SCCF Releases Red Tide Counts for Sanibel and Captiva
SCCF Marine Laboratory scientists partnered with Captains for Clean Water and the FWC's Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute this week to sample 26 sites offshore Sanibel and Captiva for the presence of Karenia brevis, the micro algae that causes red tide. The team found K. brevis in every water sample.

Most sites had low to medium concentrations of K. brevis, while several had high concentrations. The highest concentrations were located off of eastern Sanibel and northern Captiva.
"Fish kills and respiratory irritation are almost certain at these high levels," said SCCF Marine Lab Director Eric Milbrandt, PhD. "We also found areas on the higher end of medium near South Seas Resort."

The results provide missing red tide counts in the region and will help inform government partners on the scope and intensity of the current red tide bloom, which extends from Manatee County to Collier County.
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SCCF Research Associate Mark Thompson prepares a data sheet before yesterday's 8-hour research effort to document red tide near Sanibel and Captiva.
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