JANUARY is National Mentoring Month 
The National Research Mentoring Network was established by the National Institutes of Health to promote diversity in the biomedical sciences. Mentorship is a key component of career advancement, professional development, and establishing an inclusive community. 

#NationalMentoringMonth #NRMNmentoringMatters
NRMN Showcase: Jan Abramson, MS

"After conversations with Dr. Chris Pfund, I and a core group of the NORDP Mentoring Committee entered into larger discussions with Dr. Pfund and others at CIMER to obtain permission to adapt the curriculum for professional staff mentors and mentees. A team from the Mentoring Committee has been working together to create case studies that parallel the ones in Entering Mentoring. It is a great group of dedicated research development professionals; we have been meeting every other Friday morning for the past two years. We have had the opportunity to beta test case studies at NORDP annual conferences, on our campuses, and with the full Mentoring Committee." -Abramson
        Read more... 
Top 5 Tips for a Virtual Mentoring Connection
Whether you're new to the concept of mentoring or you've had mentors throughout your life, finding a new mentor who is the right fit can be daunting. Here are some key tips for starting a virtual mentoring connection:

MyNRMN Enhancements & Highlights
MyNRMN was built from the ground up with the specific needs of our NRMN members in mind.  Our Development Team is always working to enhance the existing features in MyNRMN as well as creating new mechanisms to promote diversity and advancement within the STEM fields via mentoring and networking.
In this issue as we close out Mentoring Month, we want to give a special shout-out to the Ask a Mentor feature and share some recent additions to the MyNRMN features family.

NRMN in the Community
New Publication Alert!
The Science of Effective Mentoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine, and Mathematics (STEMM) 
The quality, vigor, and innovation of the U.S. science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) enterprise depend on increasing the diversity of individuals, research teams, and leadership in STEMM fields. This in turn requires the advancement of women, individuals from racial/ethnic groups historically underrepresented in STEMM, and first-generation students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Effective, high-quality, and sustainable mentoring relationships for diverse individuals across career stages are essential in supporting student success (e.g., performance, persistence) in STEMM fields, especially for many members of these underrepresented populations. 

Upcoming Conferences
NRMN is active in the scientific community. If you are attending, be sure to stop by our booth to say hello and find out more ways to utilize our resources! 

The Department of PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY at the University of North Texas Health Science Center would like to welcome you to the 2nd Women's Cardiovascular and Brain Health Symposium (WCBH2020). We hope that you enjoy the  program  that we have created for you.

Our goals are to a) promote research addressing women's cardiovascular and brain health, b) provide the opportunity for students and postdoctoral fellows to present their work, c) foster regional and local research collaborations, and d) raise awareness about the importance of women's health research. NRMN will have a table at registration. 
NRMN Table: 39

ERN is pivotal in extending the reach of NRMN resources available to the STEM community. 

Dr. Jambor Vishwanatha, and Damaris Javier, will be presenting two workshops at this impactful event. 

Student Mentorship Training Through the National Research Mentoring Network: 
Friday, Feb 7, 2020   10:00am-12:00pm

Faculty Mentorship Training Through the National Research Mentoring Network:
Saturday, Feb 8, 2020 9:00am-10:30am 

15th Annual Texas Conference on Health Disparities
University of North Texas Health Science Center
The overall theme for the conference is  "Community Approaches to Health Equity". Health equity is achieved when every person has an opportunity to reach their full potential and no one is disadvantaged because of social circumstances or health disparities. Racial/ethnic minority populations, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, and rural populations continue to share a disproportionate burden of diseases and adverse health conditions. Because disparities in health outcomes persist among these groups, action must be taken to understand how communities are engaged in identifying and addressing social determinants of health and improve conditions through changes at the local, state, and national level. This conference will provide evidence-based approaches to assess and respond to public health needs, develop a qualified workforce and data-driven models of successful implementation.

Upcoming  Opportunities
"How to navigate the network" 
All webinars will be held at the same time each month for one hour each session.  9amPT/11amCT/12pmET
  • February 17, 2020
  • March 16, 2020
  • April 20, 2020
  • May 18, 2020
  • June 15, 2020
  • July 20, 2020 
  • August 17, 2020

REGISTER for the series HERE

"Transitioning to Research Independence: Funding & Grantsmanship"

Missed the most recent NRMN Webinar?! 

NO PROBLEM! Watch the recording by clicking the link below, and don't forget to subscribe to the NRMN YouTube Chanel to get notifications on the upcoming alerts! Resources
- looking forward to the future.
Please continue to use our resources to maximize your next mentorship journey. 

NRMN Publications

Be sure to read some of our most recent publications as a result of NRMN Phase I funding.  

NRMN Glossary

The National Research Mentoring Network has assembled these terms to help you navigate the mentorship ecosystem. 

NRMN Career Development Webinars

Nationwide consortium of biomedical professionals and institutions collaborating to provide enhanced networking, professional development, and mentorship! Watch these webinars to help you navigate your next scholastic 
Partner with NRMN 
We want to strengthen our mutual missions in order to move the national needle on diversity in STEM and representation of our diverse community. In this regard, we hope to collaborate with you in ways that will be most beneficial to your audience and/or participants. Examples below demonstrate ways we can partner.  We are always receptive to new ideas, so if you don't see something on this list, email  with your concept and our team will work diligently to make that initiative a reality.
  • Partner with NRMN to contribute to a national consortium of biomedical researchers and professionals. 
  • Partner form

We would love to stay connected with you! Don't forget to tag us or use #NRMNmentoringMatters in your social posts! We love sharing our community in action. NRMN also started a Flickr account, so please take a look at some of the accomplishments our community has achieved by joining forces with powerful leaders. 

Editor in Chief: Alexis Short,
Associate Editor: Katie Stinson, 

Partnership Opportunities:
NRMN is part of the

Click here to learn more about this NIH initiative.

Connect with us on
 Social Media
 Email: | Website: