It is just over six years since we introduced the iMRS to the Pacific Northwest.  I am still amazed at the variety of benefits that so many of you share with us.  There seems to be no limit to what daily use of PEMFs can do for our health and wellbeing. 
Dr. William Pawluk MD's new book, Power Tools for Health is a fascinating read that explains why so many conditions respond favorably.  

I have shared some passages from his book (available on Amazon) in the section below. If you want to review the latest research and make sense of why this extraordinary healing tool is so effective, I recommend you order a copy for yourself.  

We look forward to seeing our local owners at our Spring PEMF Workshop on April 14, featuring Dr. Holly Zapf and Melissa West LAc. Click here for more details and to register for the event .

We have been hard at work adding an an owner section to our website.  All of the Pulse Newsletters are archived there as well as helpful articles, research etc.  As always, we love hearing the benefits you have noticed as well as any questions you may have so please give us a call or drop a note to  

Pulse On!


Excerpts from Power Tools for Health - How PEMFs Help You 
by William Pawluk, MD

"Change comes slowly, even with great science.  Our hope is that through such solid science and a reservoir of peer-reviewed studies, we can help empower you to take charge of your health.  Be your own advocate, and the architect of your own health"

" Magnetic Fields affect charged particles, so all the elements or processes of the human body that rely on charge to function can be directly affected by magnetic fields.  PEMFs have been found to enhance the function of cell membranes, helping to equalize the charges on either side and revitalizing the cell."

"Treating the body at a chemical level will typically only help at that level or below.  However, treating the body at an electromagnetic level will affect the entire body, not only at the electromagnetic level but ultimately into the chemical and tissue levels."

"Some of the most basic actions of PEMFs on the body are involved when dealing with heart conditions.  A PEMF stimulus increases nitric oxide productions, which improves calcium ion movement.  These processes alone play a large role in the improvements PEMFs have on the heart.  Other PEMF actions include positive responses of cardiac muscle, the autonomic nervous system, blood vessels and blood viscosity, vasodilation, and microcirculation, among others.  The heart is dynamic, electrically and as a tissue type, and responds readily to an electromagnetic stimulus."

" Yale University School of Medicine studied the use of PEMFs in arthritis, but also found that they could be useful in the treatment of other bone disorders, including osteoporosis."  "PEMFs penetrate bones without any blockage or absorption, meaning they can stimulate the entire volume of the bone in ways that beat almost any other approach".  

" PEMF Therapy has positive effects on calming the brain and on regulating circadian rhythms which have an important role in controlling sleep patterns and cycles.  One four week-week study with 100 people with insomnia found 90% were helped by PEMF therapy "

" PEMFs can't make tissues do anything they aren't natually capable of doing anyway.  Higher intensity and more time do not always get the job done faster or better.  Finding the right balance of time and intensity becomes the determining factor in the success and timing of healing.  It's preferable to do daily treatments with your system as opposed to infrequent treatments".  

"Magnetic Therapy should be applied as soon as possible after a problem begins.  PEMFs can influence acute issues more rapidly than chronic or pathological problems. Consistent use provides the best results."

" When using PEMF therapy, it is important to maintain the proper levels of magnesium in the body.  Magnetic fields cause a great deal of ion motion in the body, especially calcium ions.  Magnesium is what calcium latches on to as it moves in and out of the cell, so a magnesium deficiency may undermine the value of the magnetic field treatment."  

" Based on a plethora of clinical research, both with the express intention of determining safety, and the thousands of studies done  otherwise, magnetic field exposure has shown no important adverse side effects.  PEMFs of wide ranges of intensity and treatment times are safe, regardless of the area of the body being treated, or the gender or age of the patient.  Even pets and other animals do not appear to have issues.  Of course, there are contraindications and a small fraction of people may experience unpleasant reactions.  Unelss expressly stated as a caution or contraindication, such reactions are little more than disagreeable and can be reversed with a protocol adjustment."

We appreciate your referrals!  Nearly everyone who purchases an iMRS is referred by a current owner.  You all are the pioneers - someone you know may be out of hope and ready to hear about PEMF.   Bring them on April 14th, refer them for a complimentary demo or for a rental. We will send you a  "thank you referral fee" when they purchase. 

Warranty Issues and Repairs 

Swiss Bionics has implemented an online repair system and owners are encouraged to submit their own requests for quicker service.

You must have your Customer ID which is located on your invoice, and your Serial Number, located on the back of your console or tablet.  If you cannot find your ID, there is a place to request it when filling out your ticket.  You will then briefly describe your problem and submit your repair ticket.

We are always happy to help troubleshoot your device first, and if we determine that a repair is necessary, we can assist in submitting the repair order.  We are finding, however that it is most efficient if you do it since the office will communicate directly with you to arrange a repair or replacement.  


Helpful Websites
  •  - Hermina Danneil's membership site - highly recommended for healthcare professionals and owners who desire indepth information.
Informational Books
  • Magnetic Resonance Stimulation - Maximizing the Field by Dr. Joel Carmichael  Available for $155 from Dr. Carmichael's office (303)290-8342
  • Power Tools for Health - What PEMFs do for You - William Pawluk, M.D. - available on Amazon or from Dr. Pawluk's website
  • PEMF: The Fifth Element - Bryant Meyers - available on Amazon
  • Healing is Voltage - Dr. Jerry Tennant, M.D. - available on Amazon
  • The Body Electric - Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. - available on Amazon
  • Practice of Magnetic Field Therapy - Dr. Christian Thuile, M.D.
  • The Healthy Conscious Traveler- Dr. Robyn Benson- available on Amazon
Social Media Sites
  • Healthy Space

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  • MRS Community Portland 

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  • PEMF Global 

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