Marie, The Spirit Guide
Monday Meditations with Marie
If you're looking for efficiency and are on a time limit, then Mondays are for you. These meditations will only be 30 minutes long, and are designed to help you get grounded and centered. A great way to start your work week!
Transformation Tuesdays
These are designed for the hard-core, wanna'-get-to-the-nitty-gritty spiritual seeker. They will be 60 minutes in length, and cover one topic, in depth, each time. These are not for the faint of heart.
Wise Woman Wednesdays
These 45 - 60 minute teleseminars will focus on life in a female body. Uncover your concept of being a woman and what female energy means to you. Let's update and expand your experience as a woman.
Sanctuary Sundays

These 30 minute teleseminars will be primarily a healing space. Meaning, we will go deep within ourselves, into the silence, and ask for assistance from angelic beings, the Ascended Masters and our Higher Selves. Communicate with the God within.
These telemeditations are open to everyone and do not require any previous meditation experience. All that I ask is you keep an open mind, have a willingness to try these techniques, and have a belief that you are the creator of your destiny.