

What is going on and what are we becoming?

Oil paintings by Nora Maccoby

She Who Binds and Unwinds Life

Opening: Saturday May 6, 4:00 - 8:00pm

Artist talk: Sunday May 7, 2:00pm

Exhibition Runs: May 6 – June 25, 2023

“I draw and paint portraits, maps, and landscapes of states where form meets formlessness between the light of The Intelligence and the womb of unfathomable dark space. I study the opportunity of existence to evolve and transform, the notion of Internal Activism -that any drive to change the outside must begin within; following the light of The Intelligence, where time and space are the endless playing field for matter to discover itself. I use mathematical signatures of

the lifeforce impulse of evolution to construct models of the individual soul path through life and death and beyond, so that each painting is a portal, a refuge, a sanctuary within the chaos of our epochal transition."

 - Nora Maccoby

Change the Past / Mercy & Redemption

The Balancing Act

The Solar Ship

A Map for Building Happiness

Child of the Universe

Surf to the Earth

Nora Maccoby is a 4th generation artist. She is both lyrical and studied in her work, drawing lines and paths through universal forces of chaos. Nora focuses on individual states of being within the human collective, and unveils our journey of evolutionary consciousness. Within the giant landscapes of time and space, she shows us as the seekers, born of light, surfing the galactic waves of creation. Nora uses the Fibonacci Sequence as the keyhole to any subject born of Nature, including faces, birds, and intergalactic wormholes. She works primarily in oil and collaborates with NOIRFLUX to create interactive light sculpture.

The Becoming

Nora’s work is in many private collections and currently on public exhibition at Ronald Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport in Washington DC. She was awarded the International Leonardo da Vinci Prize in Florence, Italy, and has exhibited at the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Museum, the Women’s National Democratic Club Museum, The Temple University Museum in Rome, with Mark Kostabi, and has been featured in LandEscape Art Review. Nora received an MFA from The American Film Institute. She co-wrote the film Bongwater (1998) and Buffalo Soldiers (Joaquin Phoenix, Ed Harris, Anna Paquin),winner of The Evening Standard Award for Best Screenplay of 2003. Her books, The Energy Conversation: The First 3 YearsIdentity CartographyMaps and Symbols for the Heterarchy, and, The Intelligence, are available on Amazon. Nora's latest collaboration, an Oracle deck of her paintings, Visions of a New Earth, with the Sacred Breath Academy, will be released soon.

The Ancestors


Responsive Painting (or Interactive Painting)

The Architecture of Transition - liquid imagery

An experience of interaction with light, color, form, through a journey of dimension, shape, nature, and oil mixing with water, air, earth, and space.

Virtual Reality - Interdimensional Travel - VR modeling for light sculpture installation of The Architecture of Transition

The paintings become multi-dimensional light sculptures you can walk in and out of/interact. by Nora Maccoby and NOIRFLUX

“New technology allows greater possibilities for understanding time, space, matter, and light. I see the work of drawing and painting in oils to be the architecture in a technique of enhanced perceptual interactivity that enables new worlds of a point of view. In collaboration with NOIRFLUX (www.noirflux.com), whose medium is interaction itself, realized through novel technology implementation responsive to human behavior and environmental sensing, my work in theater, film, technology, fine arts, and moral philosophy have a vehicle for articulating the new realms where science and the divine meet in the evolution of earthlings.”

- Nora Maccoby

Media interviews contact: Cynthia.Scottjohnson@gmail.com 

 Call/Text: 703-309-3826
