Welcome to The Inner Space


with Andrea Bagby

This 200 hour Yoga teacher training covers all the branches of yoga, anatomy & physiology of Asanas, Ayurvedic practices, the business of yoga by incorporating ancient wisdom with the tools and knowledge of how to make this practical for the modern mystic. We stretch beyond the asanas diving deep into the practical practice of meditation, learning the correlation of chakras, anatomy and asanas with the objective of obtaining a whole practice of wellness and how to guide students through this practice. $2550 Financing Available. Classes held Tuesdays, Wednesdays & alternate Saturdays. Students set their own schedule based on these class times. Full Certification

Register and Pay in Full Before

June 1 for a significant discount!

Click on the button below to pay only $2295 for Early Registration Special

If you missed orientation but still wish to participate, email us info@theinnerspace.com




Andrea Bagby

Coaches are in High Demand. Whether you are currently in the coaching profession or wanting to work in a field that helps others, this course will put you on the road to having an expansive healing business built on the 3 E's, Elegance, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship. Class one prepares the student to facilitate workshops and organize events, as well as giving leadership tools. Learn: how to command respect and attention in the group, how to plan for the outcome you wish to achieve, hold the interest of the attendees, organize the class information so that it is easily learned, taking and keep control of the floor and most importantly, communicate to the group in a powerfully irresistible way. 11 AM - 5 PM $200 Pre-registration Required



Andrea Bagby

Prepares the student for one on one coaching under the supervision of a Master Life Coach. The skill set acquired includes: Establishing a rapport with the client, listening skills, how to ask leading questions, diffusing dangerous emotions, helping clients establish goals, knowing when to refer out to a mental health specialist and much more. The entire two days carries the designation of Holistic Workshop Facilitator and Spiritual Life Coach. 11 AM - 5 PM $200 2 AMS Credits

Pre-Register For Both June 23 & 24 for $375 & Gain Certification.

Coming in July!

Basic Palmistry

Reading Runes

Astro Forecast June 3 - 9

crescent moon

The Moon enters Taurus in the early hours of Monday and Mercury enters Gemini Today.The Moon is square Pluto in the pre-dawn hours. This may create uncomfortable and/or revealing dreams.

Tuesday the aspects are busy with Mercury making a trine to Pluto and conjunction to Jupiter. This could create a "Know it All" impression for those born in early degrees of mutable signs. Try to use this energy to glean knowledge rather than show off how much you know. The Moon is sextile Saturn just in time for the work day to begin. A serious mood and strong work ethic prevails. If you are have dealings with a boss or an elder it should go well. The Sun conjoins Venus today. Joy and possibly even romance prevail. This evening, just around dinnertime, the Moon conjoins Uranus. Don't expect the family to sit around the dinner table tonight. Everyone is going in their own direction.

In the early morning hours of Wednesday the Moon is sextile Neptune. Sleep is sweet and deep. Dreams are surrealistic. The Moon enters Gemini in the early morning so by sunrise you may receive a revelation through dreams. If you are awake and functional, it would be a great time to do some deep cleaning. Mid to late morning a lunar conjunction with Jupiter and then Mercury could bring a message of money from another state or country. It could also mean dealing with contracts or legal papers.

The New Moon conjoins Venus Thursday morning. People tend to be more approachable now. By mid afternoon though, the mood shifts as the Moon is square Saturn throwing cold water on the previous touchy-feely mood. Now is not the time to ask for favors, especially from elders or bosses.

Friday morning The Moon is sextile Mars. You may expect to wake up with a burst of energy, vim and vigor. This may wear off before work with a lunar square to Neptune. That early morning energy quickly fades into a need for a nap. The Moon enters Cancer shortly thereafter making a quincunx to Pluto. This aspect could cause uncomfortable feelings of being manipulated.

Saturday Venus is square Saturn. You may find that a bill you thought was paid was not or a an unexpected bill or financial burden could surface. The Moon is trine Saturn tonight. There could be a solution to the financial crunch that you find through a stringent budgeting program.

Sunday Mars enters Taurus. The Moon is sextile Uranus in the early morning. This could cause restless sleep or you might just decide to forget it and get up early. The Sun is square Saturn today. A feeling of the need to be serious and/or work in spite of the desire to have fun puts a damper on the day. By mid afternoon the Moon is trine Neptune. That early morning energy has now worn off. Enjoy a nap. A steam bath or soak in a hot tub could fill the bill. Energy levels return as the Moon enters Leo and makes a square to Mars. A general feeling of agitation turns into feeling manipulated or used in the late afternoon. Fortunately the mood shifts tonight as the Moon is sextile Jupiter and all is well in the world.

Dr. Sherry Henderson founded the Atlanian Mystery Schools, a holistic and metaphysical professional training program for astrologers, spiritual healers, ministers and counselors in 1995. Dr. Henderson teaches astrology, Kabbalah, psychic development, Tarot, world religion and spiritual business classes. She is a practicing Tarot reader & astrologer. Dr. Henderson is the director of The Inner Space metaphysical center in Atlanta, Georgia.
For information on classes or to schedule an appointment,
call 404-252-4540.
6558 Vernon Woods Drive, Sandy Springs (Atlanta) Georgia 30328