opportunities to learn, share, and prepare together!


Over the last several months, it has been my pleasure to witness my friend Jennifer Reiser achieve that journey. I've had a front-row seat to see her wrap her exceptional acumen for leadership, forged from experience and relentless self-development, onto the pages of not one but two magnificent books.

Jennifer has combined the meditative properties of coloring with leadership development principles to create something unique: leadership workbooks fused with coloring books. Yes, you read that right! With these books, she has crafted the ultimate leadership experience—a platform to learn, grow, and have fun while relaxing.

Jennifer brings nature's creatures to life as she draws parallels with the leadership traits of the animals and creatures from the land, sea, and sky, offering profound insights through their stories that will guide both you and your teams. What a privilege it has been to offer advice and support while witnessing the work, sweat, pain, and joy she poured into this accomplishment. Her innovative concept is unlike anything I've seen before, and I'm delighted to have been a small part of this journey.

These workbooks can be used for self-reflection and growth as well as team and organizational development. So, if you still need to, get your copies now. But most importantly, get Jennifer to guide you through them. With her unparalleled enthusiasm and wisdom, you'll only grow better!

Get the Animals in the Sea & Sky book Get the Animals on Land book




Schedule a time to connect with me through my Calendly or send me an email. I'm always here for you! Also, forward this newsletter to anyone you think would be interested!

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